
How long have you been far away??

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Born and raised in Kuwait as an Indian citizen for 21 years! Went to India for college and now back to Kuwait :)


16 years, Czech republic


19 years, lived all over the world and cant see any reason to go back to the UK, its a great life moving around every few years.


I am an Englishman who has lived in Southern Spain for 24 years and now retired with a second home in Penang, Malaysia. I could never imagine living in the UK again however I still read the telegraph online (probably the reason). Love it here and the food!!!.


well, 7 years... moved from France to Switzerland, and absolutely no project (short or long term) to come back. For my next job (not yet), I'll choose another country. Where the wind will blow me, I'll go....

Jo Ann

Time to update again.
I am almost 26, spent 18 years out of Angola.
Wow !


Two and a half years. But that is only because I left two and a half years ago. I have no intention of going back to England - ever. After 44 years living there I have seen it, done it, bought the t-shirt. Now I have a whole new country to discover - a country the size of Europe.
Ask me again in twenty years time and I will reply twenty two and a half years.


I'm with Lydia.  Being away (Perú) means I can see what's bad about my home country (UK), but that seems to mean less as time goes on. 
I left in July 05, and have been relatively homesick since around Nov 05, I'd say.   For people, and for the lack of staring, mostly.
Used to go back for regular visits, and that made it easier, but SA is a bit prohibitive in flight prices for that now.


I was away from home for 2 1/2 years before traveling back for the first time (just for a month). In total, it'll end up being about 4 years before I move back... assuming everything goes well with my wife's visa application.


21 years in Germany, 2 Years in Puerto Rico, 4 years in California, on my way to Dubai and on and on...

(  My travels working project


Original from Germany - 16 years UK now 2 years and counting in Spain (Galicia).


Jo Ann

I love updating this :-P
I'm 26, makes 18 years out of my homeland, but I'm happy where I am now ;-)


i went to US in 2001,stayed there until 2007,then i went back to my home country,Phils,stayed there for more than 1 year and now i'm here in Canada for only a few months.


Closing in on two decades out of England now ... mostly France, plus Spain, Italy, Morocco, and now Thailand.

I've got absolutely no desire to go back to England! I don't know how anyone can stand living there ;)


I've been worked for 2 years in Germany. This is my longest duration of not being in my home country. In case I find a much better job than the one I am having now, I would leave again.


Five years now, in this tiny Spanish village. Love it!
Vicky T

Chickens, Mules and Two Old Fools


7yrs in Africa, 2 in S-A, lots of time in France (months a year)and now almost a year in Belgium.. Adding up to more than half my life :P (just turned 18)


I actually lived half a year in the Netherlands and it was amazing. The people are very friendly and the landscape is amazing there. I really loved it. Honestly I must admit that in the beginning I did not want to go to the Netherlands but after my stay I am very happy that I did it. It is a great country with nice people living there.


Hellooooo I have been 8 years in Germany and will move next week to Egypt. How long will I stay?? Who knows Will I return to the UK?? Noooooooooooooooo I will go on and on and on like the gypsy I am :)


We arrived in the USA last January, i.e less than 6 months ago. But we hope to stay quite a while (at least 4 years)


I've been in Japan for 2 years...

Hoping for more years to come.


I am nearer to "One Decade"


I have been living in NYC for the past 15 years, however i do travel and i spend about 3-4 months abroad.


18 years and counting in Italy!!!

So much so, I Burnt by the Tuscan Sun - the true story of living in Italy about the trials & tribulations of such a seemingly wonderful place...and yet, I stay, I stay :dumbom:

(moderated: off topic)

Ana Mariana Furger

4 years but at least once a year going back home.


I've been out for 15 years.  This is my 8th country.

I live in Thailand, work in the Middle East and only return to the US when forced to, by my company, for corporate training or meetings.

I will be a life-long expat.

pazita gonzalez

i lived in the US 2 winter seasons which equals to 9 months livin abroad.... great experience, the best part.... meeting wonderful ppl from all around the world :)

Carlos C

Born in Lisbon in 1960
From 1966 to 1970 in Hannover
From 1979 to 1982 back to Hannover
From 1986 to 1988 in Frankfurt
From 1988 to 1990 in Barcelona

and now trying to leave Europe...


I moved from Tanzania ( East Africa) on Feb 2009. to NYC. Been here almost 1 half Year or soo i guess, first time living away completely from my Family on my own 2 feet. Its all Good, Through thick and thin. Been through the recession, still going strong, stay positive the Work hard. thats my motto, Been broke, hungry, and jobless on occasional, and lost dear family member back home. Still standing strong. Its all good. One Day at a Time. Pay Off Someday...


I've been away for nine years now. Not bad when I consider I originally only moved to Holland from England for 6 months.


Ive been away from home on and off 1 year at a time. quite unstable really, but hoping to settle soon!


I've been back home a couple of times for half a year or so, but apart from that I have been away for about 10 years.

Sweden, Denmark, Zambia, Poland, Kenya, Malta, Morocco, Spain & Catalunya.

seeker of truth

i've been here in saudi for 2 years... turning to its 3rd year..


the longest I've been away is 9 months. I was working at a hotel outside of Dublin. All together, I've lost count. I've spent time in Australia, Dublin, Mallorca, Barcelona, Tenerife, and all vaiouse times. I love to travel! :)


I left the States in 2000 to work in the Mediterranean and besides a year return to NYC, have lived in Greece (well on a Greek ship), in Israel and in Paris for the past almost 8 years.


I've been out of the US since 2007, first in the UK and now in Belgium.  Compared to some others on here it's not that long, but it's starting to wear on me a bit - thinking of going back if I can find a job.


Hi ,presently I am in India but I am planning to go Connecticut and shift there for three to four years.I want to build my career over there.
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3years in and a half year in China.  So, I've been away from home for 4 years and a half, and still counting.


I have been in Tokyo 3 years this January -I admit I miss home when I get too stressed from the lack of nature and abundance of noise here!


2 years in Africa and 12 in Germany until now. I think I am staying :-)

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