Okay, I'm back and believe it or not, it's good to be back because my trip home was an unmitigated disaster (if it could go wrong, it did).
Howevever, I did have an idea while away. What I've decided is to host a 'girl party' here at my apt. so that some of us, at least, can meet. I'll provide food--you bring the wine (typical Saudi joke). We can chat, play cards, watch a video, whatever.
Any of you interested?
I'm in!
Just remembered this is cyber space and I'm not in Riyadh yet!
Don't you just love the fact that you can go to a party in Riyadh and not worry about booze?
I love to cook so I always bring nibblies (ie finger food)
BTW what are your fave type of movies 'Alliecat'?

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
hey hey hey, thats discrimination 100%
this is just NOT fair
boo hoo
boo hoo
boo hoo
Oooh Girls just wanna have fuuunn! (Apologies to Cyndi Lauper)

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
how can a gal ever have fun without the better half?
hehehehe dun be jelous musicman
when i was knew here i gathered at same kind of party on thursday[same place where ya go for your music on thursday or wednesday]
frankly,i wasnt very excited since i was not familar to any one but it was funnnnnn man!!!

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
lolz, just kidding nonz, go have a ball with the cute kitties. enjoy and keep us updated with the postmortems...
life is for living, man, woman or animal....

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
who needs an invite from a family member on expat-blog
cmon gal go for it
they are not gonna kick yr butt out
without the better half?
AHA! musicman remembered better half!
am I invited too???
Of course, darling.. wouldn't be a party without you BTW, I've been waiting to meet you, too, but our bud Salman never got back to me!!
<-- my face for Salman!
Don't you just love the fact that you can go to a party in Riyadh and not worry about booze?
Actually, none of us love this fact, loana lol I am by no means a heavy drinker but it's nice to have a glass of wine when you feel like it. And you're so right about our virtual living--HEY.. an idea.. maybe I'll set up my laptop and do a live feed so that people can watch our party!! HEHE! This is a great idea but I think our party might be fun to attend (I sure hope so) but boring to watch (?).
Re missing your glass of wine now and then....
Well, to be honest I will miss an ice cold beer at a bbq and a glass of bubbly with the girls and an ouzo on the rocks to remind me of my father and......oh! somebody stop me!!
Tomorrow night is my farewell party I'll have a wine for you Alliecat...anyone else have a drink that they would like me to sacrificially imbibe on their behalf?
-HEY.. an idea.. maybe I'll set up my laptop and do a live feed so that people can watch our party!! HEHE! This is a great idea but I think our party might be fun to attend (I sure hope so) but boring to watch
LOL :lol:Alliecat, with your cheeky wit any party would be fun!
with your cheeky wit
Hmmmm.. I like loanna already!
loanna, in what city will you be living?
if it's Riyadh, and your going away party is tomorrow.. trust me, you'll be here in plenty of time to attend my party!! Nothing here ever happens quickly lol You'll see!
what about me
I dunno--what about you? lol
WOW! It just occurred to me!
Here's a question for the musicman:
Remember the big to-do about my moving to a new apt? Well, somehow I got moved from an all-woman's block to a family block. In other words, it's a mixed apt. bldg.
I am wondering if this means I can invite 'families' to my party? This means you guys would have to bring your wives (or sisters? mothers?) and it would all be considered perfectly legitimate and nobody gets into trouble?
Alliecat wrote:loanna, in what city will you be living?
if it's Riyadh, and your going away party is tomorrow.. trust me, you'll be here in plenty of time to attend my party!! Nothing here ever happens quickly lol You'll see!what about me
I dunno--what about you? lol
I'm coming to Riyadh
and I know nothing happens quickly there because poor Salman has spent 6 months trying to round up the troops to 'The Expat Club'...
Maktabi...maybe you should round up Salman and have a BOYS party
yuppyyy i m invited too and yeah Salman, "The busy bee"
and yeah we should wait for loanna:D
Maktabi...maybe you should round up Salman and have a BOYS party
good IDEA:lol:
what are your fave type of movies 'Alliecat'?
You know, I like almost everything except slasher films and cheesy comedies that aren't funny (I can't for the life of me understand why people like Vince Vaughn!).
I think my all-time favorite is an Italian movie called "Cinema Paradiso," but also like the Godfather, the Lord of the Ring trilogy, Indiana Jones, etc.
musicman wrote:hey hey hey, thats discrimination 100%
this is just NOT fair
boo hoo
boo hoo
boo hoo
*nod's in agreement*

