Living in Shenzhen

Hi all,

I'm new to this forum. I'm considering working for one of the EF schools in Shenzhen & anticipate moving there soon. I'm just researching life in SZ.

I'd appreciate any current expats experience in SZ - good or bad - all feedback would be appreciated.  I've checked out Dave's SL Cafe, however, as you'd expect you have to make own judgment as to how reliable those postings are.

More specifically, are there many swimming pools, decent gyms that are quite easily accessible? Good places to chill out during days off? Also, just life in general in SZ.


You can live there very easy just like you live in your home city. Chill man

Hi everyone,

I'm new to this site too and I'm hoping to move to Shenzhen soon to teach english for 6 months - a bit daunting, but I'm sure it'll be an exciting adventure! I'm keen to get some advice on what life is like over there and also hope to make some new contacts before I head over there.


Hello, Global_nomad. When will you come to Shenzhen?

Teaching work is plentiful yet the big training centers work you like government mules for peanuts {10,000 rmbs for 35 hr weeks}. Although on the other hand it gets your foot in the door for getting experience to eventually get the better jobs. I've been teaching the last 19 months out of the almost 22 months I've been here. Only thing you need to is learn to tolerate a lot of just basicly ass backwardness here. Shenzhen people never think but always react hence doing anything can seem like a logistical nightmare at times. Once you get TIC {This Is China} you're life will be okay. I love teaching and never regretting moving here. Just move here for the right reasons, too many expatriots move here to just party and travel. Nothing wrong with that but it gets old fast if that was reason for doing it. Living in China takes a special kind of open mindedness.

Ef in Hohhot is probably the best school so, I would think over there is pretty much the same