Registering with NAV


I've looked into working in Norway and coming from an EEA country (UK) it seems that I can come over for 3 months without getting a residence permit but that this will be extended to 6 months if I register with NAV.

However, with more research and reading about people's experience, it seems that they can refuse to register you if you only speak limited Norwegian.

Has anyone had any problems with this? Or has it been OK?


Hi Jenny!

Are you sure you mean to register with NAV? I have to say when I moved over here NAV were of no help at all. I wanted to register with them online so I could try and find a job but I couldn't do that without a person number, and I couldn't get the person number until I got a job.. I had a meeting with them and they didn't really tell me anything useful, just that it would be very difficult/impossible to find a job without speaking Norwegian.

I think what you may have heard may have been in reference to registering with the police. You can come over for 3 months without needing a visa or anything. If you still haven't found a job then you have to register before the 3 months are up, as a job seeker, and the 3 months is then extended to 6. That is what I did. You can register as a job seeker online and then you go and meet in person at your local police station. Here it is on the UDI website:
See 'Duty to report for job seekers'.

: "EEA nationals who are job seekers in Norway must register with the police within three months after entry. It is a requirement that you are registered as a job seeker with NAV. This requirement is  for those who have  previously been employed  in Norway and are now unemployed ( lay-offs,illness, etc). If you have not been employed in Norway before and you are now seeking employment, you only need to be registered at the police.

You can also sign up as a job seeker through the online registration portal and then go to the police for ID control. You then have the right to stay in Norway for six months. You will not currently receive a written confirmation that you are registered as a job seeker. Once you have a job, or other grounds for residence, you are obliged to register. "

Then when/if you find a job you have to re-register as a person with a job and visit the police station again with all of your information (passport, job contract etc). If it is approved (which is most likely will be) then you can stay in the country indefinitely and don't need to apply for any visa/residence permit etc.

Hope this helps! :)

hello all members
after getting job seeker visa for Norway what is the process for pr and than citizenship for Norway plz suggest to me .

N S Patel

you may find some information about NAV at: