Going for Walks

Hi all,

I am curious. In europe, it is usual to go for walks, picnics etc. I heard that the pollution levels in Pune are too high to take walks and picnics.. is this true?

Also, how safe is it to walk on the streets etc?

Smiling Orchid


Depends on where you are in the city. In my colony it is gated, and we really enjoy taking walks. We are on the outskirts and surrounded by a lot of trees, so it can be quite pleasant. Pollution is getting worse by the year, but in comparisons to other cities Pune is actually not that bad for pollution.

We have a lot of hill stations and places not to far out of the city which are really great for small hikes/walks. No reason why you can't have a good walk and a picnic. Might take a tad more effort, but it's totally possible.


I'm from USA. We take walks, have picnics with no issues. When I got here my husband and I would wake to go on morning walks. I see a lot of people on morning walks. HOWEVER as the weeks went by I find it harder and harder for me to go on these morning walks. The smell of trash and leaves burning in the morning turns my stomach and the pollution just bothers me. I want to go for walks but I just can't get past the pollution and trash everywhere. I cleaned our veranda so we can sit out on it now, but by tomorrow I fear it will look as it did yesterday. As much as I love being here, I am anxious to get home where we can lay in the grass, walk and breath in clean air and be outside more.

Hi Melissa,

Mornings are actually the worst time of day for walks. The air is thick with moisture which holds all of the pollution low to the ground....also those annoying trash fires. I would totally suggest night walks, or at least give it a try before giving up completely on walks. I know I personally love taking walks after dinner. Back home we used to do that just because it felt like our food digested better that way.


thats what i thought. evening walks would be better. problem is, my husband gets home at 10 pm. we cherish our time before the office, i love after dinner walks the best!! thanks