Car from non-EU country, as part of transfer of residence

The story so far ...

We're shipping a 40 foot container of household goods from Australia to Malta - and within it will be a small car (Mitsubishi Colt), which we've owned for 3 years. We're transferring our residence to Malta, so we expect the vehicle registration tax to be waived (download application form, provide supporting evidence, apply well in advance).

We will arrive 2 months before the container and take ordinary residence. We can also convert our driving licences to Maltese EU driving licences (we have the form for this). We could hold off changing our residence status & licences until we have the car sorted, if that would make things easier.

When the container arrives, the vehicle will be offloaded by the freight forwarder and taken to a depot at Marsa (so we are told). The car went through an MOT today in Aus - but not to EU specs. I'm confident it will need a VRT in Malta.

It may / may not have plates (we have the option of surrendering the Aussie plates before departure, but we think it may be better to hold onto them, to make things simpler for the Maltese authotities).

Australian insurance does not cover Malta, so we couldn't even drive it out of the depot for a VRT - unless we can get some form of policy / cover note from a Maltese insurer beforehand (which would only be useful if the car also had plates - so we think it better not to surrender the Aussie ones). We think perhaps we'll apply for insurance cover locally when we receive a due date for the car's arrival in Malta.

We realise we'll need to prove prior ownership for 2 years, roadworthiness, transfer of residence, insurance and licence - and we'll also have to pay fees for waiver of registration, Maltese plates and road tax.

We'll be glad when it's all over, and it simply gets down to an annual renewal process - but meanwhile, have we overlooked anything?? For example, one website mentioned a need to get a vehicle import permit - but we can't find the form for that or see how / where to apply for one - so perhaps it's out-of-date advice.

I think we've got our heads around the laws - but any advice on procedures, timing, forms etc. would be most welcome. And please correct any incorrect assumptions.


Hi There
I had my car transported here from the UK in February.  The car arrived on the 20 Feb and I arrived on the 22 Feb.  I contacted the depot and asked them to do a VRT for me ready for when I picked it up two days later. You could email the depot and ask if they can do this for you. The VRT will be required when you go to register the car at Malta Transport in Floriana.  I also had to provide a ‘odometer verification certificate' which I got from JEVIC. I don't know if this applies to you coming from Aus. I also had to get a valuation certificate actually from one of the offices at Transport Malta.  As for all the personal documents, I had to provide:
2 years worth of bank statements and household bills,
Previous car insurance certificates (4yrs worth, which I didn't have but did have 4 previous tax discs which I copied for them).
Proof of aquisition/disposal of my property in the UK
Proof of rental agreement in Malta
Proof of ownership of the car
Driving Licence
ID (Maltese)
Copy Passport
They had practically everything except my DNA.
I finally got the car registered as a tax free import, but they charged me 200€ too much, I appealed and won but am now waiting for Malta Transport to send me a cheque for 200€.
When I applied for the tax free registration of my car I was sent a covering letter to say that I could legally drive the car until June, until they had made the decision regarding allowing a tax free import.  I insured my car immediately on the UK plates then just informed them when I got the Malta Reg plates. By the way, the Malta insurance company will require a ‘certificate of No Claims Bonus' from your previous insurer, save time and ask for it now other wise you will be paying a lot more for your insurance.
Be prepared for a long wait at Malta Transport there is always a queue or go very early in the morning.   
Check out any other info on the Malta Transport website.
Hope this helps but I realise it may not be quite the same for you bringing a car from outside Europe.
Regards and if I think of any thing else i'll let you know, or just ask.

Auspom wrote:

We'll be glad when it's all over, and it simply gets down to an annual renewal process

the registration is a one-off, no annual renewal - there is an annual road tax

Thanks Lesley - that's quite a filing cabinet of paperwork!
And a good tip about asking for the VRT to be done by the depot. We'll be in Malta for 2 months before the car arrives, but we might still see if that's possible, as it would save some hassle.

G'day George. I got that about the regsitration being once-off.

Any thoughts about the advisability or otherwise of having foreign plates / no plates on the vehicle when it arrives?

Or getting a cover note from a local insurer before the vehicle arrives? Do people do this in Malta?

Or whether we should hold off getting residence permits, so we can stil drive as tourists while we try to sort out the registration process?

I realise we're not the average EU / UK expats, so this may not fit neatly with what 'most' people need. Thanks for all ideas, thoughts and suggestions.

I think will need the orig plates on the car when it comes, because when you finally get the car registered you have to give Malta Transport the plates in exchange for Malta Plates.  Also you will need the orig reg. for the insurance.  You should be able to drive as a tourist while it gets sorted and that's why they send you a letter as proof that the process in progress, keep the letter in the car just in case you are stopped by police.
I insured my car with Atlas in Ta'Xbiex you could find them on the web and email them and ask for any other advice, I found them very helpful.

Thanks for those tips Lesley.

Hi Lesley,
My wife and I are hopefully moving there in March. I was wondering how you registered your car as a tax free import. So far I have heard horror stories about paying 60% the value of the car. Your case sounds fairly painless in comparison. Any advice would be very welcome.

Kind regards, Mark.

tax free if owned for more than 2 years


Thanks for that. Otherwise some sort of major tax imposed on the car I imagine?....


One thing to be aware of is that once registered ( import duty free) in Malta you cannot sell, exchange,swop or dispose of the vehicle without paying the registration tax and there is no time limit to this rule.  If you are happy to keep the vehicle forever, fine, but it would seem that the only way to avoid paying the tax is to export the vehicle out of Malta and register it in another country and even then if you tell them it has been exported you may be chased for the registration tax.


Hi Mark - I've messaged you a link to the following - see 15.

1. An EU citizens legal rights - residency, working, students
2. what sort of residency is available ?
3. what do I need to apply for if I want to reside in Malta ?
4. do I need to apply for residency before coming to live in Malta ?
5. do I need an accountant to apply for residency ?
6. do I need health insurance ?
6.1 Do I qualify for public health cover, and if I do, what cover do I have ? Are prescriptions free ?
7. can I work in Malta ?
7.1 How much is income tax ?
7.2 How much are social security contributions ?
8. where do I apply for my residency certificate ?
9. where can I get the Ordinary Residency (OR) application form ?
10. where do I apply for my ID card ?
11. what documents do I need to apply for OR ?
12. can I vote in Malta ?
13. buying a property FAQ
14. renting a property FAQ
15. Importing a vehicle FAQ
16. What's the procedure for importing/exporting a pet ?
17. Can I use my driving licence in Malta ?
17.1 Applying for driving licence
18. Long term residency certificate

tearnet wrote:

One thing to be aware of is that once registered ( import duty free) in Malta you cannot sell, exchange,swop or dispose of the vehicle without paying the registration tax and there is no time limit to this rule.  If you are happy to keep the vehicle forever, fine, but it would seem that the only way to avoid paying the tax is to export the vehicle out of Malta and register it in another country and even then if you tell them it has been exported you may be chased for the registration tax.


does dispose also refer to scrapping the vehicle too?

interesting - I have heard / read someone saying that a maltese person fulfilling certain conditions can import a vehicle without paying any tax?

Scrapping also means you have to pay the import duty.
We inquired about the scrappage scheme and were told that we would have to pay the import tax before it could be used in the scheme.