
school administrators

Last activity 08 August 2013 by egus

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Awesome, thanks Korbie! Do you own a car and if so, what route did you take in purchasing?


Welcome...I don't own a car. I've leased from UCR since I moved here.


I've been following Al Ain swap n shop for a while. We actually had a peaceful night and it looks like good weather for a while. Unusually cool at 75 today. Filmbric I sent you a friend request on FB.


Still no news.  I have checked my gmail and spam account a gzillion times; all with the same result. I feel like singing the Heinz Ketchup

Phil how are things in OK?
Egus I hope you havent gone crazy in your hotel.


I'm about an hour and a half past! The hotel stay is ok but incredibly boring. I've also not heard anything but have been doing more research as I have much much much time on my hands.

1) First stop at the uae is the ministry of labor to acquire a work permit (5-7 days)

2) Second stop at the uae is immigration for the actual visa (3-4 days)

3) Only the PRO (public relations officer) can pick up and drop off documents from government offices.

4) Groups of travelers are formed and notified.

5) Tickets are issued after a person confirms the itinerary sent by the travel agency.


wow you have done a lot of research.  Those are good things to know.

I just wish we could get the itinerary so we could confirm the ticket.  I am ready to go, the anticipation is consuming my thoughts.  Even though i still have packing to do, as i am not out of my house yet... Im ready to take what i have packed so far and leave everything else. 
this feeling reminds of waiting for Christmas as a


Something to do....

That's the phrase that's beginning to haunt me and will take hold on Friday at 5:00 pm as I will be officially out of the district at that time. I'm at such a loss of what to do with I'm not one who handles directionless situations that well. Hurry and wait is not one of my strong points. I'm sure it's not yours, Phils, or drmonis either (else you wouldn't be school administrators). We thrive on providing direction or being pointed in a direction.

Hurry, hurry, hurry.........................wait.  (blah)


our last day with our district is July 31, so i will be at work, (most days) waiting patiently and reading expatblog as i am now.  Not really interested in preparing for the upcoming school year, at least not here.  you are right doing nothing is driving me completely crazy. 
I can only make so many trips to shredder a day. maybe ill start wearing my workout clothes and walk around my


I think the hardest thing to contend with are my own thoughts. When I hear nothing...I worry. I have to remind myself that I have to develop greater patience.


I think we all need to develop the same skill..LOL


Hey guys,
Of course I am in the same position as everyone else. One thig that's good for my situation is that I can hear the birds chirping, and feel the wind blowing and smell barbecue cooking, as I am living in my RV at the lake...
But I too need to control my thoughts becuase it feels horrible not to have a job nor a home. sad.png  Ive been going to my district for 17 years!


First day of being unemployed. Not a good feeling to say the least and still no word from ADEC. Patience right?


Hey Egus,
Trust me, I know how you feel. We actually heard from our recuiter yesterday. They gave us two dates to participate in a departure webinar. One date was July 3,  and the other is July 12th I think. The email came at the perfect time. I was definitely in need of reassurance. Its still kind of far away, but at least we heard something.


It's a little far but at least it's a direction. Did you take the earlier webinar? How long after the webinar do you leave?


We will def. Take the earlier webinar. There was no word on departure date..but our guess is two weeks or so after the webinar. We are definitely getting closer to reality. 
Egus yes I definitely agree, July is a long ways away.


Hi gang
Still no news on this end to report. Did you hear anything Phil? I'm thinking of taking a road trip to Washington state to visit my sister and mother. It's so stressful and boring sitting and waiting.

Sonjyia Bryant

That's awesome!!  A departure date is better than hanging out in limbo...




Still no news and I'm now in WA.


ADEC had me register on their employment website and its now out of the hands of TeachAway. That was a couple of weeks ago. I thought it surely wouldn't be long after following through on registering that they would finalize offers to CMs. The HR person I deal with confirmed it would be August before departure and other sources there tell me that it would usually be early August when they bring in the CMs and Advisors. I don't think you guys will be looking at any dates earlier than August. Ramadan starts on July 9 and Emiratees leave so nothing much gets done for the month. I'm not looking to find anything new on the webcasts but will participate. Might as well get comfortable I guess.


