
Money or Love?

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juanes90 wrote:

Love first and money after;
Love is more important than money but I think Love cannot makes long time without money.
Nobody can just eat or live Love.
So love and money can go together.

I agree with that, as we have an old say in my country "if poor comes from the door love jumps from the window" :D:D:D.


My grandfather told me long ago: "Your last shirt  won't have any pockets." Meaning: You can't take nothing with you but your soul.
I loved that man!


Of course money can buy love.

I spend my money on those whom I love, and they love me for spending it, and it makes me happy, to see them happy, with the things I buy for them. So money can buy love, and money can buy happiness.


Ramblingroads wrote:

Of course money can buy love.

I spend my money on those whom I love, and they love me for spending it, and it makes me happy, to see them happy, with the things I buy for them. So money can buy love, and money can buy happiness.

Although, I completely agree with the opposite of that, I have a quick suggestion for you. Try the following:

"not to spend much money on those whom you love, and they will ...... you for not spending it, and it will make you ......, to see them ......., with not buying things for them."

Get back to us and tell us after this experience what did you find out. Tell us if it was real love and also if you still believe that money can buy love.

also don't forget to fill in the missing words as well ;);):D:D.




When the money runs out, will they still love you then ?


I agree with MO totally,,,

I heard this saying from my Egyptian Friend ...When poor come to the door Love jump through the window ...

Money can never give you true love ... doing small things for your man or women ,respecting and excepting each other, trusting each other , many thing give true love ..Many people mistake lust as being love .. My opinion ..


" When the money runs out, will they still love you then ? "

Love is a multifaceted word, with many intrinsic and extrinsic attachments. But I'll give it my own version. Love is, comfort and understanding. With the one who supposedly loves me, being comfortable and understanding of me. From my Western point of view, the money never runs out... When the money runs out, I've run out.. of time and then I'll take my place, among the legions of the dead. I work very hard to build a better life for the ones I love, hopefully a better life than I've had. More importantly if I see results, in their advancing, I feel my love / money has been well spent. Life is fleeting, one doesn't get many chances to make significant change in others lives. In my world, the world I live in, it takes money to do these things.

But to give your question the "Straight Skinny" I hope they... the ones I love will tolerate me, if and when, the money runs out.



Greetings, I appreciate your post!

To not spend money, is not an option. What ever happened to the (universal tenet) no money, no Honey? I don't go for the low end honey, so how can I reasonably expect it to be free. It's not free, the [ Universal Tenet ] holds...

We can delve into all kinds of scenarios, situations, and examples, but it still gets back to "money don't talk, it screams". 

I like for my loves to have things, I'm not rich, I'm not even well off finanically, so I have to, must, work; to give them things. (Love) does not conquer all... undeniably, it's very beautiful in poetry and epic tales. But respect... is far more telling! Financial love / respect is the best, at the present time, "this world" has to offer.

The "Straight Skinny", is, the [ Universal Tenet ], holds...


Prostitution is not love.


" Prostitution is not love. "

What's love.


it depends in some countries you can have a woman for not so much money so it's ok,but in Europe it's too expensive so i prefere love.


Roger that!

Haven't dated a "Western Woman" since 1989, I can't even afford to talk to them. I once asked one for the time of day, she looked at her watch, and said, " sorry, I can't give it to you".


Wonderful.  This site needs more misogynist assholes.


How's the kindle book sales working out for you.

Do they help with 23 year old anger management?

What about life could one (not know) by the time they are 23 years.


ok guys we all have to be tolerant here,you know even misogynist have their place in society,Nietzsche for example was a notorious one and still considered by many as a true visionnary.
    Peace and love!(and money of course)


HaileyinHongKong wrote:

Wonderful.  This site needs more misogynist assholes.


LOL, "lol" it's a statement I rarely use, because though I write in a light hearted jocular manner, If one reads close, I usually mean, and more importantly (think), about what I say.  How quickly you move to the word "hate", your one liners, are written as closed statements,  like a judge's gavel slamming on the bench. End of discussion!     

You say you like to write? Well, when one makes closed end statements, it has the effect of painting oneself into a corner, as in writing oneself into a corner, the writer has nowhere to go. Although putting words into another's mouth, is common on blogs, by pushing your thoughts or deciding for another as to what, or how they think, this kind of dampens down the free flow of thought, and moves from what was actually said, to "another form"... by altering what the original writer said. And that's OK, were all big boys and girls here. But because it changes the dynamics, of the flow of information, it often leads away from the original discussion.       

