That problem is, that it seems to me, that they are not so strong-minded, self-confident as europian women are, and they rarely argue or I would even say, that they're afraid to enforce their opinion when speaking with a guy.
A lot of the Indonesian girls on this forum are going to LOL after reading that!
Trust me
after marriage, it all changes!
Indonesian women are definitely tigers in sheeps clothing and have NO doubt that they are indeed strong minded, independent, self-confident and tough as nails which is a very good thing for the average Indonesian guy.
Make no mistake about it
Indonesian women run this country, and we can all thank God for that!
I'm with Hailey on this thread.
Bule men in indonesia are unnaturally lucky, so I'll just say thank you to all the people who give me a smile in the day.
"Bule men in indonesia are unnaturally lucky..."
And wiser than the average bule elsewhere, I would add.
Maybe we should be more discreet with our secret?
You have a good weekend too Sam!
Lol... Indonesian girls can do that too mas fred..and I would say, that even least in czech clubs I haven't seen so many wasted people..Maybe it's because of asian intolerance to alcohol, maybe it's because we're not used to combine with drugs..who knows..
Dworza wrote:Lol... Indonesian girls can do that too mas fred..and I would say, that even least in czech clubs I haven't seen so many wasted people..Maybe it's because of asian intolerance to alcohol, maybe it's because we're not used to combine with drugs..who knows..
Maybe there are Indonesian girls who go to clubs who are that stupid and gross but most never behave like they're in a fat drunken pig competition.
Drinking causes problems; drugs are for idiots.
There is certainly no shortage of wasted indonesian people in the clubs and bars, drunk as often as other things.
I guess the need to push the limits of self control is not limited to western cultures. that having been said there is a lot more teenage carnage in Newcastle Vs Jakarta
Samhand wrote:There is certainly no shortage of wasted indonesian people in the clubs and bars, drunk as often as other things.
I guess the need to push the limits of self control is not limited to western cultures. that having been said there is a lot more teenage carnage in Newcastle Vs Jakarta
I would imagine there are drunken tarts here as well but I have little first hand experience as I don't go to such places.
However, on my odd visit to areas like that, I haven't seen anyone in that sort of state.
I have very high moral standards, as you would expect from a sound, British chap such as my handsome self.
As for drugs, I have no time for that rubbish.
I've helped the police in the past with work against that especially stupid hobby and will happy help them again.
mas fred wrote:Maybe there are Indonesian girls who go to clubs who are that stupid and gross but most never behave like they're in a fat drunken pig competition.
Drinking causes problems; drugs are for idiots.
I don't know if it's only because how I look like, but almost in every club I've entered, somebody came within half hour and offered me some ectasy or some other shit. I don't do drugs so it quite bothered me..And it's the truth, that indonesians use soft drugs a lot.. When ectasy costs the same money as 2 beers, it's economical to get stoned instead of to get drunk.. For example in my country ectasy costs cca as 15 beers. But beer here is really cheap - cca 1.5$ for 0.5 liter of tap beer.
In my country we love beer, we're proud of that we drink the most beer per capita in the whole world. So if we go partying, we order beer - young czechs are not used to use drugs. So when I saw the situation in indonesian clubs, I was really surprised, in addition, when I knew, how strict are indonesian laws against drugs...I saw dozens of girls so young, that they even shouldn't be alowed to drink beer, dressed like whores and totaly stoned. Sad view :-S
On the other hand we smoke lot of weed in Czech(which is quite tolerated by society and goverment and is not criminalized if you grow it for yourself) and this isn't common in Indonesia at all and people are even afraid to try it, because that it's dangerous (more than other drugs)..but magic mushrooms are legal in Bali...weird
But can somebody explain me, how is it possible, that drugs are so common and young people are not afraid to buy/use them? I would shit my pants because of the punishment, if I would do drugs and knew, that there is some possibility of the police check in the club.. And how is it possible, that magic mushrooms are legal (only in Bali?) ?
And it's the truth, that indonesians use soft drugs a lot.
Maybe in the clubs and bars but not in general society.
If you hang around in toilets; you tend to see shit.
And how is it possible, that magic mushrooms are legal (only in Bali?) ?
For the record, magic mushroom are not legal, per se, in Bali. The law itself is rather ambiguous, but clearly the drug contained within them, psilocybin, is illegal, but on their own the mushrooms arent.
