Americans in Ghana

Good morning.  I am an American woman traveling to Ghana for a few months.  I will be staying in West Legon area (Accra).  I have gone travelled to Lagos, Nigeria a couple years ago.  I found it to be very rough living.  But the most disturbing was the police harassment and other safety issues.  Is Accra similar?  Do police harass you becuz you are American or foreign?  How is the hospitals or healthcare facilities if any is needed?  What about the cost of food and personal items?  Are there many Americans living there?  Sorry for all the questions, but Im just trying to get an idea of the place from people who are there or who have been there.  The internet is a great resource but can be vague at times.  Thanks for any information!!!

If youŽve been to Lagos Ghana will be a piece of cake for you. DonŽt worry about the police, they might ask you for bribes but thatŽs it. Probably they will ignore you since you are not Ghanaian.

There are quite a lot of Americans there. Those that I know of are African Americans of the diaspora who have moved to Ghana in search of their ancestral roots. Several thousands of them if I am correct.

It can be quite costly if you lead the same life style as in US. Local food is in expensive though. Bring what you need for personal hygiene if you can. You can buy it in Ghana but it will cost you more.

There are good and there are bad clinics but make sure that you have the name and direction to the best ones before you get sick.

Ghana is a peaceful place, especially for us  women. I feel safer than I do up here in Sweden and this is considered a calm country. You donŽt have to worry about Ghana. I would be more concerned if I was going to the States :).YouŽll love it.
Feel free to ask anything.

hello i am travelling from Florida US in few weeks and we can help each other learn Accra i have few ghanian friends who will be my tour guide so welcome and lets paint the town red


hello and welcome !

This thread is from 2010 and the members are no longer active.

Please consider opening a new thread on the Ghana forum should you need any advice.


