Has Salman Gone Missing?!?

I am looking for his face on milk cartons!

yeah, it looks like he has some sort of a tent here in the forum!

maybe he is camping some where in the desert... I just came back it is great :cool:

you were close Desert Storm. lol.

thanks Allie, you can cancel that request you made to the Milk factory. :P:happy:

Maybe he was collecting tips on the highway?

Or Maybe He was collecting Goat skin :D

Lol! it's eid holidays everyone, gimme a break.

I was staying away from my computer spending more time with the family .. hmm, and a bit with my books, gosh I missed them. :P

Thanks for the concerns, oh, and you don't have to tell us so bluntly what you were upto these holidays. :lol:


What does 'collecting goatskin' mean?

as you might of heard these holidays are called "Eid of the Sacrifice". hence many goats are sacrificed and mostly done by the civilians them selfs, then they share the meat with family friends and the needy. but they can't just hand over the meat without preparing it, like taking off the skin cleaning the guts and cutting it into convinient pieces to devide it amongst everyone. so where does the waste go? the humble garbage barrel has to take it all, and when full the goat skins and other accessories will be just laying "around" the garbage. goat skins can be really profitable, if one is to clean them and dry them properly, they can be sold for costly prices. now doing all that might be hectic for one family, and selling off just one might not be worth the trouble hence no one really care about them... except for some "collectors" (I'm guessing SaQiB is a collector :top: ) go around hoods collecting tons of these skins and processing them and making good money out of it.

thats salmans edition of: explanation on the goat skin *sound effects; Thunder*