Seeing a GP at Saint James

Hi all,

I want to see a doctor but don't really like the polyclinics and I know that most pharmacies have private doctors but I've heard that they're generally the same people from the polyclinic.

Has anyone gone to St James hospital to see a doctor? Not like a specialist or anything just for a generals doctor appointment? My knees a bit sore and just wanted them to take a look but would love to know how much people have paid for something similar or if it's better to just go to the pharmacy doctors?


My other half went the other day to St James. To see the Doctor was €25 but it was all the extras e.g Xrays, bloods etc that bump up the bill. In and out in 45 mins. You pay for what you get. Another friend of mine when to Mater Di, seen the doctor admitted for the day as needed and IV for a few hours and antibiotics all for €48.

I went to Doctor at a pharmacist in Msida
For examination and diagnosis €5
Then the cost of the medication by prescription, which was about €7

does everyone hve to pay.
i thought if you uk pensioner/disability beneifts you diidnt have to pay healthcare charges.

any advice on this oen would be good



Hi Linda,

generally speaking , if you go to a private doctor or private hospital like St. James Hospital you have to pay yourself.

If you have a private health insurance that covers you , you can seek re-imbursement. Some private insurances have special contracts and settle the bill directly.

If you are entitled to free health care you have to use the state health care facilities.


I have taken my daughter quite a few times to St James for asthma issues. Generally costs between 10 and 15 euros to see the doctor and then prescription cost on top of that. I have always been happy with everything too.