Price of Car Repair In Malta

I wonder if anybody knows what would be standard car garage labor cost in Malta? I'll need some painting to be done on my car.

€5-20 per hour

Unless you know how long it will take to do the repaint asking how much per hour is a bit pointless. Far better to get a few quotes and also check on the quality of work. There are no shortages in Malta when it comes to car repair / bodywork garages so prices are competitive.


Thanks for answer. I just in early stage of moving to Malta and have no clue what are the prices  for such services in Malta compared with the UK or my home country Lithuania.

The cost for spraying a car depends on the quality of the work and the material.
Simple outside spraying with standard color starts at around 300,-
But if you want to have good workmanship, i.e. removing all lamps, windows, interior covers, carpets, bumpers, etc. and a good quality paint it costs you much more ...