Non tourist supermarket in Buggiba/St. Pauls bay

Hello people,
Are there any non tourist grocery stores or supermarkets in St.Pauls Bay/Buggiba area?
Or let me ask this way - What market do you go to for groceries?

Probably Trolleys and Piscopo cash n carry are the best for prices.

The best in price is the Trolleys/GS/Carrefour in Bugibba, but somethings are cheaper in the Piscopo or the Gormina shop. The cheapest in malta I suppose is Smart or Pavi, although I haven't been to Pavi yet.

Piscopo without a doubt.....then maybe Trolleys, then scotts at burmaraad.

MaltaCommando wrote:

The cheapest in malta I suppose is Smart or Pavi, although I haven't been to Pavi yet.

Lidl and Daniels are cheaper (but not in SPB)

lidl are greta albeit have limited choices...also nothing in the north of Malta, Pavi are central and are a mixed bag of prices - i find smarts are expensive