Moving to HCMC! Looking to meet new friends!

Hi Everyone,

I'm an education management professional who will be relocating to HCMC by the end of April. I've decided to take a risk in my career so I quit my job and I'm moving to Saigon as I'm sure the higher education sector has a bright future in Vietnam and I think my qualification might be needed at some point. Anyways enough about work for now! I'm 28 years old and would like to meet new friends Vietnamese and foreign, I'm bilingual English & French and I love to go out!

welcome to Vietnam
it's nice to know you
Im learning French and find it very difficult
i would be appreciated if u would help me improve it.
hope to see u soon.


Thank you for your answers (merci pour vos réponses!)! I would be glad to meet you once I am settled in HCMC, I'll give you a shout!

Kind regards


I want to learn French too, and also want to make friends. If you need part time job in teaching English, i can help

ngocnhi wrote:


I want to learn French too, and also want to make friends. If you need part time job in teaching English, i can help


Thank you for your response! Wow that's a lot of people wanting to learn French! We could almost switch the language on these posts to get you folks started! Thanks for proposing help with my job search, I might be looking to teach English in the future even though for now I want to concentrate on what I am really experienced in (which is Marketing/admissions/alumni and corporate relations management for Universities). Once I am settled we could organize little conversational classes in French if you wish! And you could teach me Vietnamese!

Just in case if there is any potential employers who read this post, here is my resume (even though this is not the object of this post) :

That's a good idea. We can switch language. I like French for a long time, but can just studied for a few months. I look forward to seeing you. :).

The most important in French like with any language is to practice regularly!

Le plus important en Français comme dans toutes les langues est de pratiquer régulièrement!

Yes,sir :), We need to practice when we learn language. Thats the most important thing.

Hi Jeremy,

Nice to meet you and welcome to HCMC. Hope you will enjoy the life here and have a nice time experiencing a new life in a different country :-)


Check out They're one of the leading test prep and college admission services in HCMC. I know they're focusing on marketing and branding at this moment if that's something you want to do.

International schools took a big hit a couple of years back with licensing issue. I think the only one left now is RMIT.

hi. have a nice time in viet nam. if u want to any help from me. u can contact with me.

Hi Jeremy,

I have just read your post and I wonder if you still want to meet up and hang out with Vietnamese friends. I and my friends can take you get around to let you know more Ho chi minh city. I am sure the price is as cheap as possible, just for fun. For example, we can show you an outdoor place where a lots of young people sit on the ground and drink together. If you prefer, let me know.



Thanks for your answers!

@ ngohly : Thanks for the tip, I'll definitely send them a resume! Actually I already have a few solid leads regarding International schools.

@ ntntam : Thanks for the offer, I'm not looking to really visit in a tourist sort of sense. But if you want to meet up for a drink sometime I'd be glad to

Hi jeremy, im Laura. Im very happy when know that u can speak both english and french. I used to study french 7 years ago, and now i nearly forget all^^ If have chance, i hope that we will talk more about life, job,... and become good friends.

jeremy84 wrote:

I might be looking to teach English in the future even though for now I want to concentrate on what I am really experienced in (which is Marketing/admissions/alumni and corporate relations management for Universities).

That's the kind of work I'd ideally like to do. Once you're successful in your job search, could you share tips on how to find education related jobs for non-teachers? That'd be great!

Good luck on your move!

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Hi Jeremy, welcome to Vietnam. Hope to enjoy your time with many Vietnamese friends. I have lived in HCMC for 2 years, but I can show you many thing of Vietnamese for North or South as culture, cuisine... :)

Goodluck J

Bonjour Jeremy,

Bienvenue au Saigon.

Enchanté de te connaître.


Nice to know u.

welcome to Saigon :-)

Hi buddy,

Sound s interesting. I am Cuong, 33 years old. Love talking to foreigner. Can we meet some time?  Contact me by 0909880784

Hi Jeremy,  I'm live in suburbanite, if u wanna travel and sight seeing, enjoy local food and life. we can make friend and hang out to sharing all thing belong cuture of Vn.

Via my email -

Hi Jeremy,

Welcome to HCM city, and hope you enjoy your first week in here. I think you will figure out more things about "culture shock" in Viet Nam (Just a kidding).

I would love to hear your new experiences in VietNam, can you share your ideas about our country?


Hi jeremy84,
Nice to meet you!
I am a citizen, so if you have any problems about life in HCM city, feel free to ask me. It's my pleasure to share you with all my experience here.

If you miss French food I know of a cute French Bistrot that is very inexpensive.
Duck Confit 3 Euros
Filet Steak red wine sauce 3 Euros
Crepe Suzette 1.5 Euros

Hey guys i'm a new member here :D. I'm Vietnamese. Really want to make friends with foreigner. My skype: xxxx. Nice to hear from you guys