Police enforcement against selling them and consuming them is discretionary as well as ambiguous and inconsistent. If your behavior goes off the deep end, dont be surprised after being with Lucy in the sky with diamonds to find yourself in jail and with some seriously expensive drug charges to deal with.
Consume at your own risk and peril.
plaindot wrote:I thought the world has changed a bit, where people (male or female) can be whatever they want, nothing has to be a certain way- as long as it works out. No absolutes.
When did that happen? People still love all the myths and stereotypes they loved years ago. That's why western men are always disappointed when they learn that Asian women aren't the obedient sex slaves they're looking for and Asian women are disappointed when they learn that objects in rearview mirrors are smaller than they appear.
mas fred wrote:Those 'how to be subtle' classes are really paying off.
When has anyone ever accused you of being subtle?
mas fred wrote:On a more serious note....Get real.
Men like sexy women so tend to be less interested in things that could be featured on animal planet or a sci-fi show.
No matter how much PC you try to add, sexy is sexy.
I don't think he's talking about attractive vs ugly. He's talking about the western stereotype of what Asian women are supposed to be. At least that's how I interpreted it.
mal wrote:Western guys like Asian girls and in return Asian girls like Western guys. Western guys like their brown skin and these brown women like those Caucasian skins.
Most of the Asian girls are born to satisfy guys but most of the Asian guys are less active! So girls like to go with Westerners.
If the affair is for a strong love, any girl may like a caressing, cuddling and admiration. Then only she can be happy and show her love towards her partner with open mind.
Any Girl may like to have a small gift in any kind of affair. Most westerners have money. So they can spend money on a small gift time to time. So these girls like to spend their time with westerners rather than stingy local people who don't give a value for her talent.
You make Asian women sound like prostitutes.
lukereg wrote:Top of my list is girls that breathe... Helps so much
That's discrimination against the sentient-challenged.
mas fred wrote: … 8T0QtgnHEA
Any other questions?
Just one. If I post pictures of Muslims with bombs strapped to their chests, would that be an accurate portrayal of Muslims? Or would that be a weird stereotype based on some weird prejudice?
And did anyone expect this topic to be so popular?
I guess that's more than one question.
Anyone who dabbles in drugs drugs is a fool and deserves everything they get.
I have no sympathy any one who is caught with them and the punishment given to them after.
HaileyinHongKong wrote:mas fred wrote: … 8T0QtgnHEA
Any other questions?
Just one. If I post pictures of Muslims with bombs strapped to their chests, would that be an accurate portrayal of Muslims? Or would that be a weird stereotype based on some weird prejudice?
And did anyone expect this topic to be so popular?
I guess that's more than one question.
Just one...typical woman thing to add more.
Of course, the women in in the picture don't represent all British women but, if you've ever lived there, there are a lot of them....really, loads.
It's now the norm for women to binge drink and end up either demi able to walk in a straight line or fall down, commonly in a less than ladylike position.
You can go to any small town or village and see hundreds of them totally pissed up and in a real state.
The vast majority are overweight to some extent or just plain fat as pigs and hardly any of the younger generation behave like ladies.
Of course, the men are no better.
Things have gone really downhill from the days when this old man used to go out on the town. Of course, girls used to drink and some would even get drunk but not even close to the levels we see in any small town today. When we wanted quick sex, we'd find a quiet, unpopulated corner but street dogging is seen on any Saturday night in a British town.
There are always minorities in any group who can give the whole a bad name but when the majority in a group act in a given way, it's far closer to fair when I suggest there's a serious problem.
This is also seen in official figures of teen and single mother stats.
We also see the decline of moral standards.
Girls start shagging at a far younger age and, as you would expect, get up the duff.
More couples never bother getting married than ever before.
They've even changed the laws to suit as so many people don't bother.
Roughly a third of families are single parent, commonly meaning the woman has been shagging around a lot, not married and divorced.
The slapper next door to my mother had three kids to three different men but only know who two of the fathers were.
The upshot of this is simple enough -- the family deprived kids have no clue as to what reasonable behaviour is and are basically, feral.
As they have no clue about a stable family life, they start screwing at a very young age and produce kids who have even less clue. The UK is now on it's third or fourth generation of wild animal kids and you can see the difference in general society.