Not being romantically interested, or not wanting to date Western Women, is light years away from hating them,  you might look at your responses above... Who "sounds" authoritative; judgmental; and yes maybe a bit angry. Is it the Western Woman?     

A little more information, although you've made plenty of post here on the "", there is a *fundamental something*, that you may not understand about an [ ], within the demographics of Asia, and South East Asia. First, most Western Expats here are male, here in Asia proper. Second, (almost) all have left the Western Woman; in the West... They are not keen to drag them along, and drag is the right word because most of them won't / will not, come anyway; because, for the most part the environment is simply too uncomfortable, being away from family, friends, and the life they've have known; and believe me I, like "them", do not want to hear how miserable things are (here) every single day. Clearly I'm being judgmental here, however behind my judgment, is a very large base of undeniable (facts)...most here are male and they did not bring a Western Woman with them. They / We come to Asia, looking for a new life and that again (almost) always involves women of Asia.   

It would be helpful to understand the lions, tigers, and bears, share... of the audience here, Western male Expats in Asia, (what drives us)... You could (perhaps) dwell a bit on reason(s) why; so many Western Expat males throughout the world, don't bring their Western Women with them...There's a "menagerie" of reasons, being multifactorial... in scope, and I have talked about a few of them.

But to change things up a bit an interesting topic would be "Why Western Expats, don't bring Western Women with them to Asia?" Why do Western Expats who's numbers are well (above) the ninetieth percentile, as Expats coming from the West, come alone...     

If ones says they are, or they would like to be--- an actor, a poet, a writer, a prophet, or a king;  then one should try to understand their subjects, know their audience... Whether you agree or not, and (opinions) are wonderful, and make this board interesting, but still, one has the duty; to try and recognize and understand the subjects one is dealing with... Once one starts to think about this, in the more analytical mode, the Western Expat male in Asia is self evident, it's not rocket science, because it's so basic to Western Male Expat experience. All one needs to do to verify, is look around.   

To make statements of  " this site needs more misogynic types " When someone is referring to, and or not wanting to date or be romantically involved with Western Women, as misogynic; it "sounds" like you may not understand the "fundamental nature" of Western Expats in Asia. Why "we" left certain things behind, and what we are seeking "here" in Asia. 

You might think on, or figure on, or come to some conclusions, or perhaps simply recognize... That most the Expats in Asia are happy to be away from Western Women, this, I'll call it a  "truth" is self-evident to me; this is the way I see it, and I could be wrong, but I don't think that I am wrong about this. "We" don't hate them, Western Women; "we" just don't like to compete with them on every front about almost everything.... life is short, we've moved on.

They, the women of the West, are still pretty, sexy, and interesting;  but I, like most Asian transplanted Expats, who's domain is "here" in Asia, and blogs like this blog..."where we live", prefer Asian Women.     

I'm guessing about preferences, again,  here, but I feel there is a large base of self-evident truths, to back up and legitimize my guesses. We prefer the kinder, gentler, less completive, Asian Women. Some like potatoes some like tomatoes, we all have to live and let live... hate, does not factor into the Western male transplanted to Asia idea... Hate for women, is not really a part of the Expat equation, it's really well off the mark in my opinion. In fact I'd argue that it's just about 180 degrees opposite of hate for women. We, as Western Expat Males, are here, looking for women to love...  it simply is what it is.... I don't hate anyone, I do have my preferences, choices, and I choose Asian.     

Thank you for the opportunity to allow me to write, (a-voice), about this, it's important and it's very real.

Samuel Clements, had written that when he was 14-years old, his father was so ignorant he could hardly stand to be around him. But, also, said Clements, that is "Mark Twain", that "in just 7-short years, he was amazed at how much his father had learned". Ha, note, that Twain's (father learned)... 

Or we could move to Steinbeck, "There ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue, there's just stuff that people do"...

And Western Expats have left the Women of The West.     

Have a great day.


freiki wrote:

ok guys we all have to be tolerant here,you know even misogynist have their place in society,Nietzsche for example was a notorious one and still considered by many as a true visionnary.
    Peace and love!(and money of course)


Friedrich Nietzsche, The Anticrist!

