A fully furnished apartment for rent between 1200$ - 1500$

i will be in Myanmar starting from next December for 2 years at least and may be more  ( 4 years )

it is preferable to be in Dagon township
or Ahlone township

as i am working at the embassy of Egypt...

in fact i am single
so it might contain 1 bedroom  and small
no problem

Hello abdoo_hossam,

Welcome to expat-blog!

I hope you'll get some help soon.

Good luck,

thank you dear

Hello abdoo_hossam,

Have you thought taking a look to our section housing in Myanmar?


Hi Abdoo, Are you still looking for an apartment to rent now? How about Botathaung Township? I have one nice room to rent. Big room with good environment. Price would be negotiable. Please contact me sharon.wmt@hotmail.com for more details.

yes , i am still looking