Meeting english speakers in lovely köln

...just trying out different ways to meet english speaking people in cologne!
:) would be great to hear from you!

Are you a native English speaker yourself?

i was born in germany - my parents are british. i live and work here, but am always happy to have contacts to english speakers!

Hey, would be great to meet up sometime. I'm Richard and from England. Want to make new friends in Cologne.


We share the same birth date by the way :)

Hi there, my birthday is also August 4th!! :)
Are you new in Cologne? were faster! :))

Yes new to the city. Well, quite new.

there's quite a large english speaking community - i haven't really been out much in the pubs though, but a couple of years ago there was a lot going on. but you probably know this already ;-)

Well then it's about time you did go out. I know a few ;)

i know a few too...and my plan was to avoid the most notorious ones ;-) but with the christmas markets approaching, i think going out for a gluehwein or two is a good plan!

Hey, I'm German (born and raised), But I'm looking for English native speakers as well as new contacts in Cologne.

Maybe I can join you guys?

Sounds good to me

Richard, what brings you to Cologne?

cool! as said before, as soon as the xmas markets open there is always a good excuse to meet up in town! :-)

Hey guys,
My name is Julie, I'm from Ireland and I am also new to Cologne and looking to meet English speakers and other expats :)
I lived in Berlin for a few years before this and would sometimes go to things like English-speaking table quizzes etc...Does anyone maybe know of anything comparable here in Cologne?

What i like about  female expats is that they put aside all their preconceptions and become open for meeting a stranger because now she sees the value of socializing! That's a thing she wouldn't do back in her home country.
That's amazing.

Hi Julie, I am from England. Would like to meet up sometime if you are free. Do you mean Monopoly or Poker?

Hi everyone,
I've been here for a few months now, but meeting some new people and going for a glühwein always sounds like a good idea.
What about organizing something this weekend?


I am also living in the Colonge area and looking to meet new people and English and German speakers. I am English and my German is low at the moment. If people would like a chat contact me :)

we should get something organised soon! friday, i am going out - with a friend from berlin, but she speaks really good english. the rest of the weekend i am tied up with work, unfortunately and the weekend after i am going to london. not that we have to meet up at the weekend...! :)

does anyone want to see savages?

Yes, Metropolis?

I've seen that movie already, but if anyone is keen on going for a drink tomorrow (or possibly another movie), I'm in!

My name is Sophie and I come from Sweden, just moved to Cologne a month ago and would like to make new friends.

Did you already got to the Christmas? If not I'd love to join you :) I am up for seeing a movie as well.

hello :)
somehow, the actual meeting-up hasn't happened, yet..after the cinema didn't work out as planned, there hasn't been any more planning.
maybe we could try and get together for a glühwein this week?

Sounds nice! How about Thursday at Neumarkt?

that sounds good to me! i should be able to make thursday! there is also another group of people who get together for glühwein sometimes, we could also check when they are getting together next and join them!

Ok! Let me know what they say :)

ok, why not give this a go. thursday, seven pm, xmas market neumarkt. whoever wants to come along, should do that :)

i m really sorry, this isn t really working very well :( noone has really responded, but i won t be able to make it either!
maybe NEXT week??

Hi everyone,
I've was away on a looong holiday, but doesn't seem like I missed any meeting in the end...
Anyone interested in going for a drink later this week??

Sounds like fun! When and where?

How about we meet tomorrow at Friesenplatz, outside of Starbucks? at 19h30.
Plenty of bars around there, so we see where we go...

Sure! Sunds good to me!

if any of you guys are interested in being shown around by a local, gaining some insight into the german culture or just make a new friend - feel free to contact me :)