If you need a guide to show you or to learn you about Bucharest :)

If you come here and you don't nothing about Bucharest,then i will be glad to be your friend and to show you beautiful places from here.Or if you want to learn romanian i'm also here for you,just write me a message :)

Great! :)

hello, yes i like to learn romanian , if you can help me

Hi ahmad2010,

May be an introduction could be a good start.

Thank you,


Sure,i can help you to learn romanian :)
You live in Bucharest now?

hello all,

im gonna visit a couple of countries in europe on september...so it would be great meeting new people from the forum there


Hello Nadji,

Kindly note that the topic of the discussion is > "If you need a guide to show you or to learn you about Bucharest". Please stay in line with the topic. :)

So, for your visit of European countries, is Bucharest on the list? ;)


thanks for your kind advice & to keep me in between the topic walls Pravin

i will keep you updated about my trip & countries i will visit if it interests you.....smile

Hi, I am Marco of Italy. I need to learn Romanian and I will be in Bucarest for my new job. Can you help me ? Thanks

Sure Marco :)


I'd like to discover Bucharest and after nice places in Romania.
Some Romanian lesson could be VERY useful :)

Do not hesitate to contact me or to see if we can meet somewhere in Bucharest.

See u!!!

Hi Lillyana
Are you still welling to guide tourists? we are a small group of 3 members and we are planning to be in Bucharest from 20-22 February.


I am planning to tour Romania, Bulgaria. I think i will need you to support me.

Are you still open to guide and show around Bucharest?

Yes :) Please send me a message with more details about you and about your trip.Thank you.

do you have an email?

Hello All

@  Lillyana : Could you please register yourself in our directory so that future members seeking a Tourist Guide can benefit from your service?

>> Tourist Guide in Bucharest <<

Expat.com Team

Sure :) thank you.

I've sent you a message. Hope you can teach me Romanian. Very interesting.

Hello  :) is this kind offer still valid? I just moved to Bucharest and looking for some help how not to be lost in the city :)

Yes,sure :) welcome

thank you :) and how should we arrange meeting?

if you are still interested in showing new people some places to be,  you have another  taker here ;)

Sure :)

:gloria -
I'm searching or m15 month long Prayer Partner in Galati, and I may, may, be coming to your city (if she has not passed away).  IF there is a trip to RO, may I contact you once I get there?  Also, if anyone is coming to San Diego county, CA, USA, I will extend the same courtesy to them, as you are in RO.

Ok,sure.I will send you a message with my contact informations.

please could you please send me your informations contact?
Best regards, JF.

How very nice of you to respond to my concern.  I have been emailing her and her friend extensively yet I receive no response at all, from her server or her friend.  She is not at all a vindictive person, and when we last were in contact I was helping pay her bills, so she has no reason to voluntarily cease communication.  I believe better information is her street address:  Alexandra Bujor--Str. Calugareni--Nr. 3--BL--P1R,--Ap. 10--Galati, RO (no zip code available).

Her email address is (her 'tribute' to our relationship) is Alexandramariecollins@hotmail.com

Thank you very much for your kind and concerned response.

PS: the e-address of her friend (who Alex stated 'can sometimes be difficult') is magdapaleia@hotmail.com
Her friend is married with a young child, so the 'difficult' may be a comment about her personality OR her situation.  Her husband works, but not sure if she does.  Alex said they are pretty short on funds, so I even offered Magdalena some funds for her looking into Alex's welfare.  I have no idea how far away Alex's place is from you, but if it is at all possible, a personal visit to her Apartment would be handsomely rewarded.  I am not a 'rich American, but a personal 'search' for her deserves some remuneration, and you will get all available 'household budget' funds.

You are a jewel for responding to my concern.

Thank you very, very much-

Michael :)

Hi Lilyana, are you still on expat and based in Bucharest?  I'm looking for help with life in Bucharest.  Hope to hear, -Brian

Yes,sure :) Please give me a privat message with details about your visit here.

Hi, glad to hear it.
I'm off to Timisoara tomorrow for  one week, but then back in Bucharest through the end of June.
You can "check me out" here:  bimhoff[at]tamu.edu :)
I'll be reading two papers and then will have time in June for some fun leaning Romanian.
You could use my gmail account if you wish:  bimhoff5[at]gmail.com.
Thanks; I hope to hear!