I'm surprised there's not a single topic on dating in Ecuador


Hi, I find this page for just coincidence, but I can't leave withouth give my opinion as a Latin Women (born and raised in Venezuela).

If a women likes you she definitely will go out with you. May be what she looks is somebody young handsome or a man with white hair but with common sense. It's cruel to say that Ecuatorians girls look only $. I'm inmigrant here, and I can says as a women than SOME ecuatorians man are really rude and macho but I never would say that ALL ecuatorian man are like that. I came from Venezuela, and I seen mans of all colors, heights and figures, rich and poors. And yes, some girls would look for estability, anothers will look for a pretty face and blue eyes, and another just will  look for a smart man who can read more than the newspaper. So... You just have to look a little moore harder, get out, meet people who can understand you (it's a little difficult to know the right person if you don't even understand each other) in Cuenca a lot of people speak english it's not that difficult you know.

Please stop to consider latin women like if we only are behind money or economy safety it's embarrassing to us and is a lie in some cases (A BIG lie in my case, I make my own money).

It's not true neither that latin girls looking for a ring and nothing more, actually this was the most rude thing that I readed in the responses to this post because it's soo false, many of the man that came here are retired people, and they are looking for a stable relationship that a young women maybe doesn't want yet, so, you are meeting with the wrong people. Maybe if you stop looking in bars and search in other places, you could get an interesting person.

Hahaha.......no....they will most definately love their family more, and they will always come first before you........except in the rarest of circumstances.......The latina family is hard to penetrate or compete with........just a fact of life........Will take a long time and a serious commitment to find acceptance......


Ecuador is exactly the same! i don't know one expat that came here single, who doesn't have or is only interested in younger Latinas


Hello, this is a very old thread and that member is no longer on the website.

