
Do you believed in a long distance love affair?

Last activity 09 January 2014 by Adauto

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LDR is  not a relationship as it's not healthy and impossible to go through for two people who rarely see each other in person!

However if some people can work it out ( this is very rare ) then it needs commitment and trust :-)



I must be a rarity then !! I sometimes do not get home to my wife and family for more than 3 months yet we get by okay.


Yeah, it's difficult to keep for long!

stumpy wrote:

I must be a rarity then !! I sometimes do not get home to my wife and family for more than 3 months yet we get by okay.

Are you ? Lol...congrats stumpy !

Tamle1984 wrote:

Yeah, it's difficult to keep for long!

Hang in there Tamle1984 !


I agree with you

stumpy wrote:

I must be a rarity then !! I sometimes do not get home to my wife and family for more than 3 months yet we get by okay.

Not only rare, but impossible according to some of these people.


As rare as rocking horse s##t


it is difficult to have LDR but it can work. My husband and I were in LDR for 8 years before we moved together...


yea,it doesn't's happen to me! got nothing finally.


not believe,never works 'cause at the end it will never happen.


Yes it s work, I am the living proof, my husband and me were long distance love affairs and we waited 5 years to get married now we have 10 years marriage and 3 kids, we are very, very happy. God bless you all.

JasfurJQ wrote:

If you really destine to each other, why not.

Been there tried that, they don't work.


That all depends on the people. If the bond is strong enough and will not be broken by any internal or external interference, long-distance relationship is alright. However, it doesn't necessarily mean each person in the relationship shouldn't get freedom. As long as the person have self-control, he or she can enjoy life, partying with friends or so. In this way, no matter how far away each person will be, their love bond can be maintained.


If long distance relationships don't work because one didn't work for you, does that mean short distance relationships don't work if one didn't work for you?


I had one, but didn't work out.


I could work out if the 2 person willing to fight for it. ;-)


yes definitely


It is hard and quite painful.. tried once.. failed.


I have one and that is so far working. I don't know what will happen when it become short distance in near future lol.pnglol.png


If there is a LOVE there is WAY,wether its long distance or near by ....when no love and got married they divorced depends what is the chemistry between them....recently one of my friend and his girlfriend separated by saying each other we dont see any future....because they both live in different countries and their relationship was 6 year old....


Yes i do..


I think it may works but with few people who are honest and true...


A lot of the time depends on culture. Asians, Chinese and Indians find it easier if religious. Westerners with more individualistic values and "pleasure before duty" and "marriage/relationships are about love" attitudes find it a lot harder.

But practically I do note prostitution helps with many men. Lots of LDRs in Asia (and keeping marriages together) is supported by prostitution. Men seek sex when away rather than break up with fiancee's/wives. In the west a man strays he is more likely to have an affair that is sex and love. In the East it is sex only (in majority of cases).

Well at least it seems that way to me as prostitution is so rife in Asia, India and China (granted lots in West as well, but less) but in Asia seems to be recognised as a mans need (along with the good-bad girl thing - existed in Victorian and earlier UK). Many wives turn a blind eye or find out when they get a STD (I was talking to a divorce lawyer in Malaysia who said that is so common for couples she sees).

I do think religion then prostitution holds together Asian marriages whereas in the west individuality and love/fun focus of a relationship breaks up marriages. Not saying what I think is best, just some observations. A certain % of men will always stray regardless of culture. But how and what effect that has does differ. And research I saw about prostitution in UK even there shows it is mostly married men who see regularly the same prostitute. That surprised researchers who assumed it was a variety thing. But seems it is more likely to be a save the marriage affair - no complications of love.


I do believe in LDR, I have been working away from my wife since we got married. I only see her a month per year, sometimes a month every six months. It works for us, we are now 10 years happily married.

Oh, by the way, I never had sex with a prostitute, nor to any other woman. smile.png

leeramtan wrote:

I do believe in LDR, I have been working away from my wife since we got married. I only see her a month per year, sometimes a month every six months. It works for us, we are now 10 years happily married.

Oh, by the way, I never had sex with a prostitute, nor to any other woman. smile.png

Great and try to be like that ....honesty and loyalty towards wife is good.


Im doing it right now 7 month ago we were together in Davao and its becoming difficult trust and pressure to solve problem immediately  difficult to communicate without being face to face we still believe but it is getting harder no doubt


Its really harder and tough when you are not talking face to face to express and explain but the only knot is love which will carry both of you towards your destination.


thankyou anil for your kind words maybe love will conquer all


You are welcome brother and its true love will conquer all


I have to. My daugther will be in another country for one long year.

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