Giving birth at mater dei

Any feedback on Mater dei maternity unit anyone?

Hi, my daugther was born there on September. Everything was good, much better than we expected.

Is there anything in particular you want to know about?


Hi Billyberjas, thanks for reply , I'm due in 4 weeks and just new to maltese health care so just wanted to know general stuff like : aftercare, midwife attitude, if family and friends can visit, how long your stay will be ecc ecc. I'm planning to visit the hospital anyway cause when I went for bloodtests they told me that everybody was busy to help me to have a tour. You are the second person so far that had a good experience soo i guess i just have to start to think positive ;)

Hi, the hospital is brand new, staff looks young and receptive (we gave our birth plan to the midwife and she did all in her hands to comply it -altough I think it's not mandatory for them to comply it)

You should try to attend ante-natal classes (send an email to or call them … h_prc.aspx) they explain all you need to know about giving birth in Malta (hospital bag, etc...) There's an option to take the course in english :)

On the hospital the equipment is very good and the staff is very educated and helpful.

The only drawback are the visiting hours. Your partner can be at the room from 10am to 8pm, and I'm not sure about family and friends but they can only visit you for a few hours in the afternoon.

Food is bad :P, but I never saw an hospital with good food :)

If you have a regular discharge you will stay there for 2 days, if you have a c-section then it's 3 days.

We were very worried about the hospital but we were given a tour with our ante-natal classes group and we liked it :)

The reason i'm not attending one is cause this is my third pregnancy but now after your experience i probably shuld have done it :(
thanks for all the info , 10 to 8 sounds good to me , i have only my husband and kids here , friends can visit me at home ones i don't have to stay in hospital long ;)

My bad, its from 10am to 7pm

Here you'll find more info … h_ob1.aspx

that's great thanks soo much...I will contact them to see if they are free anytime to show me around :)
hpefully before i'm due lol

Good luck and congratulations by the way :) I hope all goes well and an update on how you find it would be great too! xx

Thanks ....yes i will, i saw many people checking out the post soo i guess it's interesting for some ;)

I have to say that the Mater Dei is exceptional at dealing with any child related issue, in my experience.  I gave birth to twins there 3 years ago.  I had my own room due to having twins and could have my husband with me 24x7. 
I attended the classes, but found them a bit of a waste of time as this was my second pregnancy and their classes weren't nearly as good as nct classes in the UK.  However, they do give you lots of free goodies, if you are into that stuff.
You get one visit at home after you return, but if you want another one, you just need to ask.  Then you can go to the breastfeeding centre to have baby weighed and checked, etc. 
If you are planning on staying in Malta, the innoculations are a bit different to the ones you get in the UK and other countries, so you may want to make private appointments to get extra ones.

I have friends that went home the next day, so you can go earlier if you demand it.  Personally, as you already have a child, my advice would be to stay in as long as you can (rest while you can :) once you are home, things become a lot more hectic with two)They do help with breast feeding and they hold a clinic to provide help after you have been discharged.
There are a lot of young moms here, so I wouldn't worry about your age, although they do differ depending on things like marital status, but mostly they are too busy doing what they need to, to worry about anything else.
If you opt for St James, it will be a more private and comfortable experience, but if you or your baby have any problems, you will have to be moved to Mater Dei anyway, as they have more equipment and facilities to deal with those things.  My biggest issue here was the caesarean thing.  More often than not, you are advised or "encouraged" to have that rather than natural birth, for things that would not be an issue in other countries.  Some people prefer this approach, but it's not something I agree with.  I had a great gynae, mark Formosa, who has his clinic in Paceville.  He's private, but uses Mater Dei for deliveries.  This way you get more individual attention, but still give birth in the public hospital. 
Best of luck.

You do have you baby with you at all times.
I had to share a room - but it was in a ward of just 2 beds and an ensuite. Compared to UK hospitals of 8 beds in a room, this was luxury. The father can spend the night if you are in labour. If you find a nice midwife, she may allow the father to stay more nights if you need it.
The maternity ward was a good experience for me. Clean, warm, quiet and the staff were knowledgeable and worked hard to make mothers as comfortable as possible. The food is awful (but isnt that normal for hospitals?!) The breastfeeding support I received was very good too.
Klstorme said that she only had one visit- 3 was the norm when I had my baby in June. They are weekly visits and I found the midwives were pretty good.
Overall it was a positive experience for me and actually a lot better than my first experience was in the UK.
Personally I think that one visit for the last month is not enough. Whilst I too am not fond of the ante natal clinic, I feel that you do need to be monitored more than just once. There are lots of pregnancy complications and illnesses that do not show any symptoms and I believe by not seeing a midwife or doctor frequently you may be putting yourself and your baby health at risk. I second Mr Formosa and there are a number of other very good doctors that would be happy to see you too.
You are welcome to inbox me if you want any further help.
Best Wishes

