
What is your opinion on life after death??

Last activity 26 June 2013 by julianaa

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Different cultures and religions have different beliefs. Then there is the real life experiences such as people (kids) with visions of their past life and near death you believe?gloria.png


I believe I'll burn in the fires of hell for all the many sins I'm guilty of.

Come to think of it, Satan will probably be so impressed at my extraordinary record of extremely depraved filth, he'll make me a demon as none of the others would have the ability to think of something the Marquis de Sade wouldn't enjoy.

It all started when I was in junior high school.
At the time, many south American dictators were in the news for various human rights abuses and much torture.
I invented the 'hydro-electric testi crusher' and tried to sell the design to a few of the afore mentioned evil dictators.
The device was designed to very slowly move two small cups together whist steadily increasing the voltage (AC, of course) as the cups moved towards each other.
I calculated the gentleman being interrogated wouldn't last for more than a few seconds before he denounced his grandmother as a traitor to the state and agreed to shoot her himself.

However, my design never sold.

I've got a bit more depraved since school but I won't describe any more of my inventions for fear of you charging me for a new laptop as you vomit on your keyboards.


Hate to tell you this bro....what you described will not qualify you a position in hell. tongue.png You are still safe cheers.png


I would like to explain you with an example, suppose we are in the examination hall and everyone has doing his/her paper so during the examination time we cannot claim to each other that who is pass or fail only after the examination the teacher will check the copies and tell us the result who ever pass or fail.
Similarly this world is a test for us, we are all busy in our life affairs and God is testing us whether we do good deeds or bad things in our life. So, on the judgment day the God will announce about our fate either we go to heaven or hell.
I suggest everyone do good deeds in your life and get the heaven for yourself in the life hereafter.

owais.truefriend wrote:

Similarly this world is a test for us, we are all busy in our life affairs and God is testing us whether we do good deeds or bad things in our life. So, on the judgment day the God will announce about our fate either we go to heaven or hell.
I suggest everyone do good deeds in your life and get the heaven for yourself in the life hereafter.

Nice talking, would be good if we can do it.


Nice way of putting it Owais. Yes our after life is determined by our actions on earth. Having a dad who is a Buddhist and a mom who is a christian I was exposed to both religions. I've done my own soul searching plus spoken to people of other faiths. And my conclusion is .... what ever we do now (our actions, our thoughts and what we say) will determine our after life. I am also a strong believer in Karma. Some people had actually told me that heaven and hell is actually here on earth. Buddhist believe in re incarnation. And surprising there are people (mainly kids) who had faced that which i found online. But the overall like what you had said.




Yes would be good if we can do it. In life no one is perfect. I guess if it's heaven ....there's probably a chart of 1 to 10 of bad deeds done by each person. Then the question would be what number do you have...... lol.png

ScotsGaurd wrote:




I firmly believe that in order to know and get information about the other life or hereafter or whatever you want to call it, you have to rely on information that was revealed to us by God, since this is unseen that's mean no one other than God can predict or tell you what's going to happen after death cause no one is capable of knowing the unseen, knowing this fact will lead you to finding the trustworthy words of your God, now the only thing is to verify that whatever is claimed to be God words, and message is really came from God, or otherwise you are going to be in a big disappointment, and facing what you'd not expect, I have my own ways to test this, but in general God words doesn't contradict its self, or contains mistakes, etc., now you found out the true words of God, all you have to do just find the story relevant to the life after death, and you'd know all the authentic details that tell you about it, and if you trust your creator you will believe in God's words.
Eventually, what have you done to prepare your self for the hereafter, don't think you are safe, cause is not what you think it's what your creator says, accept and approve of you.

heartones wrote:

I firmly believe that in order to know and get information about the other life or hereafter or whatever you want to call it, you have to rely on information that was revealed to us by God, since this is unseen that's mean no one other than God can predict or tell you what's going to happen after death cause no one is capable of knowing the unseen, knowing this fact will lead you to finding the trustworthy words of your God, now the only thing is to verify that whatever is claimed to be God words, and message is really came from God, or otherwise you are going to be in a big disappointment, and facing what you'd not expect, I have my own ways to test this, but in general God words doesn't contradict its self, or contains mistakes, etc., now you found out the true words of God, all you have to do just find the story relevant to the life after death, and you'd know all the authentic details that tell you about it, and if you trust your creator you will believe in God's words.
Eventually, what have you done to prepare your self for the hereafter, don't think you are safe, cause is not what you think it's what your creator says, accept and approve of you.

Thank you for your views on this matter. Truly appreciate it. smile.png


I would like to think that there is life after death, but with no concrete evidence to confirm this, like a deceased friend coming to see me, I am not a believer.


What about spirits or the paranormal?? They were once people...don't you think?


