Vacation near Sharm Al Sheikh - Nuweiba

Hi Guys,

i need travel advice if its safe to travel to Egypt with the current politial situation??

i was planning to go for a 4 week retreat after Eid ul Fitr...that should be around mid August.....but now watching and reading the news is giving me cold feet.

any advise/feedback from the ground would be highly appreciated...


Sharm el Sheikh and other cities in the Red Sea area are safe AND far away from Cairo and Alexandria! Also according to travel advice from European countries.

Just take care around Sharm - there is alot of trouble around the Sinai region - and the last time it all kicked off there there were bombs in dahab/sharm.

Hello people (nass :D) i live in Sharm since around 3 years, and that i heard, the last time there was a bomb attack here was in 2008 or something like that!!! I went Dabad 2 weeks ago and it was ok in there too... I Just had to show my passport in the route check in.
Everything fine here Alhamdulillah :D

i was in Sharm from months, all the way i am driving it's as usual safe, but more security check ups.
