Helping expats settle down in Malta

Hi Rob,

although you can use ATM's with your NatWest account and soon even pay through direct debit ( new EU bank regulation) if you work in Malta you will probably be paid by cheque that you will need to pass into your bank . And using any other bank services (loans,buying real estate, paying with debit card and so on) will be better or cheaper with a local bank.

It can be easy or difficult to open a bank  account in Malta so a standard recommendation from your UK bank will help you set up a new account.

The biggest public banks in Malta are HSBC and BoV with branch offices in all major localities.

Hello, and good afternoon from always sunny Florida.
  I am actually writing on behalf of my friend living in Germany, because she is so shy, but very tired of living there, single woman in her 40s, working hard, kids are out of house, but getting nowhere with life and job too. So I've been helping her to look for better place to start again, and have a nice life without all the stress. Shes been most her life around horses, training and taking care of, so shes not afraid of hard work.
I would like to ask you for your opinion, if she should even try to move over there and start new life, look for work,  maybe start new carrier.  Shes smart, speaks German and fluent English but financially not so great as you know , German economy is very slow too.
  Thank you all for any comments.

Hi there and greetings to sunny Florida ,

here we are having a rainy and windy day today.

Your question is a difficult one to answer as you have not given any real details about your friends qualifications/work situation.If her work background has been with horses it will be difficult to get a job as most stables/riding schools are family businesses and would also pay a Maltese salary for helping hands.

We have a great expat community here in Malta and many members from Germany.In general those who are posted here by their company from other European countries are doing fine work-wise with a high income.If you have to rely on the Maltese work market it all depends on your qualifications and ability to get a job where you don't have to speak Maltese.The average Maltese income is around 1200 € /month with the costs of living being quite European, or in your friends case German, for Expats.

So , bottom line, having to earn a living in Malta might not be as stress-less as your friend would like.

I'm sorry that I can't make a more positive statement but if you give more details on your friends work background it will be easier to make a more definite analysis of chances/risks of moving to Malta.