Long term rental wanted dordogne

big family is searching for a bigger place.

3 kids and 2 dogs.

We search for a detached propety with space around us

,no appartments or townhouses.

area perigueux, riberac, st astier, neuvic ectr.

work on property is no problem in exchange for less rent.

thats in advance for your help.we appeciate it.

sr, but i dont know what district u want to live

u can connect my skype: lan.lyosong, i will help u, or my facebook: bautroidotham, i will help u by my all enthusism

This is in the Dordogne i search.

departement 24 thank you.

Hello klusje.

I would suggest you to post an advert in the Housing in France section and specify exactly what you're searching for.

Thanks and good luck

Karen :)