Luthan Hotel and Spa

Hi friends, does any body knows of Luthan Hotel and Spa, I have heard its in Riyadh.Can you give me some info about the place I would be very thankful, tc

i Heard its in RIyadh :D:D:D:D

meetnauman....thats what I said that its in Riyadh I need some more info about it....please it would be very helful...does anyone know about it...

Sorry, hatsoff.  I have no info for you.

their website

And I have two friends who worked there for some time (in case u need to know something specific)

....phew, speak of pampering

Dear Zarvata, how is the place, the working enviroment, if your friends have worked there they might be of help to tell you some information about it. If one get an offer from there how is it to work there, thanks in advace...


As I know, the work environment is generally nice and friendly. But also rather busy and dynamic.

It depends on the position that you have. If its about hotel services - then no weekends, if about spa - little less busy...

and hatsof dear, what zarvata didnt tell you is that it is 'women only hotel':)

Yes, it is the HOTEL only for women (for those who stays there).
But men do work there as well, in a mixed sections.