Whilst there is no argument, the boys are a mess; they can only make more little bastards if the girls behave like the boys in so much as they wander around, get pissed and shag in the streets.
Boys are real sods - we like to go out with the lads, have a drink and try our best to get our end away but we can't do that unless the girls let us. When the girls start to do this, lads will just use them like a dog on heat.
In Jakarta, I've every confidence some girls are like that but you'll only see it in seedy bars where gold diggers and prostitutes hang out, hoping to meet men with no brains who are willing to pay (in some form) for sex.
That's why the AIDS problem is massive in the UK but tiny and very much restricted to such bars and minority groups in Indonesia.
Tell me H, have you ever been to England?
Caveat - I used to be a bit naughty, basically trying to get into as many pairs of knockers as I could (and I was good at my hobby) but I'm now old, flabby and married, thus unable to carry on with those things.
There's always the possibility I'm bitter and twisted because I've never had sex in public with a fat, ugly, drunken tart and fancy a go.
HaileyinHongKong wrote:lukereg wrote:Top of my list is girls that breathe... Helps so much
That's discrimination against the sentient-challenged.
And a waste.
I've never known a non breather to refuse me.
Ubudian wrote:Indonesian women are definitely in sheeps clothing
There goes another reason I like Indonesian ladies.
Ubudian wrote:Make no mistake about it Indonesian women run this country, and we can all thank God for that!
That explains the whole thread really; not just the question in the OP.
Women basically rule the roost, she bloody does in my house.
If the woman drop her standards, the man will simply allow it but, if the woman keeps her standards, the men have little choice but to follow.
This is why Indonesia has very few of the major problems we see in the UK.
Ubudian wrote: Indonesian women are definitely in sheeps clothing
Actually, what I wrote was: Indonesian women are definitely tigers in sheeps clothing.
Gotta have that word tiger in there Pak Fred!
This is why Indonesia has very few of the major problems we see in the UK.
And, IMHO, you can add the EU, USA and OZ to that list.
And, as my final note about Indonesian women
if ones dream is to raise a family, you couldnt ask for a better mother for your kids than an Indonesia woman.
Ubudian wrote:Ubudian wrote: Indonesian women are definitely in sheeps clothing
Actually, what I wrote was: Indonesian women are definitely tigers in sheeps clothing.
Gotta have that word tiger in there Pak Fred!
My Chinese zodiac sign is a tiger.
I'll reconstruct the sentence again.
tigers are definitely in Indonesian women.
Ubudian wrote:if ones dream is to raise a family, you couldnt ask for a better mother for your kids than an Indonesia woman.
And if one's dream is not to have children, indonesian women are not the best choice, because they usualy don't use birth control and want mixed babies x-)
Is that from experience saying that. Birth control is not really used as it's not really understood or explained or encouraged because the culture dictates that you don't have sex before marriage. However any man prepared to have un protected sex is a fool and should take responsibility as much as the woman if not more so.
I gotta say some people who bad mouthing about asians had too many weeds and need to go out with the right crowd.
lukereg wrote:Is that from experience saying that. Birth control is not really used as it's not really understood or explained or encouraged because the culture dictates that you don't have sex before marriage. However any man prepared to have un protected sex is a fool and should take responsibility as much as the woman if not more so.
The problem isn't that the girls wouldn't like to take it..They maybe would, but as you said, it's quite a problem to get it because it's still a muslim country and the rules are quite strict.. And talking about unprotected sex..If you have one girlfriend for almost 1 year, it's quite bothering you to use a condom every time you two have sex..
Luke wrote:
However any man prepared to have un protected sex is a fool and should take responsibility as much as the woman if not more so.
Hear, hear!
Dworza wrote:
but as you said, it's quite a problem to get it because it's still a muslim country and the rules are quite strict.. And talking about unprotected sex..If you have one girlfriend for almost 1 year, it's quite bothering you to use a condom every time you two have sex
Sorry, but two thumbs down on you Pal!
Luke didnt say anything even REMOTELY like condoms are quite a problem to get!
Try any Apotik, and take some responsibility for your pleasure!
Furthermore, if you get an Indonesian lady pregnant and youre not going to take care of that
marriage being the preferred good solution, keep in mind that while we dont have shotgun weddings over here, the Indonesians are really good at arranging what I call kris weddings. … encrusted/
Good grief
I can only wonder
was I this X%*#ed up when I was your age?
