
5 good reasons for living in Germany

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if someone asks you the best reasons for making the choice to live and stay in Germany, what would be your top 5?

Thanks in advance for participating,


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Living in Germany: the expat guideLearning German LanguageMoving to Germany on an Opportunity VisaNew members of the Germany forum, introduce yourselves here - 2025How to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in Germany

I don't about that and I have no idea about that.


G-telware wrote:

I don't about that and I have no idea about that.



I don't understand Armand what you have written in reply ?


G-telware : Your first post is more incomprehensible i guess.


No It was easy to understand, Actually I didn't live in Germany that why I have no idea about that. Thats what I am saying in my first reply. Hope now you will understood.


Julian, that is a very interesting question indeed. I have been pondering over my answers all morning and to be totally honest, I have struggled to come up with a suitable response...but here goes anyway:1. The very poor are looked after. 2. Good education for my children at no cost. 3. Very little crime where I live 4.The bread 5. Religion and state are seperated. As you can see my response is more from a practicle side than a fun or enjoyment percpective, which is sad in a way. May I ask what are your 5 most favourite things about living in Germany?


Germany is a lifeless place where progress and development are illusionary.  The Germans are ill braggards with little to no substance behind their claims of superiority.  The place just awaits innovation from abroad, mainly Asia and the US.  Security takes priority over living and the Germans have really little to nothing to add to the world.  They are experts in covering up their mistakes and feigning perfectionism.  Nothing really works in the country properly.  Germans constantly put others down as well as their own.  They are selfish, greedy and extremely narrow minded.  An institutionalized social welfare system is necessary because, on their own, they would help no-one but themselves.  They, unfortunately, don't even make good companionship.  Plus, they are simply rude and inconsiderate.  My opinion is the result of more than 10 years of living here and melting into social stagnation.  Waste your life somewhere else ;)


So Jimusa I am guessing you are not a happy camper. Your perception of all Germans is exactly that, a personal perception and such a generalization of 80 million is ignorant at best. I do agree however, that certain cultures are inherently less friendly to start(try the Koreans for a cold shoulder) but break down those cultural barriers and you will be pleasantly surprised. Change your attitude and people from any culture are bound to respond in kind.



To note that the thread title is 5 good reasons for living in Germany. A new thread with the negative points will be launched soon. ;)

@jimusa - Maybe you can share 5 good reasons for living in Germany with us. :)

Thank you,


Danke für die Informationen.


@G-telware - In english please on this English speaking forum! :D

Thank you,



That's exactly what I am trying to say.  There are no good reasons to live in Germany, especially when you have so many more interesting places to choose from.  I would only recommend living in Germany if you have no other choice.  For example you were born here and your family is here or perhaps you are a refugee from Afghanistan.  I used to say the beer was the reason I came, but then found much better outside the borders. There is little to no professional opportunity in the country for someone to really climb the ladder.  Someone rather wise, who had never even been here before, said to me... "Germany is a place to go when you have nothing to offer the world."  And, I would say that nowadays it's not even a good place to go if you have nothing to offer.  The worst of it too is that you have to listen to the constant comparison to other countries and cultures implying that Germany is better.  They try to make foreigners ashamed of their nationality.  "Foreigner" = "Auslander" is considered a dirty word or a term of abuse and very insulting in the German language/culture.  The country has a massive complex that it will not shed in my lifetime.  Once Germany is disqualified from a World Cup or European Championship in football, 20 million fans stop watching the championship...they change the channel and the cafe's with their big screen TVs sit empty during the final game.  I'll keep trying to think of a good reason and let you know when I find one :)


jimusa: Interesting posts coming from somebody who has lived in Germany for 10 years AND IS STILL THERE!!!
So there must be SOMETHING that keeps you?



Change your attitude and people from any culture are bound to respond in kind.

Spot on!


Thanks Corrine F, Thanks a ton for understanding.


Well.. Jimusa's quite the complainer. Perhaps if you didn't have such a negative attitude you'd go better. People need to view things positively to get anything out of it.
My 5 reasons to live there:
1. A boring but vital one, healthcare is brilliant. Everyone is looked after.
2. There are so many beautiful, cute little towns, once you leave the cities.
3. Living is relatively cheap. AND you can paint your rental flat, something I couldn't do without asking in my home country.
4. Great public transport, always a bonus.
5. Nice people. Which, I know, sounds odd. But, my German fiance and I will be chatting in the shops and go up to pay, and they speak in English to us lots of the time, trying to be polite and helpful. Sure, some Germans take a while to crack but if you just be nice to them, they'll be nice to you. I think alot of the time people slag them off as rude because THEY don't make the effort themselves.

