
Buying tampons in HCMC


Does anyone know where I can buy tampons in HCMC? I live in district 1 but willing to travel.

See also

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Your best bet is either An Phu Supermarket in district 2, or the drugstore upstairs in An Phu Supermarket. Quite a few American and other western women shop there. If they don't have them, you may be out of luck because by-and-large, Asian women do not use them. (My wife is Chinese and says she would NEVER use one.)



Tampon is now more popular, you can easy find in supermarket: Coopmart, bigC, Lotte,... just find the nearest for you. I remember a brand name Kotex produce this kind. good luck.


Co-op have them in many of their stores even those in the smaller centres.

We use them for cleaning some equipment and before we had to buy them in TP HCM.

For people who have first aid kits a Feminine Pad is always worth having to minimise blood flow around larger wounds. Also for backpackers.


The grocery at The Manor Apartments have a brand called" Helen Harpet " and it's similar to Tampax ,comes in a variety of size .


you can get tampons from maximart,citimart, the supermarket at VINCOM.It comes in small boxes and the readily available brand is Helen Harper.Hope this can help.


Thanks for the suggestions everyone. This really helped.


Parkson Hung Vuong has the Helen Harper. Its Parkson mall near district 10. I really hope this helps!


DevikaDeRaj wrote:

Parkson Hung Vuong has the Helen Harper. Its Parkson mall near district 10. I really hope this helps!

Check the post date before replying, you just replied to a 5 year old thread.  :D


I read it and found it useful even if the thread is old. :)


My reply was aimed at the fact that the thread is old,so I doubt the OP will be looking for answers 5 years on.