
how to forget someone

Last activity 17 January 2014 by phanbamboo

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princess sandra

Dear All..

this is supposed to be private problem, but anyway i can not dealing with this, and i need advice from you guys.
few months ago i met a guy from British, he is nice and friendly.
in short we are very close each other, for that said we in relationship, but early October he moved to India and "leave" me he told me to forget him and move on, but God dammit, he is everywhere sad.png how should i forget him? any good advice for me.


Welcome Princess Sandra, ok the guy said forget him and move on. Whatever the problem between you and your ex-BF you should accept the reality and the consequences, think that his not the only guy in this world. Focus on what you are doing before he entered your life. In short back to normal. Waste all things that makes you remember him, cause somethings aren't for keeps and things sometimes leaves scars. Enjoy life, people come and people go you should know that. Whatever the reasons on parting each other both must respect the decision. goodluck smile.png


I should be able to give great advice on this subject, but I did it so well that I can't remember.


Hi Princess Sandra,

To be able to forget him you must be able to do exactly what Emman said. You must throw away anything that reminds you of him or your time together. Stop going to places you went with him, go to new places and meet new people, do new things.

The end of a relationship is never easy, but it is survivable. It is only a real problem for 'needy' people who must find themselves in the eyes of others. You have to live for yourself, realize that your happiness does not depend on somebody else. You are responsible for your destiny and your happiness.

Stop the 'if only' thinking habit. The past is HISTORY which can't be changed no matter how much you dwell on it. Don't worry about the FUTURE, what you think about  most or worry about may never happen. That doesn't mean stop making plans... just stop worrying about the future, it will come along no matter what we do. Live for today, make every moment count because today is all we have, it's a gift........ that's why we call it the PRESENT.

Just remember that men are just like buses! You miss one and you are upset for a while. But, another one will come along in a few minutes and you will catch that one. Nothing in life happens without a reason. You must look at your relationship with your ex-BF as a learning experience, grow from it.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog


I think wjwoodward said it very well one.png

Another way to forget is, to get BUSY ... Being busy will give you the chance to get over anything in life.

Just remember When God closes a door, he opens a window, but it's up to you to find it.


[Moderated: Communicate by PM please]


Romantic relationships can be really complicated and may even end with a bad breakup. The worst thing about these "sad endings" is that at least one heart ends up broken. Mending a broken heart takes time and patience. But you must face the fact that your heart is broken. It doesn't matter if you wish things could be different or if you even regret something you did.However here are some advice just for you.
-Accept the process
-Take good care of yourself
-Cry out everything you have to cry about
-Get busy
-Spend some time with your friends
-Go out and see some different faces
-Avoid any kind of romantic regrets towards him.


Princess Sandra,

When a relationship ends, especially if it ends badly, many people tend to lose their self-esteem and self-image. This can result in a situational depression if not treated quickly. In many cases one can avoid the onset of this kind of depression by simple, non-medical and non-pharmaceutical self help. One thing that is always good is 'positive self-talk'.

Here are two simple things that you can do in order to quickly regain your self-esteem. They are so simple that they may even sound silly to you, but they are tried and true methods that have an almost 100 percent rate of success. They are recommended by many counsellors and therapists because they are so effective.

Number 1

Start today and make a written list, write down FIVE (5) things about yourself that you really like and say them out loud. Tomorrow write down FIVE (5) different things on the same list and then say all ten out loud (with conviction). The next day add another FIVE different things to the list and again recite all fifteen things out loud, like you REALLY mean them. Keep going adding FIVE new things every day and repeating the entire list of characteristics each time. Each new day it gets harder and harder to find good things and you will have to really examine yourself closely to find them. Why does this work? It's simple, it works because we all tend to find our faults very easily, while we overlook our good points or minimize them. When we look in the mirror we see a different person than those around us see when they look at us because we have a warped mirror. It is warped by our own perceptions which in most cases are totally wrong. This exercise will help you find 'the perfect mirror' that we all should have.

Number 2

Write down a list of your HUMAN RIGHTS, the things that you deserve to get out of life. Things like.... I deserve to be happy. I deserve to be loved. I deserve respected. I deserve to be noticed for who I am and the things that I have accomplished. I deserve to have fun. I deserve to have good friends. etc. etc. etc.

Tape this list to the mirror in your bathroom. Every time you go into the bathroom to brush your teeth or for other reasons (hopefully at least 3 times each day) stand in front of the mirror looking yourself squarely in the eyes and recite the list with conviction that shows you feel those things deep down inside.

If you do these two things faithfully, don't let up, don't miss out you will find that in a very short period (in some cases just a matter of a few weeks) you will have recuperated a great deal of your self-esteem and self-image and that you are a very different and much happier person than you are right now.

Try it!!! It works!!! You can thank me later when you are back to being the wonderful person that I'm sure you really are.

