English speaking theatre in Vienna


We're Sarah and Joanna and we're two expats in Vienna who run an English speaking theatre group!

We're always looking for people to get involved with us - so, if you love theatre, want to meet new people and share a love of theatre then please get in touch! It's a great way to get to know new people from Austria and all over the world.

We have a Facebook group: facebook.com/viennatheatreproject or you can e-mail us on viennatheatreproject@gmail.com.

Our next show premieres in October - details are up on Facebook :)

Hope to hear from you!
Sarah and Joanna!

Hello Sarah and Joanna.

Welcome to Expat.com! :)

You should post an advert in the Activities section in the Vienna classifieds. It should help.

Thank you,

Hi Aurélie,

Thanks! That's great - we will do! And hope to see you there?!

Sarah and Joanna x