Germany is a great place. It has some problems, but every country does. My advice is, if you don't like it, leave!


Yes, I know Germany is a great place, Once I had be to that place.


[Moderated: Off topic]


I am Getting Married to German (not quite sure this is politically correct) next week and we plan on satying in Germany. Yes we have the choise to live in the states with but the 5 good reasons I love Germany,

1. The education for my daughter is outstanding. They just dont pass kids along here. And her college is paid for.

2. The healthcare here makes sense. Although Im still learning about the social system, not first hand< i could see how others may not thinks so.

3. I have come to enjoy that everything is a slower pace. Shops being closed on Sunday and Holidays. No big sales to rush to. The fact that friends and Family still get out on these days and do things together.

4. I have found almost everyone to be friendly. No matter where I go.

5. I thought Germany was behind on things. I was wrong on many. Their recycling program is unbelievable. I love seeing it got he way it was meant to. Some of their computer programs and technology surpasses what I have seen in the states.

I know as an American it can be hard to live in a Forgien country with such strict policies and regulations. I have been dealing with it just to be able to saty here after we get married and my daughter as well. Just to attend the school system. But you start to learn things and adjust after a time. It really is a nice place to live and every country has their bad parts when it comes to things.


Chao Wong, Perfect reasons, I also like the same.



Alles ist so schön hier.  I came to this country with the most open mind one could have, in fact I had German in school in southern California, completely against the grain.  And, I loved Germany for all the reasons given, in the beginning.  It seems you don't need a car with all the trains and buses, lots of cute little cities, sexy wild German women, but then over time the darkness showed its bright side to me.  The trains and buses are almost never on time. I had to pay for a flight to the USA twice because of the Deutsche Bahn.  When you have important appointments to catch, DO NOT rely on the train.  Buy a car, but then, avoid the Autobahn because the construction is, at best, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.  It takes them about 5 years to repair 100 meters of sidewalk these days and they close off all the roads in all directions to get it done, and then the construction crew leaves the construction site to go on holiday for a year or longer.  (For Choa Wong...German women are extremely seflish and BRUTAL especially if you don't meet their demands.  Try the Polish, much more loving and loyal).  The cute little cities all become the same and are boring as heck as nothing is open half of Saturday and all of Sunday (at least 52 days a year, it's dead pants as they say).  Compare Krakow, Poland on Sunday, the post office is open 7 days a week 24 hours a day. It all looks so neat and rosey in DE at first...It's not only about the people, although they play a major role. 
If I were you Brittany26, I'd go back to Australia before it's too late.  It offers so much more.  I spent the last weekend in Scotland.  My God, what a difference! 
But, there is one good thing I will add to the list:
Nice trees.


Thank you for expressing your views, also for reply.


Hello all!!  Hope this tread is still alive!  I moved to Germany some time ago...Leverkusen to be exact, it sits right along side Köln.  I LOVE IT HERE!  To start off with, my 5 favorite:

1. The food lol
2. The people
3. Very outgoing towards Americans
4. Many opportunities to make a great income
5. Healthcare system

One thing I noticed though is that Germans are lousy tippers lol.  I went to an icecream shop with my fiance (who is German) and we managed to rack up a 27 euro bill hahaha!!  Anyways, after we paid she only tipped the girl 1 euro, I was like WTF lol.  So I walked up to her and handed her 7 euro tip.  She wore the biggest smile and jumped up and down.  Hahahaha.  My fiance got a little irritated by my kindness and I told her she just needs to deal with the fact that a little kindness goes a long way!!  She soon saw my point of view on it.  Sorry for my long windness!  Take care all!!!


Idahoguy wrote:

One thing I noticed though is that Germans are lousy tippers lol.  I went to an icecream shop with my fiance (who is German) and we managed to rack up a 27 euro bill hahaha!!  Anyways, after we paid she only tipped the girl 1 euro, I was like WTF lol.  So I walked up to her and handed her 7 euro tip.  She wore the biggest smile and jumped up and down.  Hahahaha.  My fiance got a little irritated by my kindness and I told her she just needs to deal with the fact that a little kindness goes a long way!!  She soon saw my point of view on it.  Sorry for my long windness!  Take care all!!!