I pray not.
Ubudian wrote:Indonesian women are definitely tigers in sheeps clothing
While I've been beaten by my wife several times, she has never cheated me by some sheep's cloth - and I see ladies like that everyday everywhere. Then they are and remain feminine and sweet, ok. Hopefully we're not wired in seeing feminine sweet creatures as sheep, even though we've made so much, during the centuries, to make that happen.
Ubudian wrote:Indonesian women run this country, and we can all thank God for that!
Can't agree with such statement but I would love it if you'd add a "should".
Indeed, the everyday life in Bali shows women working hard and men doing their best in remaining idle. Now, a woman who carries a bag of cement while her guy smokes kretek isn't a good indication of a country run by women, isn't it?
A Bali friend told me once: "We keep males idle otherwise they would make disasters". Humorous, but not true - any idiot can properly carry a bag of cement over his shoulders. So why they do not have him sweating?
Then Indonesia is not just Bali, anyway what I see is a weak presence of women in government - run by males (funny-funny males to be precise). Most of business is at Chinese hands and you know they see women as lower, and welcome the birth of a boy the most. Not many companies are led by a woman and in any case most of the management is male. Indeed, a wife may be the real leader from behind the screen in a local-local company... oh yes, she runs it - from behind the screen, how come, how come she must stay behind? Come in, this is a male world, specifically a so beautiful fucked-up country, "developing" the global/naif way and most probably toward a cliff, with an imploding capital and a collection of hidden and not hidden problems that may explode at will. Please do not throw false responsibilities to the lovely ladies.
Calm down Ubudian, I didn't have any indonesian girl while I was in Indonesia, although I got plenty of opportunities. What I was talking about said an indonesian friend of mine.
She had a boyfriend for a long time, they wanted to enjoy their relationship regulary without making her pregnant. Nevertheless if she would like to get a receipt birth control from a doctor, it's quite a problem. She tried to explain me, that the doctor would contact her parents to get the reason why she wants the birth control(?! she was 21) and the doctor would refuse to give her the recepit for any other reason, but the medical.
I don't know how about you, when you were my age, but I think, that if you're with somebody for a long time, with somebody who you can trust, it's much more comfortable (and more safe) to use birth control instead of condoms... :-S
anyway what I see is a weak presence of women in government.
Not true. In fact, Indonesia is currently about right smack dab in the middle of world countries when it comes to the representation of women in government:
Gee! Indonesia has a greater current percentage of women in Congress than even the land of democracy
the USA! Go figure that!
Moreover, according to article 55 in the Electoral Law 10/2008, regarding elections to the Indonesian Parliament, "at least one in every three candidates included on a political party list should be women."
Take a look again in April 2014 when 560 seats in the DPU are up for election and youll be looking at about a 30% female make up of the DPU.
And by the way, just for the record, since Soeharto was President, Indonesia has had four Presidents and one of them was a woman...Ibu Mega! What other country in the world with a population near as significant as Indonesia can say that 25% of its freely elected Presidents have been women?
But representation in Congress or being heads of state is not at all what I mean what I say Indonesian women run this country.
The Indonesian women know what I mean, and so do most all foreigners married to one. For certain, most all Indonesian men know exactly what I mean!
I don't know how about you, when you were my age, but I think, that if you're with somebody for a long time, with somebody who you can trust, it's much more comfortable (and more safe) to use birth control instead of condoms... :-S
Bloody heck! And here all these years I was thinking that condoms was a form of birth control! Silly me!
Seriously, I know what you mean (I think)
the pill, IUDs
anything aside from abstinence. That sort of birth control is definitely not popular with Indonesian women. Somewhat coincidentally (I think) the use of tampons among Indonesian women is also very rare.
Ubudian wrote:Bloody heck! And here all these years I was thinking that condoms was a form of birth control! Silly me!
Seriously, I know what you mean (I think) the pill, IUDs anything aside from abstinence. That sort of birth control is definitely not popular with Indonesian women. Somewhat coincidentally (I think) the use of tampons among Indonesian women is also very rare.
Yep, the pills... I didn't know, how to call it other way in english, so maybe that's why we didn't understand eachother. And as I've said - they maybe would be popular with indonesian girls, but is not popular with indonesian doctors...and you have to have receipt from a doctor to get it..
Talking about indonesian goverment, I see much bigger problem, that it's muslim only, as far as I know..but this is really OT.
