
Survey: The next Convoy For Babies Run....

Tran Hung Dao

Someone asked me when the next Convoy For Babies (CFB) Orphanage Run will take place so I'm posting a "survey" here to see who else may be interested.  I'd like to get a handful of people interested so in case a few drop out, then we'd still have a convoy. 

I'm thinking of Christmas-time, either December 22nd or December 29th.  What do you think?

The 22nd gives you the "I'm doing this FOR Christmas" feeling while the 29th gives you the Christmas to News Years "Swing" feeling/lull where you may be in the mood to do some charity work.

So post a reply if you have an opinion on either date and if you're interested in going. 

This would be a short charity event for folks around Hồ Chí Minh City in the South as Expats in the North have the Stars of Vietnam Hải Dương Charity event organized by l3ully

I also did visit another orphanage/shelter nearby but they have fewer babies and more physically and mentally disabled people, including old/dying men.  The place is very sad as it looks like a zoo for unwanted humans.  They would definitely would need some Christmas cheer and Christmas gifts/toys to lighten up their miserable lives (the word "miserable" actually is in the shelter's "logo"/"motto").  Not sure if you guys can stomach it but it's an option if the convoy wants to go there too.

See also

Living in Vietnam: the expat guideSingle motherRaising a Vietnamese/ExPat ChildPossibly moving to Vietnam, I have a son with Autism, he is 8 yrs oldChild's Birth Certificate - Advice/Concerns
Nhat Phuong

Yes, Please let me know, I would like to join as well.
loneliness elderly or orphans I will join as well.
I think the 22 Dec would be good. As I have some teddies remain from our Teddies Wish last Nov 30. So I need the number of kids so I can prepare enough teddies to give them


:up: and sticked

For the Dec 22, 2013 run, as of Dec 14, we have:

tranhungdao, 1, motorbike
tc0088, 1, motorbike
naniwag, 1, motorbike
mikeff, 2, motorbike (friends donating 2 cans)
Nhat Phuong, 1, motorbike (bringing teddy bears)
mia2013, in spirit from Florida (donating money)

Details of the run:

Who: Anyone who wants to make a difference.

What: Charity convoy to bring food (formula) to babies at an orphanage.

Where: Starting in HCMC, meet at Sài Gòn Bridge (Cầu Sài Gòn) to convoy via motorbike.

When: 7 O'clock Sunday morning, December 22, 2013.

Why: To feed and play with abandoned babies, get in the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT of Charity (Even Scrooge got it in the end).

Here's the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for more details:

Could you please give a little more information as to the address of the orphanage?
The orphanage we will be going to is called Chùa Diệu Pháp located at Tân Cang hamlet, Phước Tân commune, Long Thành district, Đồng Nai province (ấp Tân Cang, xã Phước Tân, huyện Long Thành, tỉnh Đồng Nai). It is about 10 minutes from the Mango Garden Resort (Du Lịch Sinh Thái Vườn Xoài).

Also is the orphanage in a temple?
It's a compound with a worship area in the front and the back area is where the kids live. About 5-8 Buddhist nuns run the place with a few hired helpers.

How many hour are we expected to be on the road, to and fro?
The last convoy there took about 2-1/2 hours total, with 1.5 hours driving. From HCMC to Big C at the Hà Nội Highway and Vũng Tàu Highway crossing in Biên Hòa City, it took an hour and the driving from Big C to the orphanage was about 30 minutes. We rested, ate fresh bread, and bought formula at Big C for about an hour. Coming back is on your own so you can "pedal to the metal" if you like or mosey at a leisure pace taking in the sights.

How much time are we expected to be spending there?
You're free to leave on your own after you play with the babies. But generally on Sunday's the temple will invite any guests that come to hang around and eat their Bánh xèo (kind of like a Vietnamese Omelette made from batter instead of eggs).

Usually 1/2 a day or you can block out your calendar from 7 AM to 2 PM to include the driving to and fro.

What activities can we do or can't we do?
You can play with babies, pick em up, sniff em. You can take pictures. After you're done, you can wander around the orphanage and check out the bigger kids and adults. It can get overwhelming with all the sadness so I just focus on the babies.

That's pretty much it. The main focus is to bring formulas to feed the babies because they don't have natural milk from their mothers.

Tran Hung Dao

Thanks TC0088.  I found some more locals that might join in.


I'm in are we meeting at a specific place by the saigon bridge before the convoy?

Tran Hung Dao

jinxedta wrote:

I'm in are we meeting at a specific place by the saigon bridge before the convoy?

Ok.  I'll add you to the list for 1 person, has motorbike (so I don't need to find you a ride).  We meet at the far side of the bridge (meaning you crossed the river), east bound side (southern side)...the side Metro is on.  You should see the sun before you and not at your back at this time in the morning.

This picture was taken about 3 months ago before they opened the expanded bridge.  The road edge still has good amount of room to stage motorbikes



Tran Hung Dao

hELLnoi wrote:

Nice newbie Indian guy who has a big heart to promote your kindness to infants. He has invited others to join in. Have a good day tomorrow.
A little kindness goes a long way.
Merry Xmas all and a better 2014 hope even for the infants at the temple.
:heart::heart: spread the love

I don't know who you're talking about.  Because you're not Indian, I know you're not talking about yourself.  fastersaec said he was busy.

Tran Hung Dao

As of 12/21/2013, we have:
tranhungdao, 1, motorbike
N.T.B.Thien, 1, need a ride (will ride with THD)
mikeff, 2, motorbike
mikeff's friend Vincent, 2, motorbike
Phuong Phung, 1, motorbike (bringing teddy bears)
T.T.T. Nhung, 2, motorbike (will join up with convoy at Big C)
jinxedta,1, motorbike
Miss Kellie, 1, motorbike
mia2013, in spirit from Florida (donating money)

Total: 11 confirmed

Off we go!

Nhat Phuong

Let see how I can carry with 100 teddies on my bike :P. If not i might need you guys a hand for it. My house not far form Saigon bridge as less than 10 min :) Please it any one live close by can also help,
My place locate on Dinh Bo Linh st in an alley can access either from Dinh Bo Linh St, Xo Viet Nghe Tinh st or Bach Dang st :)
please email me your phone number if you live close by :

Tran Hung Dao

Very unfortunate I didn't read this message on time.  But you did a great job carrying all those teddy bears by yourself!  Good job.

Tran Hung Dao

Results: Congratulations and thank you to my new friends who participated. 

The babies thank you too with 10 more large formula cans (900g) and 20 small formula cans (400g) to stock the nursery, they are able to eat/drink another a few more months.  Thanks to Nhat Phuong, added over 100 teddy bears to the orphanage so the kids can hug and cuddle during those cold nights.  Feed the body + Feed the heart.

Here's a public photo of the convoy.  If you were on the convoy and want the original, you can message me and I can email it to you.

We should have another CFB after the Lunar New Years.

Merry Christmas!


You are doing great guys!!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS :)


will join this next time :) still in boring england but not for long !!!!!!!!!!!!


Whens the next one?


Congratulations guys and gals! I would love to join on the next convoy.


Good on you, THD
I'm still in Australia
Back in March for a short while


If there is a next one and if anybody lives in Phu My Hung, I have formula, (unopened) pacifiers and some diapers/wipes I could leave with you. Give this little guy a few weeks and I'll have baby clothes to give away too. :) I don't do babies on bikes or else I'd head out to one for sure. :)


Looking for next time. I will join. Pls, let me know when it will be.

Tran Hung Dao

didosports88 wrote:

Looking for next time. I will join. Pls, let me know when it will be. … 10#1718641

I'll PM you.