Just remember that living each day is like wearing a backpack while walking across a huge field strewn with rocks, both big and small. The rocks are our problems and every time we encounter a problem we pick up that rock and put it in our backpack. Every time we deal with a problem, don't avoid it or put it of to another time, every time we resolve a problem we get to take a rock out of the backpack and throw it back on the ground. The object in life is to get to the other side of that huge field with an empty backpack or at least with as few rocks as possible in it. Think about it.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog

wjwoodward wrote:

Princess Sandra,

When a relationship ends, especially if it ends badly, many people tend to lose their self-esteem and self-image. This can result in a situational depression if not treated quickly. In many cases one can avoid the onset of this kind of depression by simple, non-medical and non-pharmaceutical self help. One thing that is always good is 'positive self-talk'.

Here are two simple things that you can do in order to quickly regain your self-esteem. They are so simple that they may even sound silly to you, but they are tried and true methods that have an almost 100 percent rate of success. They are recommended by many counsellors and therapists because they are so effective.

Number 1

Start today and make a written list, write down FIVE (5) things about yourself that you really like and say them out loud. Tomorrow write down FIVE (5) different things on the same list and then say all ten out loud (with conviction). The next day add another FIVE different things to the list and again recite all fifteen things out loud, like you REALLY mean them. Keep going adding FIVE new things every day and repeating the entire list of characteristics each time. Each new day it gets harder and harder to find good things and you will have to really examine yourself closely to find them. Why does this work? It's simple, it works because we all tend to find our faults very easily, while we overlook our good points or minimize them. When we look in the mirror we see a different person than those around us see when they look at us because we have a warped mirror. It is warped by our own perceptions which in most cases are totally wrong. This exercise will help you find 'the perfect mirror' that we all should have.

Number 2

Write down a list of your HUMAN RIGHTS, the things that you deserve to get out of life. Things like.... I deserve to be happy. I deserve to be loved. I deserve respected. I deserve to be noticed for who I am and the things that I have accomplished. I deserve to have fun. I deserve to have good friends. etc. etc. etc.

Tape this list to the mirror in your bathroom. Every time you go into the bathroom to brush your teeth or for other reasons (hopefully at least 3 times each day) stand in front of the mirror looking yourself squarely in the eyes and recite the list with conviction that shows you feel those things deep down inside.

If you do these two things faithfully, don't let up, don't miss out you will find that in a very short period (in some cases just a matter of a few weeks) you will have recuperated a great deal of your self-esteem and self-image and that you are a very different and much happier person than you are right now.

Try it!!! It works!!! You can thank me later when you are back to being the wonderful person that I'm sure you really are.

Just remember that living each day is like wearing a backpack while walking across a huge field strewn with rocks, both big and small. The rocks are our problems and every time we encounter a problem we pick up that rock and put it in our backpack. Every time we deal with a problem, don't avoid it or put it of to another time, every time we resolve a problem we get to take a rock out of the backpack and throw it back on the ground. The object in life is to get to the other side of that huge field with an empty backpack or at least with as few rocks as possible in it. Think about it.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog

I guess Sir James is a full time counselor and a part animator, love every replies you made in every topics you subcribe. heres another +1 for you. smile.png


Thanks Emman for your vote of confidence on my writings. I know I can always count on hearing good things from you.

As a teacher with a career that spans twenty-five years now you have to be a bit of everything. Sometimes you've got to be a psycologist, others you need to be a 'Dear Abby' or 'Ann Landers' type of advisor, sometimes you've got to be a cop and even other times you have to be a priest (father confessor). You kind of get used to that over the years and get good at it. Most of all a good teacher has got to be a friend.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog

princess sandra




princess sandra wrote:




goodluck and hope you can find someone better than the last one smile.png

princess sandra



aabie ryan

dear Princess Sandra...

thank him for the EX-perience..
but realize that your time has EX-pired..
let him EX-it your life...


aabie ryan wrote:

dear Princess Sandra...

thank him for the EX-perience..
but realize that your time has EX-pired..
let him EX-it your life...


Well said, my dear Aabie! It's a good thing that she has lost the EX-cess baggage because now she probably will find an EX-cellent partner. LOL

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog

aabie ryan
wjwoodward wrote:

Well said, my dear Aabie! It's a good thing that she has lost the EX-cess baggage because now she probably will find an EX-cellent partner. LOL

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog

see, Princess Sandra?

now you have no EX-cuses to moaning anymore cuz you are part of the EX-patBlog here..

to Mr.Woodward

you are the greatest!!


princess sandra

haha..thanks all, i will be fine and no more Mr. British ever, he is gone to India, forever


Its very simple - Get Busy with the things you actually like, hobbies, interest etc etc which will keep your mind off from the emotional crap and also Try to spend a lot of time with your loved ones ( family members )...

Good Luck smile.png


acknowledge the feeling but do not react.

Nellin Jessvellin

Just dont try to forget him.. and must think everything will be ok..
Think he already become ur friend and good memorial,, friend no need to forget.. but just remember in our mind.. Just TIME can make us forget everything like a pain, but good memory will still alive in our mind..

i dont try to forget my Ex, but everything already forgot because i can find something new and what i like..
exactly time can prove anything..

