Hi - just moved to Buenos Aires

Hola!  I just moved to Buenos Aires and so far, I am really loving it!  I am looking for a teaching or a writing job.  I have all of my teaching credentials and more than five years of experience teaching.  I taught ESL, Spanish and French in Arizona.  Then I moved to Spain for a teaching job that turned out to be a scam.  After this, I tried to find work in Belgium.  When this did not work out, I decided to come here to Argentina!  I have a blog cristinsadventures.wordpress.com/ if you are interested in reading about my adventures :)

Good luck. Wonderful city. Plenty of opportunities to teach English. You will love it. Roop

Hola! My name is Lucas Bianchi and I`m 29. I love meetng new people from other countries. I`d be more than glad to have a meeting with you,a drink or whatever
My e-mail is: lhbianchi@hotmail.com
I am looking forward to hearing fom you
Best Wishes.

i am amit from india.
i m coming to Buenos Aires next month.
i would like to meet you in Buenos Aires.
you can email me on amit_190281[@]yahoo.in


Hello Amit,

welcome to Argentina.  thanks for contacting me. of course not knowing I cant promise I can meet you. feel free to contact me so I can guide you to the extent possible. I would do this for anyone.

regards, roop

Welcome to BsAs - I got here a few months ago & am a grad student here. Originally from the U.S., moved down here to live w/ my boyfriend. If ya want to grab a coffee or beer sometime, let me know!


got here from nj in August. it does get very lonely especially if Spanish skills are questionable.

still enjoying the city and doing my best to have fun.

fortunately work keeps me busy most of the time.

good luck, Expat.com is agood place to get started.

feel free to contact if you need help.