Wow Phil, what type of information did you register on the website. We are simply going crazy with no news. But I suppose you are right, early August seems most logical.


Well I guess I will get comfortable then; although that will be difficult to do with no home and no job:(
lol, I wonder why they kept asking us what our earliest departure date would be if the plan was to have us leave in August? I was hoping they would solidify our flights before Ramadan, as they do have "summer school activities" and it would have allowed us a bit of insight into thier culture.

Well, I guess Ill hear from you all and learn from your questions at the webinar. Try to enjoy summer guys!

Dr. Moni


It was the same documents and stuff I've sent to various places several times over. I was told that travel times would probably not get to us before two weeks to departure.


You guys are doing great...stay positive. I was hopeful(yet doubtful) they would get you out here during Ramadan but part of the hold-up is they have moved several sections of HQ. When they moved the IT department we all about died. I was lost in the system-they could not locate my resignation but it was found eventually. This will be the most slow process you've ever endured but once it starts it moves very quickly as all other things with ADEC.


Hi gang,

How did the pre-departure webinar go? Any info on when we leave? I spoke to my recruiter...he said to look for a window between mid july to mid august (groan).


That is pretty much the same thing we were told. There wasnt really any new information given. We are still playing the waiting game. What did you decide on cell phone? Have you ordered a global sims?


Hey Guys,

I'm unemployed as of 2 days ago myself now. Ramadan starts the 9th and other than westerners filling in for the locals who leave Abu Dhabi for the holy month there is not going to be much coming out of the ADEC offices. Best case I think is earlyish August.

I found a local here who has been hired as an AVP and who interviewed again for a CM position at ADECs request. She didn't really seem impressed with the duties since it actually pays less considering the contracted days and 3 year commitment. Anybody else been hit up for CM? Did I remember you guys saying that they had inquired about moving you into principal slots?

It will get here soon enough; keep the faith.


Hi gang...

Still waiting but spoke with my recruiter. He said that ADEC is working on visas now and to expect to be contacted soon by the travel agency...(he said to start looking in the emails beginning this sunday (the 14th)thru whenever. Also said that travel dates per ADEC are Aug. 5-9.


I need to see the email, the anticipation is killing me.  But this is exciting news. Its hard not working,and waiting.  See you guys at Benihanas....the first round is on


Thanks for the update, thats great news. Im excited and ready. Being without a home is very difficult even though I'm enjoying time with family. looks like I'll be seeing you guys in a few weeks smile.png


Hey Phil,
How is it going? What about you, any news?


Not much since my posting on the 3rd. 1 of 5 of us have gotten the offer letter but have been told they are forthcoming. My wife has me busy doing things to the acreage that unfortunately seem sensible for an unemployed guy to do before leaving on a journey. I anticipate going over about the first week of August.


Hi gang,

I received an email with a "travel data form" document from my recruiter. I filled it out and emailed it back. Maybe I'll hear something from the travel agency this week..(hoping).


I was told the " joining date" for CMs was Aug 12 which may or may not be a clue for you guys too.


Hey there, Thanks for the update. I believe we completed the travel data form in our original packet. What was on the form? We had to specify the city we wanted to depart from and return to. I dont remember much more.  Keep me informed and I will do the same if I hear anything.


I sure hope we arrive before August 12th! That barely leaves any time to get homes set up and become acclimated with the area we will be living in; not to mention preparing for our jobs. I know we have to roll with the punches, but I was hoping for early August.


Hi gang, i was just on facebook and one of the teachers said she got a travel date of August 18.  She doesnt have full flight info but a date.  August 18....ugh.....


ugh is right! (but we're not teachers...soooo...maybe?...sooner?)


Another person in my situation got word of traveling the 11th confirming my info above about joining date. Maybe principals will come same as CMs.


I agree egus, and I have decided to accept your original dates of August 5-9; with my fingers crossed.

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