If you create some thing you'd know every thing about it, and if you know your creator, then you would have a concrete evidence about your self, like why we are here, what the purpose of our creation, what is our destination, etc. I am sure we are not here for sport, either to fulfill our creator's purpose of our existence, or what we have been created for, there is a concrete evidence in science that just make you think about the creator, that will help you to be a believer, you have to interact your self with these evidence and find them around you and here on the internet. again weather you disbelieve or not eventually you'd go back to your creator you don't have a choice cause he has full control of you, you are his property weather you like it of not, so either you worship him willingly or unwillingly here where you come into accountability of your own action.


Short Story......
Once a killer and non believer man decided to change and repent all his sins.
He went to the sanctuary to seek forgiveness, he ask the religious guy If God can forgive him, the religious guy says yes and he asked what did you do, the man said "I killed 98 people". The religious guy said Im not sure if God can forgive you I guess you better surrender to the police, but the man get angry cause he don't want to surrender himself to the police so the man kill him and that makes him killed 99.
The man continue walking as he saw a masjid and asked the Iman the same question, the Iman got scared about what the man had told him so he think a better answer cause he don't want to end up like the last guy he killed, the Iman answered, "I am not sure about that, but theres a man on top of the hill that can answer your situation", the man left desperately for he is really willing to repent and ask forgiveness.
While getting near to his destination the man collapse on his way. Angel of death went down for he is definitely sure he is going to hell. God send his 2 angels immidiately, The right 1 said his going to heaven for he is truly going to repent his sins but the left 1 said his bad deeds weigh the most so his going to hell. God heard it and said to his servant, "measure how far where he commit his last sin and measure how far the path his willing to change. Angels both measure the path. the result, his much nearer to the path where he is willing to change and repent his sins. God said, he turned away to his sin and came all over in that place to seek the person that can help him to repent his sin and change whoever he is before. the angel that wrote bad deeds erase his sins and The angel that write good deeds send him in heaven.


In Buddhism ( if based on your story Jasfur) a person who commits any wrong be it lying, stealing, murder etc..and even if it came to a situation that he/she intends to change for the better....that person would still have to pay for the wrong done. Be it in this life or the next. Which is called Karma. It's if you do good you get good back and if you do bad then you get bad. big_smile.png


i believe in life after life... we are here to learn lessons each time we choose to come to earth, sometimes the lessons are hard and sometimes not so hard...i totally believe in spirits too! smile.png

janpsychicmedium wrote:

i believe in life after life... we are here to learn lessons each time we choose to come to earth, sometimes the lessons are hard and sometimes not so hard...i totally believe in spirits too! smile.png

big_smile.png I believe we are here to learn lessons too...that we are here for a purpose....

janpsychicmedium wrote:

i believe in life after life... we are here to learn lessons each time we choose to come to earth,

Couldn't help not to ask these quick questions:
Do you really have the choice (to come/not to come) to anywhere hmm.pnghmm.png?
Even if you do, do you really choose to come to earth every time? don't you wanna try somewhere else? lol.pnglol.png

aabie ryan

i don't know what to say about life after death..

cuz all people i know who are dead already...they don't come back to tell me what happened to them after they passed away..

aabie ryan wrote:

i don't know what to say about life after death..

cuz all people i know who are dead already...they don't come back to tell me what happened to them after they passed away..

most probably they lost your address or cell phone no. while there trip to the after life.

MO2013 wrote:
janpsychicmedium wrote:

i believe in life after life... we are here to learn lessons each time we choose to come to earth,

Couldn't help not to ask these quick questions:
Do you really have the choice (to come/not to come) to anywhere hmm.pnghmm.png?
Even if you do, do you really choose to come to earth every time? don't you wanna try somewhere else? lol.pnglol.png

Now...that's interesting.....I wonder if we have a choice....hahahaha....tongue.png


if you don't know you have to seek knowledge before it is too late, when you are dead it's too late, it is time to face the reality, it is what your creator wants either punishes you or rewards you, but it's really nice to know ahead of time so you can be prepared for the dangerous journey, and to some people is going to be a shocking experience if they didn't what they were expecting they only can blame themselves.


Life after death?

I honestly have no clue.

I am okay with not knowing.


What we don't know don't hurt us........

stumpy wrote:

What we don't know don't hurt us........

We don't know how we will die but being chopped up with a chainsaw would probably hurt.
What you don't know can hurt you.


I don't have any strong beliefs but from reading what everyone has wrote I couldn't help but think about history and the possible answers hidden... Okay so when religion was created man was the smartest animal in the world and believed it was created for "us" but we knew so little about the world. Yet if God created the world, wouldn't you think that in one of the many books they would of mentioned a few very simple facts about the world that we now know today? for example the world being round. Even things like dinosaurs or ice age, even animals that are really interesting like Kangaroos, dolphins or space?

I believe "when" more than "if", we find other life whether it be a flea or some dinosaur on another planet maybe that will be classed as evidence as to their being no god? I am not saying their is no god but I believe religion was created in a time when the world was a lot more dangerous than today (deaths, stealing, violence, rape etc) and religion was maybe created as a guide to life on how to be civilized towards one and other?

