Princess Noura University English teachers?

The PNU covers 91 square kilometers. It includes it's own generating station, water treatment plant, etc, etc. One place where the women's mosque will be larger than the men's. There will be teaching facilities and accommodation for 40,000 students and teachers.
I'll be glad when it's finished and they stop making dust clouds.

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
Very true, indeed. Each morning when I leave home for work I get this feeling that theres a massive fire over the horizon only to realize that its the dust cloud that the construction machines are creating at PNU
I got a phone call today from the princess noura's university offering me a job.. I still don't know what to reply.. After all the things I heared about them; it makes me very hesitant.. Any help?

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
Get a written and signed off contract with everything you expect on it and then go for it.
Really? Should I not worry about the rumors?
I mean all those things said about not paying the teachers and being so unorganized really scares me. Im a very strict and organized person..

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
I dont see any issues with payment of salaries or finance. Most of the issues were with the quality of the accommodation offered based on what was promised during the interviews overseas. No doubt the HR & Admin Department is thoroughly unprofessional and disorganized. But thats quite a common phenomenon in a majority of organizations in KSA. Most folks learn to live with it and manage with the available quality of service. HR is not considered an important factor in most organization in KSA. As long as you are covered by a legal contract of employment and are comfortable with its terms, go for it. If you dont like the job you can always leave.
hi actually i donno about accomodation ..u shuld speak to the management team who has called u here...i would like to know whats the procedure ?how did u apply there ?
please inform me !
Our company is recruiting for the company at runs the pyp program at PNU. I must remind persons with concerns about not being paid by pnu, that firstly most of the people who write saying that they have not been paid, do so omitting the fact that more than likely it is their staffing company that has not paid them and notPNU itself. Having said that, people need to also be aware of what type of company they are apply through, as to whether it is a staffing company, thus having your contract, iqamq, salary etc. come through them or is it a recruiting company, thus having your iqama and such things with the company holding the tender for the pyp program. Now, persons also need to be aware that it is not the university itself that is responsible for the pyp program, which many teachers are being hired for, but it is a private company running these programs. So the university has nothing to do with any mishaps, it is the private company. I also wish give a word of warning to those who get job offers from companies claiming that they can get them here faster on visit visas or the like. Please take the long wait and get a work/iqama from the start. When you come on these quick visas, by law you are not allowed to work and if they don't pay you or something else should go wrong, you can not take them to labour court.

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
PNU is for females only
Yes and I AM a female. Will someone please answer my question? Please please please, it's important to me. Really important. Try to understand.
Hi Aafreen
If you have specific questions please create a new topic on the Riyadh forum to have more chances of obtaining responses and to avoid being off topic on this discussion.
Thanks and regards

Hello everyone,
Ive been offered a teaching english post at princess Noura University, from a company calles the AETG, the arabian education and training group. Does anyone work for this company? if so what are they like, some of the things I've read about them online from other sites are quite negative. Are they good to work for?

CvCircular wrote:Bell International never ran the PYP program for PNU. It is ran by Arab Education and Training group (our client).
All this information i know first hand, as i have been in Riyadh for the passed 4 years.
Thanks for clearing that up, I was wondering how much you know about the AETG and what they are like to work for. I've seen a lot of negative postings on other sites about them but they have offered me a job teaching english on the PYP program at the PNU. What do you think of the AETG?
Thanks very much,

