Lonely on my birthday

Hello fellows, this fridayŽs my birthday, IŽm in my early thirties, and have no plans in town,how about you?

Hi Mendoza,

happy birthday!!

where are you living now?

if in Vietnam, we will have birthday together

enjoy life!!


ngoc them

Hello nerdintown.

Happy Birthday to you. :cheers:


Thank you both for your replies, I am currently living in Mendoza, which is my home town, but I donŽt know that many people around, so IŽm kind of lonely and therefore have no plans for this evening. Besides, IŽm feeling kind of old, since IŽm turning 33!!!

Hi friend,

haiza, you just turn 30s, you think you are old.

how do yout hink people 90s.?
every stage of life have own their features. try to go out and have fun.

the life is not long as we think.

you are in your town, it yours. why you lost it, let go and invite some friends to have small funny things.

hope you have fun with your hobby.


ngoc them

I know its a bit late but I want to tell you happy belated birthday and also that I am a foreigner living here in mendoza as well (just arrived back after working 5 months in Europe)  and well I do not have many friends here that are not friends of my boyfriend so if you want to get together anytime to hang out, trade books, talk in english.... I would love it.  Just send me a message.  Chauuu

omg!!! finally found a website where i can talk to ppl who are living in argentina who are from the usa. whats up ppl!!!:D

I know I'm really late and I definitely understand how lonely it can feel being an expat so I'd like to say Happy (Extremely belated) Birthday!!!! I live in Cordoba but feel free to e-mail me. You have a friend in Cordoba.


Thank you, fellows, really great to hear from you, always a pleasure