Damsel, now that I think about, I probably had more visits but opted out. Having 3 kids, my mother and my husband, was way too many people as it was :). Then again, it was 3 years ago, so things may have changed or I just really have lost all my brain cells.

i'm bringing this subj back :)
I'm pregnant 7 weeks and i must see a doctor. now as far as i read here at mater dei the first app will be at 12 weeks but i want to go earlier to a private doctor, at 8 weeks (just to.. confirm and make me happier :)) ) at the hospital on the first consultation will they take blood tests?
now... other questions
i'm from an european union country but i don't work here. my partner and the baby's father is maltese but we're not married. as far as i know giving birth at mater dei is free but just in case.. will i be able to go on his insurance? i'm thinking because first pregnancy ab 5 years ago i had c-section and in some countries having a c-section may involve some extra money. i don't know what's the procedure here. i'm still at the beginning and still scared of natural birth :(


Hi Joanne,

I'm not aware of the fact that giving birth at Mater Dei is free! Are you sure?

But if you are resident in Malta  and have the e-residence card you must have some kind of health coverage.

You should ask about the coverage and costs when you go to see a doctor to avoid surprises.


my new id card is not ready yet,  do have a social no, i am registered as part time self employed but not quite working so i can't afford payin ni... we see.. maybe i'll pay for couple of months and i'll be covered but of course first to check with docs :D

HI....Also, your first check up/scan/blood tests will be at 20 weeks through the hospital.

Hi Joanne,

you should really check out the financial coverage. From what I've heard you will have to show that you have actually paid NI before you get coverage and if you stop paying and restart payments later they could well ask for payment of arrears before accepting new payments. The NI number itself is not enough.
At least that happened to somebody that I know. And without coverage he was denied treatment at Mater Dei.


yes, i wrote to the inland revenue and seems like i can pay 15% from my net income if i'm registered as single parent and part time with etc.
that s more than good as 27 euro per week was more that a lot for me :) i need to check with the accountant after my profit and loss will be ready to check how much i need to pay :)
thanks a lot for all your answers.
i will go st jamest at 8 weeks and then i'll register with the mater dei :D

back with some news
i had the first app at mater dei at 12 weeks with a midwife of course the doctor run till was my turn or maybe he sees just the special cases
had blood tests, but no ultrasound just that they are listening to the baby's heart beat.. all for 4,5 hr spent in the hospital
then another app at 14 weeks for ultrasound and to see the doctor again, still not my doctor :) for 3 hr and a half. i got my blood results and.. we keep on going. now at the next visit they told me i don't need to go mater dei i can make it at mosta health center as is in the area where i live, in 4 weeks time but i'll do it at st james maybe at 18 weeks we can figure out the gender :P.
NI paid for april so i will continue paying :)

Hello ladies,
I know the topic was opened long time ago, but I was hoping someone would still see it and reply to me.
I am 6 weeks pregnant and scheduled my first appointment with Dr. Mark Formosa at the St Julians clinic. Does anyone know this doctor and what is your opinion about him? I would appreciate any feedback.
Thank you very much!

Hi Georgiana35,

I had both kids with Mr Formosa, you'll be in very goods hands.

Great to hear! Thank you very much for your reply. I had my first visit with him yesterday and I feel confident.
All the best to you and your kids!

Dr. Formosa sounds really good. Could someone give the contact information for his clinic in St. Julians, please?
Thank you very much!  :)

You can go for an appointment with Dr. Formosa in St. Julians, at the Melita Clinic. His schedule is pretty full, but hopefully you are lucky and don't have to wait too long.
Good luck and all the best!

I am looking for some assistance, I am due to give birth in 3 months and was wondering does anyone know how much it is to give birth in the Mater Dei also is there much of a price difference between public room and private room?

I will be giving birth at MD in 2 months but, as I have been paying my social security here in the past year, I will have no delivery costs. Sorry I cannot help you with this. Hopefully someone who knows the price will reply. All the best!