Looking for a Football.


Hang on there, fellas!  The football will be coming up...

Anniest, don't you get up!

Don't stare down your friend that way, Khanh!

THD, are you thinking about a play?

Wild_1 wrote:


Hang on there, fellas!  The football will be coming up...

Anniest, don't you get up!

Don't stare down your friend that way, Khanh!

THD, are you thinking about a play?

Nice huddle. 

Well, if you're going to be on two wheels..... :unsure: .....

Holy crap, there's a sport for that! Wheelchair Football! :blink:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheelchair … (American)

No, THD.  If I am going to be on those wheels, I will be watching the football with the rest of you.

Love the kid that is eye-balling the other. 

That must be Anniest, with the two ponytails.

There are a couple of American footballs available at the K &B store on Hoang Hoa Tham St. in Vung Tau.

lostvietdreamer wrote:

There are a couple of American footballs available at the K &B store on Hoang Hoa Tham St. in Vung Tau.

You've checked them out?  Are they made of plastic or rubber?  How do they feel?  Hoàng Hoa Thám Street is pretty long.  Do you have a house number?  The name is "K&B Store"?  Is it close to Võ Thị Sáu Street?

THDee, check out if they have the "needle" to pump up the ball when it goes soft. I really need it.... I lost mine... Please please please

Anniest wrote:

THDee, check out if they have the "needle" to pump up the ball when it goes soft. I really need it.... I lost mine... Please please please

Will do.

I asked but they didn't sell any needles.  To pump up the display model/product, they had to sneak behind the back and go next door.

It is a few stores up from Tran Hung Dao St., across the street from Good Morning Vietnam.

I did not check them out but you can see they are not NFL standard but OK to throw around. Good enough so you can show us your moves.


lostvietdreamer wrote:

It is a few stores up from Tran Hung Dao St., across the street from Good Morning Vietnam.

I did not check them out but you can see they are not NFL standard but OK to throw around. Good enough so you can show us your moves.


Ok, around Trương Công Định street.  Now I have my bearings.  Good enough for a trip into Vũng Tàu City to explore. 

What's Good Morning Vietnam?  Interesting...was a funny movie.  Some guy open a coffee shop?  Will have to cruise on by there.

Wow you must be famous. That's so cool they named a street after you.

Sorry, but it is on Hoang Hoa Tham, two stores west of Tran Hung Dao St, and the Tran Hung Dao statue. Good Morning Vietnam is a restaurant group that has been here a long time. It is a landmark.

The actual address on the name card is 02 Tran Hung Dao St., but that is the office. Tel:064 353 3062

And a statue too wow!

Khanh !!!! lolololol :dumbom:

khanh44 wrote:

And a statue too wow!

And all it took was bringing some baby formula to orphaned babies.  They're building Anniest's down the street.

http://mw2.google.com/mw-panoramio/photos/medium/72112060.jpg :P

lostvietdreamer wrote:

Sorry, but it is on Hoang Hoa Tham, two stores west of Tran Hung Dao St, and the Tran Hung Dao statue. Good Morning Vietnam is a restaurant group that has been here a long time. It is a landmark.

The actual address on the name card is 02 Tran Hung Dao St., but that is the office. Tel:064 353 3062

First, thank you for the lead.  It was a good lead.  I had a chance to go there late this afternoon/early evening.

Second, I didn't find any  Good Morning Vietnam restaurant; they must be on a different street.  I did find an Italian restaurant on Hoàng Hoa Thám Street and an official/agency looking building across the street from the K&B Store.

Let me tell you....initially I was very impressed.  Seeing the sign that read "Imported from the USA", I said to myself "Way to go lostvietdreamer, this place has gotta be cool!...stuff from home" :proud.  Inside, was another sign that read "100% imported from the USA"...I was double impressed.  :top:

Then I found the football....I picked it up, tossed it about a bit...but something didn't feel right.  I turned the football around and around in my hand to examine it closely and saw to my horror [[cue "record scratch" sound indicating a sudden interruption in a daydream fantasy state]] "MADE IN CHINA". :blink:

Not only was it "made in China" but they didn't even make the football right.  The "pigskin" was falling apart at the seams and whoever sewed it didn't know what an "ellipsoid" is.  They used 4 pieces of "pigskin" and sewed it together like a box or a brick instead of an ellipsoid.  Meaning if you look at a football "the front", you should see a circle.  The one they had at the store would look like a square.  How can you get any spin when you throw the football if it's a squaroid football?

I thought...well, maybe they just need to pump it up.  I asked the salesgirl to pump it up for me.  She started by telling me that it's already pumped up (like I was going to believe her telling me what a football should look/feel like).  I kept insisting and then she took it in the back room, returning with a "blown up" football ten minutes later.  It was STILL SQUARE!

So really what I saw was a rubber brick and not anywhere near what a "football" should be.  I could just buy a loaf of bread (like I mentioned above) and tape it to get the same results...if I get desperate.  In the meantime, I think "good things come to those who wait" would be in order while I wait for Wild_1 to bring a real football back here.

Anyhow, I was really disappointed.  :nothappy: One, it wasn't a real football and two, the store is a fake!  "100% directly imported from the USA" - they really just re-import stuff from China by the way of the USA. :mad: I checked some other items and they also were "Made in China".

I think "made in China" is not a problem, the problem is the ball not supposed to be SQUARE .... hahahahahah.

lostvietdreamer wrote:

It is a few stores up from Tran Hung Dao St., across the street from Good Morning Vietnam.

I did not check them out but you can see they are not NFL standard but OK to throw around. Good enough so you can show us your moves.


Even though you may be right that "it's good enough for Việt Nam", I get the feeling that those particular "square" footballs are rejects from Wal-Mart.  I don't think I can "rifle/spin" that ball to go very far.  "Go long buddy" won't have the same "coolness" meaning.