A brilliant thinker,

"the opiate of the people, the sigh of the repressed".


must be a balance:)

mas fred wrote:
edvilyn wrote:

Do you agree,that now a days, money is much preferable than love? I mean... people choose rich man rather than the one who love them...

The Beatles sang, "Money can't buy you love".

Seems it can.


Love is important, so woman needs to choose the right man instead of rich man.A women needs a man. then they can support and strength each other. woman just can't do it by herself.
Money is also important, but you can earn it by yourself.


I just read your post.

If in two months time my husband says he wanted to go back to pakistan to live. I would give up my house  to  my daughter (21yrs) leave my job and move with him.
I know it would be hard, would have to learn urdu. And would not be able to go out shopping by myself like i can do here.
I love my husband, trust him and would move to the moon with him.
If i said NO i,m not moving over there, i would live with the regret of not knowing if it would have worked out. If you dont like living in husbands country you can go back home, at lest you have  tried.
If you love somebody you should try and compromise. It takes tow people to make a relationship work.


our choice:)

edvilyn wrote:

Do you agree,that now a days, money is much preferable than love? I mean... people choose rich man rather than the one who love them...


freiki wrote:

ok guys we all have to be tolerant here,you know even misogynist have their place in society,Nietzsche for example was a notorious one and still considered by many as a true visionnary.
    Peace and love!(and money of course)

Nietzsche also hated Jews.  Should we tolerate anti-semitism here?  He probably didn't care much for black people.  Should we tolerate all forms if racism?  How did he feel about child molesters?  I think they should be castrated and spend the rest of their lives in prison, but if Nietzsche liked them, are they cool?


Pawe? wrote:

our choice:)

What's this all about?

Pawe? wrote:

our choice:0

Pawe? wrote:

our Coice:)

Pawe? wrote:

our choice:)


Nietzsche was a strong opponent to anti-semitism,and definitely not a recist,you are wrong ,maybe you should read more,just like the facist youth in the 1930's should have read more of his books,not just rumours.
    I don't know how Nietzsche would have reacted about a child molesters,that is very good question,do you have another one?
    I personnaly think that if he liked them he would not be seen as one of the major philosophers of modern times,does it make sense to you?
    anyway,i took him as an example,i believe he is not the topic we are talking about.

    I love women too much to call myself a misogynist but you may keep your opinion.
    The way i responded to this discussion earlier is due to the  inspiration i get from it:a mixture of absurdity and inanity.
    Please read this question with me and tell me what it really inspires in you?
    is this site the Jerrry Springer show online version?
    I am sorry i don't have more time to spend about this topic,so i will go, regards


You're right.  I should read more.  I should especially work on reading comprehension.  I actually thought you said we should tolerate misogynists and then used some guy who lived in the 19th century as an example of the kind of antiquated thinking we should still embrace today.  Can you imagine that?  As if we shouldn't move forward as a species but should cling to the old prejudices of people long dead and continue to hate each other as we always have in the past.


some people still embrace communism,liberalism,darwinian evolution principle,euclidian geometry and even christianism...can you imagine that? because of some guys!! ohhh myyyyy goddddddd!

    you stated:
  " How did he feel about child molesters?  I think they should be castrated and spend the rest of their lives in prison"
    Please can you read your line again and tell me what is wrong.
    Were you saying something about prejudices?were you talking about misogynism?
    You see, i will tolerate you even if you are obviously more of a man hater than i am a misogynist.bye now.


He either doesn't understand or, more likely, chooses to pretend not to understand.  A little sophistry goes a long way online.


Fine,you have the last word.


Love can be the ends but money fortunately or unfortunately is the means :)


I think it depends upon ones own values and upbringing.


for me i want both and i need both love and money ... no theory for money or love ... but both:/


for me I need both and i want both money and love


Wants and need 2 different things :) unfortunately, we can't have it all


:) Why Not? ...Nothing is impossible


Yes I agree with you. Now a days ladies would prefer to start a life with a ready made man.


Well it is not about a set fortune because( Men, women) can make money herself, himself


It's about real partnership..sacrefise ...patient .....and conviction...


Money answereth to all things as the bible say, but i say money can buy happiness if u know where to shop.
Love can fade but money cant.


wasscky wrote:

Yes I agree with you. Now a days ladies would prefer to start a life with a ready made man.

I prefer to make them from scratch.


chikky3 wrote:

Love can fade but money cant.

Are you sure about that?

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