Dworza wrote:She had a boyfriend for a long time, they wanted to enjoy their relationship regulary without making her pregnant. Nevertheless if she would like to get a receipt birth control from a doctor, it's quite a problem. She tried to explain me, that the doctor would contact her parents to get the reason why she wants the birth control(?! she was 21) and the doctor would refuse to give her the recepit for any other reason, but the medical.
Someone's back is wet.
You do realise, you can get condoms or birth control pills in any local chemist, without anyone but the girl on the cash desk knowing, don't you?
Sorry to be harsh but you're talking out of your arse.
Dworza wrote:Talking about indonesian goverment, I see much bigger problem, that it's muslim only, as far as I know..but this is really OT.
Another load of old bollocks from the totally uninformed, bigoted and biased.
First off, why would a Muslim government be a problem? that statement is a result of uneducated stupidity; nothing less.
You really must dump the stupid stereotypes and learn to understand others.
Next up; this Muslim government promotes AIDS awareness and birth control, preferably within the confines of marriage but realises some people won't wait so allows easy access to birth control such as condoms in pretty much all the mini marts and birth control pills in the chemist shops.
Research your position before you attack people, countries or religions.
DWSA wrote:I gotta say some people who bad mouthing about asians had too many weeds and need to go out with the right crowd.
I think I mentioned earlier, people who hang around in toilets, see a lot of shit but never see the rose garden outside their tiny world.
mas fred wrote:DWSA wrote:I gotta say some people who bad mouthing about asians had too many weeds and need to go out with the right crowd.
I think I mentioned earlier, people who hang around in toilets, see a lot of shit but never see the rose garden outside their tiny world.
I know mas fred, some people here don't speak english very well, so I voluntarily said like how it is. No poem there just plain english. They forgot to bring their brains when they write in this forum.
mas fred wrote:Someone's back is wet...
Think what you want to think... I didn't have any opportunity to go to local chemist.. Just saying what friend told me - I sell what I've bought..
mas fred wrote:First off, why would a Muslim government be a problem? that statement is a result of uneducated stupidity; nothing less.
You really must dump the stupid stereotypes and learn to understand others.
Next up; this Muslim government promotes AIDS awareness and birth control, preferably within the confines of marriage but realises some people won't wait so allows easy access to birth control such as condoms in pretty much all the mini marts and birth control pills in the chemist shops.
Research your position before you attack people, countries or religions.
Dude why are you so offensive? As I've said before - it's an OT - so my note didn't have anything incommon with this topic I only mentioned it, because Ubudian was extolling indonesian goverment...nevertheless hindi or buddhist people are quite often disappointed with the goverment, because it satisfies mostly the needs of the muslims and don't care so much about other religious minorities - because in goverment are muslims only...
nevertheless hindi or buddhist people are quite often disappointed with the goverment, because it satisfies mostly the needs of the muslims and don't care so much about other religious minorities - because in goverment are muslims only...
You really should quit while youre ahead as youre only making that hole youve been digging deeper and deeper.
Since my brother in law is a long time sitting member of the DPRD Provinsi Bali I can tell you with considerable accuracy that the majority of Balinese really dont much pay too much mind to what goes on at the national level in Jakarta.
If they pass a law that we dont like, we simply ignore it
and since the vast majority of police on Bali are Balinese, just who is going to enforce it?
For example, do some research on your own about the anti-pornography law which was passed several years back, and read about how our governor, Made Mangku Pastika literally told Jakarta to go stuff it!
Its the same with other Provinces too.
Im afraid youre way too hung up on this Muslim issue. Unfortunately you sound more like one of radical right pundits one can watch on Fox News most any morning.
Ubudian wrote:You really should quit while youre ahead as youre only making that hole youve been digging deeper and deeper.
Yeah, maybe I should.. I don't have experiences of an expat who's living in Indonesia for a long time and knows these stuff.. I can only presume based on the conversations with the locals...maybe I've just people that think differently than the majority, who knows..
Ubudian wrote:Im afraid youre way too hung up on this Muslim issue. Unfortunately you sound more like one of radical right pundits one can watch on Fox News most any morning.
You don't have to be..Czech Republic is the most atheist country in the whole world and also thanks to this, we don't have problem with any religion. So my post shouldn't be aimed agains islamic religion
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