Well, in comparison to other nations we might be lousy tippers but the waitresses here make much more money than they do in other country. They don't depend on the tips to make their living. It's additional money. While one Euro indeed is not much (I'd rounded up to 30) 7 Euros is way to much. No wonder she gave you the biggest smile. About 10% is appropriate, more than that is very generous.

Other than that it is very interesting reading some of your opinions.
Jimusa, have you ever been to South America? You'd never complain about German public transportation after that. I learned that the hard way.

If I'd have to give five reasons for living in Germany they were:

1) We have many big cities instead of only one mega-city. So Jobs can be found in many regions of Germany instead of only the capital area.

2) The food (sorry, but I almost died without the German bread)

3) Public transportation (as stated above)

4) Proximity to many other European cities.

5) Ecological conscionce


jimusa wrote:

Germany is a lifeless place where progress and development are illusionary.  The Germans are ill braggards with little to no substance behind their claims of superiority.  The place just awaits innovation from abroad, mainly Asia and the US.  Security takes priority over living and the Germans have really little to nothing to add to the world.  They are experts in covering up their mistakes and feigning perfectionism.  Nothing really works in the country properly.  Germans constantly put others down as well as their own.  They are selfish, greedy and extremely narrow minded.  An institutionalized social welfare system is necessary because, on their own, they would help no-one but themselves.  They, unfortunately, don't even make good companionship.  Plus, they are simply rude and inconsiderate.  My opinion is the result of more than 10 years of living here and melting into social stagnation.  Waste your life somewhere else ;)

If it's so horrible in Germany, why the **** are you still there ???


Aurélie wrote:

A new thread with the negative points will be launched soon. ;)

That's sarcastic funny ! Awesome!


Brittany26 wrote:

5. Nice people. Which, I know, sounds odd. But, my German fiance and I will be chatting in the shops and go up to pay, and they speak in English to us lots of the time, trying to be polite and helpful. Sure, some Germans take a while to crack but if you just be nice to them, they'll be nice to you.

i'm not sure about this point. Please tell me which city is this i'm coming to see this miracle.


jimusa wrote:

For example you were born here and your family is here or perhaps you are a refugee from  Afghanistan :)

Another funny quote !


C'mon guys! Germany is my plan B in case my plans go wrong. I'm trying to stay positive
für Götter willen !!


Sorry Hericles, I'm now back in Germany permanently and I have nice people in my village. They try really hard to speak English and don't frown upon me for not being able to speak Deutsch. They are always willing to help me better my speech. I don't find it lifeless unless you choose to live this way. My Husband is German and we always have fun doing things here, without all the drinking and partying. Its only as good or bad as you make it.


Hey AutumnRose it sounds like Stuttgart is a nice place in Germany.


Autumn Rose, that is exactly what it is. Germany is a great place to live. No nation is perfect and you always have to do the best to enjoy it.

Also, what other nations regard as unfriendly, we consider "straight forward". I lived two years in a country where nobody told you anything to face. So you never knew when somebody was upset or when you did something wrong.

I actually prefer living in a place where you can trust in people. They'llt let you know, when they're upset.


Health Care is great after coming from California.  But for a Californian is very difficult to adapt here, people are most of the time very rude and not laid back.  They do like Americans but oh boy, imagine you are from Eastern Europe, even being an engineer, it is no fun.  However I am here right now for teh health care.


Good day,

Reading all comments, negative and positive I have to say to those so negative...

Why not trying to see the bright side, we are all adults and most of the time we make our own choices? I am not going into any politics for what reason each and everyone of us are in Germany.

The question posted by Julien should be seen in a positive light. I agree with Jonno 1964 and I am married to a German that would be my 6th reason.

So Julien, when are you going to share your 5 reasons?



Oh I see, he only creates the SpArK?


Exactly !
Do you agree with the opnions above?



Just to remind you that this topic is on " 5 good reasons for living in Germany". Please concentrate on the initial topic.

Thank you,
Christine team


Hi Hericles,

I keep my nose clean :)

I will only engage in discussing my opinions with people I know very well. Every person have different experiences in life and it is what you make of those experiences.

I do have my negative days but I am in Germany now and have to life my live and not waste it on dwelling in the past.



Hi Julian,

I am living in Germany as a student for 1 year now, therefore I observed a little bit how is it living here.

I am going to make my ranking from the best reason to the less good one.

1. Security
2. Education
3. There is a logical reason behind every administrative law or rule.
4. People respect the level of intimacy you are willing to create with them.
5. However it is difficult to be friends with Germans at a glance, you need time for it, I like the spirit of help, even if they do not know you. I would call it a good standard of civilization.

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