Heaven and Hell are more like a goal to aim towards to give purpose to life and also for comfort to yourself and others, everyone would like to believe their loved ones are somewhere safe etc. But have you not noticed every funeral you have attended people say things like "oh they are in heaven now smiling down on us" no one ever turns around n say "oh shit they are going through hell right now, burning for ever!" (ok maybe a bit too far but my point being just that) yet out of the many people I have had to sadly say good bye to not one was a truly religious person or even lived a life without sin. Which leads to wonder...

As for spirits etc I believe the mind is a very powerful thing and if you have ever had a dream whilst asleep and woke up feeling sad, angry, happy etc because of that dream that is similar to believing in ghosts, as you are believing in something that you have seen but may not be real. If you have ever mistaken a object for a person or so on maybe because the object was too far away or it was dark etc that could be what people have mistaken as paranormal activity?


If you are talking about life after death. No one knows.

Any other answer is based on an individuals faith.

Just because someone has faith in something does not mean it is real.

stumpy wrote:

What we don't know don't hurt us........


If there's life after death then what's the point in humans dying?
[rhetorical question]

Tong Tran
julianaa wrote:

Different cultures and religions have different beliefs. Then there is the real life experiences such as people (kids) with visions of their past life and near death you believe?gloria.png

After death, that is the day I receive punishment from the dead world. I think so. wink.png



That's what we are all thought to believe by the different races in the Asian world. LOL  tongue.png


Life after death is where you are reunited with your family, relatives, friends, enemies... every single person you have met in your life. Since they have passed away before you, they got to see everything you do in your life as well as hear things you say too... Perhaps they are discussing with each other about you right now...
Just prepare to answer all the questions they may ask you there.


I believe that when we die our bodies rot and make a lot of insects really happy.  For now, it's just the mosquitos I'm making happy.


This is a believe of no believe, and what if your believe is wrong when you'd be dead, are you going to be punished for your believe, the one he created you and capable of punishment and judgments, but the worst part is you can not run away except to him


Any omnipotent creature would have to be smart enough to see through all the bad people who kill and die while telling everyone else to believe what they believe.


Who created me? Seriously I want to know.

Was it...

The Muslim god? What form of Islam  is correct? You know there are two major divisions.

The Christan god? What one? The Baptists all believe it is their version of God. Catholics? I am told they are not really Christians. Neither are the Mormons. Even though all of them claim to worship Jesus. Maybe there are different Jesus?

Of course the Gnostic Christians believe Jesus was not crucified and died an old man.

How about Buddha? There are multiple branches of Buddhism.

Or Hinduism?

Maybe the Harri Krishna folks have it right?

Mithra and Adonis perhaps?

How about Zeus? Or better yet Aphrodite she is hot!

Please tell me the one true god so I can pray and save my soulless self. 

heartones wrote:

This is a believe of no believe, and what if your believe is wrong when you'd be dead, are you going to be punished for your believe, the one he created you and capable of punishment and judgments, but the worst part is you can not run away except to him


From what little I know about Buddhism, they would never say that Buddha created anybody.  He was just a guy, not a god.


You know what I am going to take your word for it.

Strike Buddha off the God list.

Now we are getting somewhere.

I am still hoping Aphrodite is the one true god.

What other gods can we take off?

This is serious, our eternal souls are on the line. 

HaileyinHongKong wrote:

From what little I know about Buddhism, they would never say that Buddha created anybody.  He was just a guy, not a god.


your God and our God is the same God,
that's why we are equal in rights, and we have the same model and brand name of human, and mankind, furthermore when he created us, me , him, you, and every one else he didn't leave us for our own mood, philosophy, imagination, and desires, but he sent messengers and revealed to us books of his words, to tell us that he didn't create us just for fun or sport, the purpose of creation is he created us to worship him alone, and leave the worship of other objects regardless of its name, and worship him according to what he recommendation, not any way you like, because he will not except any deeds unless if it's done with sincerity and it is done rightly, and if you are worshiping other than God I will ask you one question who deserve to give him your worship the one who creates or the one he creates not? the one who made you or the one he made you not?


I had made it my quest to know more about our creator...I spoke to people of the cloth.... the christian's, buddhist's, hindu's and muslim's (just these 4). I just wanted to understand more about the other religions with the hopes that in the process i would find my creator.
Each religion has their own theories and practices. Some said that in order for me to go to 'heaven' i had to practice their religion that only those who did so would be saved.(If that's the case, what if a person was born to a different religion? And is a good person....won't he/she be saved?) Then there were those who said that all god's of different religions are actually one (of course there will be those who would disagree on this but to me as long as that religion teaches good then that's good), and then there are those who said that what you do on earth in your current life would determine your existence in your next life.

End result....Im still clueless.I have loads of respect for all religions. Now there is a program called Ancient Aliens.If you have watched that would find that the scientist are saying that there is a possibility that Aliens have had a hand in our existence. LOL....

End theory....just do my level best to do good. Only when I die would I really know who my creator is..... tongue.pngwink.pngbig_smile.png

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