Health Insurance

I am moving to Antigua in September.  My wife and I being older have a few health issues.  I know private health care is good.  The question I have is about health insurance.  Do you have health insurance and what type is it?

I bet you are really looking forward to coming here to live. I have called Guatemala home for more than 20 years and love living here more each day.

I have a health insurance that is offered by a local hospital here called Hospital Pilar. They have a list of doctors we can see and our family doctors happened to be on their list. The insurance is excellent. 10 years ago my son had to stay for three months in the hospital and I paid very, very little of the overall bill. I pay the equivalent of US$175 per month for me 50 years of age, my wife 40 years of age and one son 14 and one son 11.

There are other health plans offered by Seguro GyT, as well as Banco Industrial, but I am not sure how they work.

Hospital Pilar is considered one of the top hospitals here along with Centro Medcio and Herrera LLerandi.