I am married to a Moroccan man, and we were married here in Marrakech. I can tell you what I went through, you must remember it will be basically the same, but the UK will have a slightly different.
I assume your fianée is a Moroccan Woman, because they don't allow 2 non-Moroccans to legally marry each other here in Morocco. It is true that as a man, and if you are not already a Muslim, you must convert to Islam to marry a Muslim woman legally here in Morocco. That is simple enough, I am sure you will have no problem getting this done, and you probably should get it done before you leave the UK and bring that certificate with you. It will save you a little drama and money than doing it the Adul here.
I suggest you read the topic "Getting Married in Morocco" :
I am an American Woman so this is slanted a little towards this fact. This is what my consulate told me. I have given this information a few times so I am sorry if it sounds a bit canned.
The Expat should bring these papers from their home country:
Make official legalized copies(Moroccan stamps are only good for 3 months), and then have them officially/legally translated into Arabic
* police background check (FBI Report-works for USA)
* birth certificate (they wont return it)so again I say - make a copy and have it legalized as a copy in morocco.
* Certificate of Previous employment stating dates worked and annual salary (if the Expat has worked; if the Expat has not ever worked - don't bring it)****I used my tax return forms for my last job
* divorce certificate (if Expat was divorced)
THE COURT ORDERED DIVORCE DECREE IS NOT ENOUGH! (USA - it must be an officially issued Certificate of Divorce)
The papers that you have to get from (USA) Consulate General (USA- is in Casablanca morocco you will have to make an appointment prior to going- NO WALK-INS):
* Certificate(s) of nationality/eligibility for marriage: there maybe a fee (USA - I think it cost me around $150 OR take with you 1300 dirhams - they take both currencies)
* An official copy of the passport with the date of entry to Morocco (USA - I think it cost me around $50 OR 425 dirhams)
these papers you can preparer in morocco with your fiancé and it's easy:
* Four photographs each of you & your fiancée
* (For the Expat) Criminal record from the Ministry of Justice in Morocco-go to Rabat (take passport and stamp of 10 dirhams and the Expat must go in person to the Ministry of Justice in Rabat located behind the parliament (that will take just 30 minutes to get this paper)
* (for the Moroccan citizen) Criminal record from all locations ever lived in Morocco or internationally (Check with the prefecture d' Police for exact requirements)
* (For both people) Certificate of Religion(Expat woman - bring a formal letter from a clergy on their official letter head letter stating she is in good standing of membership and a member of a recognized Faith in God "Jew, Christian, Muslim" is good enough) OR convert and have one from an Adul here; All men must be Muslim OR convert IF marring a Muslim woman from anywhere.
* A medical certificate for both people (in Arabic) cost 200 dirhams each. Must be done in Morocco at any general practitioner doctor.
The papers that the Moroccan citizen should preparer !!!
* Administrative certificate relating to approved of the fiancé ( bring it from if he doesn't know the name tell him (Certificate of celibacy); OR Divorce records; OR Death certificate of former spouse; OR(If a married MAN) He must provide an official affidavit(s) from his CURRENT wife/wives that she is aware of his plans to marry ANOTHER wife and is in agreement. NOTE: not all countries recognize marriages with multiple partners (USA: This is not legally recognized as a valid form of marriage and cannot be use for legal purposes or immigration)
* (For Moroccans)Complete copy of the birth chart(from the father's family book)
***Finally you need to translate all papers into Arabic***
Please don't assume this is a complete list of the requirements. there may be other requirements. Expect the unexpected!
for other nationality they can check this topic :
AND!!! Consult the Expat's Consulate for further specific requirements from the Expats home country.
You may need to include courtesy small bribes for some Moroccan agency workers to do their job. Although these are not legal, it does no good to complain, as this will only slow the process down, just pay it!I am sure you already know, it is an unpleasant Moroccan tradition among government workers.
I hope this helps.
Feel free to contact me if you need other advice.
I wish you all the happiness