Good luck Sandra !
I feel more good than before..


well princess sandra....the only way to get over him is to keep yourself busy constantly then you wouldn't have time to think much about him....and always remember that it's his loss and you were the good guy in this relationship...and never forget God...He will always be there for


wjwoodward- thanks for sharing your thoughts. they are really very impressive and effective -I must say! +1 smile.png
However, it is not easy to implement a certain things in life.It is easier said than done. It is tough to completely erase emotional scar in life.


as they say .....time heals all wounds.


Heba- I agree with you. Time heals all wounds. But scar remains smile.png


Hello Sandra thank you for your interesting post on your heart wrenching subject.

My reply in short is:

He is not worth thinking about.

He leave you and stop contact then he is being selfish and wants to move on.

If he not even wish to keep contact by internet or telephone then forget him and move on.

Is a waste of your energy, as he doesnt want to know.

Try thinking of what you have rather than what you had?

Hope this helps? Sorry to be blunt, but is best to move on,,,,,he is not for you,,selfish guy,,,inconsiderate, not worth losing sleep over.



andang wrote:

Heba- I agree with you. Time heals all wounds. But scar remains smile.png

True..the scar remains but what does not kill you makes you sronger:)


How can you forget someone mmmmmmmmm.. Difficult


trying to forget him, you can do it smile.png

Popli wrote:

How can you forget someone mmmmmmmmm.. Difficult

forgetting means moving on if you keep looking back you will only see's regrets and pains and having this will not end good in your life. Always remember FORGIVE AND FORGETS. smile.png


but forgive is difficult sometimes sad.png

Emman Lopez wrote:
Popli wrote:

How can you forget someone mmmmmmmmm.. Difficult

forgetting means moving on if you keep looking back you will only see's regrets and pains and having this will not end good in your life. Always remember FORGIVE AND FORGETS. smile.png


as hard as you try to forget someone, you keep thinking about that one.

princess sandra

roll.png wanna crying aloud

bethorizer wrote:

as hard as you try to forget someone, you keep thinking about that one.

SO TRUE!sad.png

princess sandra
drunkensailor wrote:
princess sandra wrote:

Dear All..

this is supposed to be private problem, but anyway i can not dealing with this, and i need advice from you guys.
few months ago i met a guy from British, he is nice and friendly.
in short we are very close each other, for that said we in relationship, but early October he moved to India and "leave" me he told me to forget him and move on, but God dammit, he is everywhere sad.png how should i forget him? any good advice for me.

this guy is a player.. you can easily forget him once you understand that he is a "trader and a cheap player".cool.png

2) you will forget him as soon as you meet somebody else.. there a lot of good guys out here;

its always harder to forget someone who really loves you, not an obvious "asshole" like this guy.. roll.png

take care..


The Walker

Hi Sandra,

Kinda cute to share ur personal issues and ask out for advice smile.png

I absolutely understand what u r going through and I've been reading all the great advices ... All of that is good but let me give u the magic recipe : FIND A NEW GUY / MOVE ON TO THE NEXT GUY so this way all the chemistry gonna move on from ur ex to the new guy ...and that way u gonna be fine !
So to do that , GO OUT a LOT !!

And let me tell u , u cute lady so won't be difficult to find a new man wink.png

PS : The same goes for a man who isn't anymore with his woman ..He cannot forget here until he meets a new woman

The prince is on his way for the princess smile.png  To be continued...


Yes, you should forget him at all!!! You know what? if he love and care for you he wont leave you..... so kick his a** and find a better one ok:)there are lots of guys who deserve your love:)

Lililafe wrote:

but forgive is difficult sometimes sad.png

Emman Lopez wrote:
Popli wrote:

How can you forget someone mmmmmmmmm.. Difficult

forgetting means moving on if you keep looking back you will only see's regrets and pains and having this will not end good in your life. Always remember FORGIVE AND FORGETS. smile.png

we are all not perfect, we all make mistakes. If God forgives why not us, we're just his creation. smile.png

princess sandra wrote:

roll.png wanna crying aloud

Cry it out loud, it will be a big relieved. That's for sure. smile.png
Always think that your not the only one in this world that has the same situation as yours. it all depends on how you handle things or how you face the consequences. think that his not the right one for you. smile.png

aabie ryan

no need to be drama queen!
everyone have rights to come and go..

meet someone and lose someone is naturally happen, in many causes..
whether they leave you or you leave them..

take a look at yourself now..can you laugh? do you still have those smiles on your face? is your food taste good? do you have a good sleep at night? warm hugs from your family and friends?
HELL, still have it!!

so why make a drama??

this world still moving around,dear..

now i feel sorry for you, not because your bf left you, but because you couldn't respect what you still have..

chin up,gurl!
you are precious!


aabie ryan wrote:

no need to be drama queen!
everyone have rights to come and go..

meet someone and lose someone is naturally happen, in many causes..
whether they leave you or you leave them..

take a look at yourself now..can you laugh? do you still have those smiles on your face? is your food taste good? do you have a good sleep at night? warm hugs from your family and friends?
HELL, still have it!!

so why make a drama??

this world still moving around,dear..

now i feel sorry for you, not because your bf left you, but because you couldn't respect what you still have..

chin up,gurl!
you are precious!


yes princess sandra take it to the proffesional....hihihi

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