RunAway (Huroob)

Hi All,

some one ran away from his sponsor.
sponsor informed authorities and submitted his passport in Jail(Tarheel)
iqama expired more than a year
now he wants his sponsor to send him back home ( hoping that this action  will cancel his huroob as sponsor must cancel it first only than abling him to send back)

is it possible for sponsor to do it or his huroob status cannot be cancled and he must surrender himself to the authorities.

please guide

thank you

Huroob can be cancelled but the kafeel will have to pay a heavy penalty for cancellation.

If the cancellation is not carried out, there are no options except surrendering for deportation.

What's his reason for running away?

TheLegendLeads wrote:

Huroob can be cancelled but the kafeel will have to pay a heavy penalty for cancellation.

If the cancellation is not carried out, there are no options except surrendering for deportation.

i know huroob can be cancelled, what i mean was to cancel only for the final exit( so he try after some time to come again) ( :D silly me the procedure will be the same ) but he still needs the noc from sponsor to come again, and that might be impossible.
thank you

gonzrule wrote:

What's his reason for running away?

low salary, better future, unfortunately he earned good salary but the future is dark.

TheLegendLeads wrote:

If the cancellation is not carried out, there are no options except surrendering for deportation.

even if he surrender himself, he will not be able to come again for how long, what is the rule ? how many years ?

valar_morghulis wrote:
TheLegendLeads wrote:

Huroob can be cancelled but the kafeel will have to pay a heavy penalty for cancellation.

If the cancellation is not carried out, there are no options except surrendering for deportation.

i know huroob can be cancelled, what i mean was to cancel only for the final exit( so he try after some time to come again) ( :D silly me the procedure will be the same ) but he still needs the noc from sponsor to come again, and that might be impossible.
thank you

2yrs bar. NoC is impossible you know :) but luckily, isn't needed.

2 yrs bar > bar ?

noc in that case if huroob is canceled and you got noc so you can come shortly after your exit, but after surrender you have to wait for 2 years and can come again without noc.

i got it > right ?

valar_morghulis wrote:

2 yrs bar > bar ?

noc in that case if huroob is canceled and you got noc so you can come shortly after your exit, but after surrender you have to wait for 2 years and can come again without noc.

i got it > right ?

Not exactly. Let me clarify.

NoC, in the first place, isn't needed anymore like past.

If someone was deported by Tarheel dept, (that's what happens in case of Haroob), the records in immigration system are by default tagged for 2 yrs ban.

If the employer applies final exit to anyone, he may request immgration dept. to tag for banning.

If someone goes on exit re-entry and doesn't come back in due time, the auto-system tags the ban.

P.S. In some cases, the ban (or bar) can be for lifetime.

TheLegendLeads wrote:
valar_morghulis wrote:

2 yrs bar > bar ?

noc in that case if huroob is canceled and you got noc so you can come shortly after your exit, but after surrender you have to wait for 2 years and can come again without noc.

i got it > right ?

Not exactly. Let me clarify.

NoC, in the first place, isn't needed anymore like past.

If someone was deported by Tarheel dept, (that's what happens in case of Haroob), the records in immigration system are by default tagged for 2 yrs ban.

If the employer applies final exit to anyone, he may request immgration dept. to tag for banning.

If someone goes on exit re-entry and doesn't come back in due time, the auto-system tags the ban.

P.S. In some cases, the ban (or bar) can be for lifetime.

thank you

hi iam  satish raju panikar
iam in saudi Riyadh
i want to your help iam come in Riyadh 1/7/2012 and work.than i do my work very well.but my sponsor not give me my id and my pment propr.than i ask him.than forman will bits me.and broken my to tithe.than my sponsor told me you down  goto policy.but i call the policy.than policy will be goto hospital and caplend the policy.than sponsor is somany problem tome.than i put the cess in Riyadh lebar i no sponsor is huroob me after 3 mth .what can do now. please help mob 0599597214

With the new laws regarding change of sponsorship for a helper, are visas/ sponsorship only granted to Chemical Engineers& Drs? What about any other "title" as such? We have spent quite abit of money trying to sort out our helper's visa/ Iqama and to date have only managed to get a temporary passport& a clearance letter. When we applied for the change of sponsorship to my husband's Iqama, we were told that because his Iqama states that he is a "Maintenance Engineer" although he isn't... He does not qualify to have a helper on his Iqama.
Any reliable info regarding this would be highly appreciated!


Hi joma my kafeel make me huroob 2yrs now and wth the huroob can I go and buy myself  ticket and go back to country  thank you

Hi sir please i want to know can i come back to soudi arabia ?i went soudi arabia 2007 and come back by tareel 2011.i work with kafeel 6 month in beging after i runaway so final police send me by tareel .my iqqama nmber #2239520288 my previous pasport in javazat psport # BW10149716 sir please can u help me to know i will come back my band is finish or still.?

Just i want to still i have ban or not ? If not i will apply for visa again

You will be in one of the very unfortunate people of this world if your Kafeel sets a Huroob under your Iqama. Believe me removing huroob is one of the most difficult things to do in Saudi Arabia. God forbids, if something like this happens to you, keep in mind the 3 ways of removing the huroob explained in the link below.

Dear, our kafeel deceived us, who was pakistani company/ kafeel.. He got heavy amount  (21000 SR from each worker) but not removed the haroob of our 5 people and gave exist through thaveel. actually we were working on same place where he sponsored us.. now our   5 year going to complete on august for our haroob.... let me know the haroob will automatically clear after 5 year or have adopt some procedure. tel me please. Thanks

For reasons of personal security you SHOULD NOT post identifying information like your Iqama number on public forums. Very unwise practice.

It is NOT necessary for our members to know this information in order to give you advice about your situation.

A have requested that our Administrative TEAM edit out you Iqama number in this posting.

Expat-blog Experts Team

I applied for final exit at the Indian embassy and submitted the iqama and left my fingerprint. How to know process status?

Hello Kumaravel Selvam,

This thread is from 2013, I don't think you will get any response. Please post on recent threads so that members can guide you.

All the best,
