
800$ per month in Erbil, enough?

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Dear Santoshpraj

USD 3000 p.m. is not enough if u have to manage your accomodation yourself. Please negotiate for accomodation, transportation and medicals.


Hi, I wanted to ask about living and working in erbil, i got a job offer where the company takes care of housing expenses, and pays a salary of 2000$, is it a good or bad offer????


I think I'm the youngest working in dubai for almost 2 years with guest relation department. Have a Good experience with leading hotels of the world for 8 years. I have an offer in a 5 star hotel in bangdad offering me $ 900 as basic, a service charge that you get in top depending on the season. Accommodation and food is offered by the hotel. We happen to be living in the hotel. For a person whose coming to save money n invest at home Is this offer ok for a start. They happen to review salaries after every one year.
Watching news everyday how is security in bangdad???!  please help me out guys thanks


Have friends working security in Baghdad and they tell me their clients have evacuation plans in place and the Australian Embassy there has sent most staff home and is advising against travel to Baghdad.Other embassies are also sending staff out.


Current situation is not healthy in bagdad.
my sdvice is not to come


I agree with fazal bhai


I agree with fazal bhai


I agree about bagdad situation, what about Kurdistan? Erbil & Sulaymaniyah??


Anywhere in Iraq is not considered safe now even though there are areas with no fighting. the fighting could easily spread.


thanks.. agreed. my bags are packed and ready to go....


hi dear sanaz. it is great . 800 in a month . i have work in iraq/ erbil just by now for 25000 dinar in the day. thats equal 20 dollars. our payments are daily not monthly. so that job recommented to you is very suitable and clean and have good money khoda shahede. our job is difficult( kargari sakhtemoone dige) roozi 25000 dinar midan unam age barroon nabare va betunim kar konim  khodam alan daram be ye kare dige fk mikonam . if you contact to me i will help you in erbil and if you find for me a job i will accept all of your conditions to working with you. all of your conditions. all of your terms. will be accepted i promise. alan urumiye am 4 rooz dige miram dobare be arbil. thanks.



Welcome to the forum.

You have posted on an old (2014) inactive thread so will not get a reply. I suggest that you open a new thread.

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@confidential. It is good


@Mkatunge thanks for everything


It is nice to work here


@jatebu1992 Hello,

Please note that you are participating on an old thread. Most members are not active. What kind of information are you looking for ?

Consider opening a topic of your own on the Iraq forum to seek advice from members.

All the best




Hi Sanazi, as welcome here in Iraq, if the employer will take care of your accommodation and food expenses that will handle more than %70 of your spends, so if you want (yes, no)  answer, the answer is(yes) its more than enough, but if you ask is it a good salary or not, for sure you will get better  salaries in 5 stars hotels and in international companies or NGOs, if local companies the do not pay much.

My advice is you should accept the offer stay for a while such as 1 year or more to check the market to have crystal clear view.

You can DM if you need any help

All the bes


@sanazi Dear Sanazi , first you should consider the work place , is it a 3 star or 5 star hotel.

on the other hand and in order to live a comfortable life you would need a salary of 1500$ .provided food and accommodation mobile are part of the benefits .

good luck



@sanazi hello, honestly speaking salary is not matching with position, at least they have to pay you double. But is fine if you are jobless till find another job with higher salary.


@sanaziI was there in 2012 and its really cool place. I have worked in Saudi, Oman,Iraq, Malaysia and been to UAE. Worked in Soran and Ranya, and been to Erbil on weekends.(caught bus from Ranya about hour or so away in share cab and cost around $4-5 if I remember correctly), Anyhow it really wasn't strict and women dress western in both classes I taught and in public. Great place but $800 really seems low,too low.