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
Alliecat wrote:WOW! It just occurred to me!
Here's a question for the musicman:
Remember the big to-do about my moving to a new apt? Well, somehow I got moved from an all-woman's block to a family block. In other words, it's a mixed apt. bldg.
I am wondering if this means I can invite 'families' to my party? This means you guys would have to bring your wives (or sisters? mothers?) and it would all be considered perfectly legitimate and nobody gets into trouble?
Everything depends on where you live and which neighborhood and who your fellow apartment dwellers are.
If they are the nosey type (esp locals) who keep an eye on their keyholes and suspect that you ae engaged in having wild parties with mixed groups, living as a ingle woman, then they could easily cause trouble.
If they are a cool lot (mostly expat) who choose to mind their own business and believe that what you are engaging inside your apartment is a truly legit family get-together type party with men, wives, kids etc, I believe its cool.
Its only when the suspicion is aroused that trouble can brew, remember.
The location and building is also key. A place like Batha/Hara/Murabbah is out of the question.... Peopl who live there can be extremely dodgy...
Thats only my experiene.... Others may have differing views?
i dont think it wud be any problem if u invite ur friends home. thats wat i have seen. but ya, wat i have seen here is that most of the neighbours wanna have the knowledge of others more. they are least bothered abt their life and interested in others. hope u dont have that kinda neighbours
Ioanna wrote:and I know nothing happens quickly there because poor Salman has spent 6 months trying to round up the troops to 'The Expat Club'...
I suppose someone noticed.

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
In the late nineties, when I was heavily involved playing music with a Jazz Band in Riyadh comprising several expats from many diff nations we used to practice at my place since it was not very convenienet to walk around with a whole drum kit and people, single men and women, used to come and go during sessions, like a clubhouse. We had no problems whatsoever. We carried on for 3 years. peacefully. During this period my family were all out of Riyadh for 2 years on acciunt of the girls education needs and I was living alone.
Our immediate neighbors comprised a Saudi (he has passed away now, may he rest in peace) and his Brit wife and kids on the ground floor, and two Palestinian families (professionals) upstairs.
We lived in Sulaimaniya amidst many neighboring apartment blocks and villas with a mixed bag of people. No hassles whatsoever.
The only issue we had, as I remember, with one of the Pals living upstairs was that his wife hatedcats and we had a cute kitty in our home.

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
sorry, that should have read..."In the late eighties, and not Nineties"
ya musicman, Saudi Arabia on the whole was great before...less people, good people, less traffic, more breathing its really bad!

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
well, nothing much has changed, except maybe,
1. the cost of living UP, UP, n AWAY
2. the attitudes and stereotyping of some people towards others on account of recent events that have taken place across the globe
I dont see much difference in the quality of people, both local and expats now, compared to then. More or less the same species with simiar characteristics. Lots of square pegs in round holes everywhere, jobwise.
musicman, i have seen a lot of change...wenever i used to visit riyadh before, ie., late 80's and early 90's, i never thought the roads in riyadh wud ever be full. the roads used to look sooo huge and deserted. now, it takes half an hour for me to reach office (5 kms from my house) and 45 minutes atleast to find a parking. and i park about a km away and walk to my office...

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
OK agreed, the traffic has certainly increased. But thats a common factor of any big city across the globe with the mssive migration of populations into the business and technology environments.
I doubt that there is any big city on earth where the number of cars has diminished ovr the past 20 years?

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
when i first moved to Riyadh in 1985 they were still bulding King Fahd Road and we sued to take our cars ad race on it from Olaya to Dallah and back. It was fun.
Al Aqariya I was the only shopping mall.
Supermarkets in the city were Panda (old management), AlJazeera in Sulaimaniya and Safeway on King Fahd Highway. Another one (i cant remember it name now) came up where Al Faisaliah Tower now stands but it was demolished when the tower sprang up.
We watched the two towers under construction from day one and suffered the assle of detours and all kinds of re-routing on the King Fahd Highway/Olaya Road areas on account of the work that was being done.
Everything else came afterwards.
Errrrr.....I think the topic was "Hens Party"...
Hey ya Stags......"GO away"ya have stolen the topic

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
Hens in Abhaya?
Black Hens?
May I ask, why is a Black Hen cleverer than a White Hen?

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
I am sure the Hens will not know the answer.
Here goes...
A Black Hen is CLEVERER than a WHhite Hen cos a Black Hen can lay a White Egg but a White Hen cannot lay a Black egg.

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
that depends on what kind of a Rooster you are...
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