CvCircular wrote:I also wish give a word of warning to those who get job offers from companies claiming that they can get them here faster on visit visas or the like. Please take the long wait and get a work/iqama from the start. When you come on these quick visas, by law you are not allowed to work and if they don't pay you or something else should go wrong, you can not take them to labour court.
I was told by 'Global Recruitment Solutions' who are working for AETG (Arabian Education and Training Group)who just offered me a job that you can only get the iqama when you are actually in Saudi Arabia. Is this not true?
Thank you,
Yes my dear it is still under construction but some residential buildings are deady for living.
For those ladies/gentlemen who are so eager to move to Saudi. let me share with you this : I lived there for a few years teaching at a women's college and believe me IT WAS HELL !!! If you are looking for an ESL teaching position , then maybe you could survive.. but for those professionals with higher credentials, I honestly discourage you as the standards are extremely low over there... Plus there isn't much to do for leisure...
Can anybody tell me the official web address of princess noura university? I am from Bangladesh. My sister is highly interested to admit in this reputed university. I need some information for this reason. Please anybody tell me where can I get the university information.
Hi I have been offered a post at Princess Nora teaching English this coming September _ I cannot find any recent updates on the accommodation situation or the change of Management there.
Does anybody have any information on the current accommodation and what to expect?
I would also be grateful if anybody could throw some light on the change of management there and if things have improved as a result?

Looks like my post was deleted! I wonder why? The truth hurts

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
Have met a few teachers who came in from the USA to teach English at PNU. While most oif the feedback has been negative I still think its worth coming over and doing the initial contract before making any firm decision to remain for a longer period or return home. I am told that things are improving in the HR, Admin and Housing arrangements in recent times, which was the main area of dissatisfaction amongst the ladies who were here before and have left since. Have visited the compound facility and it is quite adeqately equipped for decent living. Not sure about how they manage the place though.
[off topic sorry]
zappinu, your profile shows 1 post, I don't know what you're talking about
[/off topic sorry]
There is no problem of accomodation in the university and compound is ready to use.come and join
Lanara_27 wrote:bbb1-
so I've been told that teachers are put in 3 bedroom villas- 2 bedrooms on the first floor, 1 bedroom on the second. It's in a compound, there's a small pool outside, there is a small fitness center with cardio equipment, and a small billiard table. They provide you with basic utensils, linens, cookery, etc. There is also Wi-Fi on the compound.
regrading the wi-fi or internet access there is as of any new compounds... this is now avaliable in Riyadh and other cities. do not worry. hope you get here safe.
im a student living in dammam.
want to learn the arabic language..
how is the accodomation for students? the office told me that hostel is free
is it true?

As per your profile you are a male and PNU is not for male students
A feminine username with intensions to get admission in PNU can be a female only.
I'm sure someone else will respond to your query fast.
I came across PNU campus through this website
Can anyone residing there in the new campus now update the current status of development
Dr Ganesh
I got an offer as well, but I have a few reservations. I'm wondering if it's really possible to actually leave during the probation period without the uni's approval. As I understand it, the Saudi exit visa system could pose a problem.
You can leave but you'll have to pay for your own ticket and sometimes they fine you for recruiter expense, visa expense, etc.
cairanya wrote:I got an offer as well, but I have a few reservations. I'm wondering if it's really possible to actually leave during the probation period without the uni's approval. As I understand it, the Saudi exit visa system could pose a problem.
Depends what reservations you have... Saudi on the whole works the same is not for the weak hearted in impatient... but if you want to ecperience a difference and can handle a different cultures law and customs and willing to adapt then go for it... otherwise dont waste your time or make yourself feel uncomfortable just for the sake of money.
drkavigg wrote:I came across PNU campus through this website
Can anyone residing there in the new campus now update the current status of development
Dr Ganesh
You have a blue icon so this means you are male. If indeed you are male, you cannot work at PNU. It's an all-female university.
salam i want an IT job/lecturer job in computer science department if there is any job in prince noora university so kindly inform me plzzzzzzzzzz i want it its my need thanks
faralo wrote:salam i want an IT job/lecturer job in computer science department if there is any job in prince noora university so kindly inform me plzzzzzzzzzz i want it its my need thanks
Since none of us work in HR at PNU, how can we tell you this?? Their email is given on one of these threads--I suggest you write to them.
Good luck!
but if therde is any post availible in PNU then plz inform me any administrative job or lecturer post then plz plzzzzzz inform me
hey guys, m looking to take a job in the English department of princess nora university. can anyone help me on whom and when to contact

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
try this site -
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