
Do you use bitcoins?

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That's where idealism falls flat on its face.
The scumbags will always use anything to their advantage.
You have to live in the real world.

John C.

mas fred wrote:

That's where idealism falls flat on its face.
The scumbags will always use anything to their advantage.
You have to live in the real world.

The real world now is what used to be a fantasy in the past.  :top:

John C.

Prominent Bitcoin entrepreneur charged with money laundering … nance.html

The article is a rehash of the two articles above, but what is important is the comments at the bottom of the article.
Just watch free public opinion, hopefully uncensored …  :D

John C.

Bitcoins make inroads banned in some places, accepted in many other places, ridiculed, delayed, misunderstood, misused, traded like a commodity (some win, some lose), little understood, understood but unable to convert (read: no money to begin with), copied (there are several virtual currencies already), etc., etc.  :D

Bitcoin merchants: From plastic surgery to haircuts … slideshow/


John C. wrote:
mas fred wrote:

That's where idealism falls flat on its face.
The scumbags will always use anything to their advantage.
You have to live in the real world.

The real world now is what used to be a fantasy in the past.  :top:

I do live in the real world - that's how I know you can buy drugs, the services of shady ladies, guns, dodgy documents, fake utility bills and hit men, all with bitcoins.

This is so easy.
A dodgy bugger used a false identity to produce a massive con job called bitcoins, and a load of scum latched on to the idea so sell their dodgy services.
Now, we see those scumbags making profits whilst trying to hide their disgusting trades using a shadow payment method.


For many people, the end (of making money) justifies the means.
I find this despicable.




More oops

Suspended trading because the idea has a fundamental flaw.

John C.

mas fred wrote:

... This is so easy.
A dodgy bugger used a false identity to produce a massive con job called bitcoins, and a load of scum latched on to the idea so sell their dodgy services.
Now, we see those scumbags making profits whilst trying to hide their disgusting trades using a shadow payment method.

It's so easy that it makes one wonder why the unemployeds with time on hands did not do it ...   :o

John C.

mas fred wrote:

More oops

Suspended trading because the idea has a fundamental flaw.

They stop trading on NASDAQ and NYSE for hours at a time, far less on other exchanges ...
Nothing to worry about.
By next Monday, there is nothing to talk about anymore ... business as usual.


Mas Fred: I am shocked to find you to be in the illegal Bitcoin trade as well:
"Users of online underground bazaar Sheep Marketplace are trying to figure out who got away with $5 million, $40 million, or even $100 million worth of bitcoins from the site — and whether it might be the owners themselves."
( … ers-blamed)


beppi wrote:

Mas Fred: I am shocked to find you to be in the illegal Bitcoin trade as well:
"Users of online underground bazaar Sheep Marketplace are trying to figure out who got away with $5 million, $40 million, or even $100 million worth of bitcoins from the site — and whether it might be the owners themselves."
( … ers-blamed)

I thought I'd covered my tracks.
Sadly, I'm busted.


John C. wrote:
mas fred wrote:

More oops

Suspended trading because the idea has a fundamental flaw.

They stop trading on NASDAQ and NYSE for hours at a time, far less on other exchanges ...
Nothing to worry about.
By next Monday, there is nothing to talk about anymore ... business as usual.

1 XBT    221.864    132.488    162.027    245.521    243.730    1429.66    733.573    13715.6    50018.8
Inverse:    0.00451    0.00755    0.00617    0.00407    0.00410    0.00070    0.00136    0.00007    0.00002

My red is US$ -
Yep, nothing to worry about for those who were stupid enough to buy at anything above 222.

If you did, these three little ducks spell, "I'm totally ducked".

John C.

$2.7 million in Bitcoin stolen! Will latest setback kill digital currencies? … 18745.html

(John C. to himself: if Bitcoin had no real value, there would be no thieves stealing.
All the negative news actually keep making Bitcoins increasingly popular  :cool:  ).


Bitcoins have no real value - just what value they're given by geeks, the greedy and fools.

Outside drug deals, the only people who accept them are places looking for cheap publicity.


I use a 'bit of the coins' I throw in a container in my room to buy bread milk etc.  :lol:

John C.

Yes, it's coming to a street corner near you.

Bitcoin ATMs roll out as cryptocurrency faces hackers, regulation and volatility … 02650.html

The lesson
When something new comes along, always do the opposite of what naysayers do.
Early bird gets the worm.

Some people know profits when they see one; some people look for profits after the profits are gone.

John C.

If Bitcoins are going to be banned, believers will lose nothing, but will naysayers gain anything?

If BitCoins are here to stay, believers will stand to gain (even if little), while naysayers will have lost the start.


If it sounds too good to be true - it probably is.


John C.

Bitcoin Now Has Its Own 'Cyprus' Problem … 04011.html
Aaaahh, such are the "modest" beginnings ....

When NYSE started in 1792, the players were only and only wealthy individuals with large commercial/industrial interests to protect in order to feed thousands of employees and produce goods for millions of Americans.
Up to early 1990s, financial speculation was cost prohibitive to Tom, Dick and Harry who had no clue how value is created.

The speculators of today in 2014 have nothing to protect other than their pocket and ... stomach.
People with computers think they can outsmart the smart men.
That will never happen.  :)

John C.

FINANCE PROFESSOR: Bitcoin Could Evolve Into An Existential Threat Worthy Of A Science Fiction Movie … ack-2014-2


The author of the article does not trade but, mind you, ... he has lots of opinions. :mad:

I can tell non-traders apart from traders from 10,000 miles away.  Non-traders always have something that's missing: fame, game and name ...  :cool:
Their lunch is always short of a few fries.  :blink:

There are 80 (eighty) virtual currencies now (Feb. 2014) but there are millions of misguided people who have no clue what is going on and what to believe.

We do not believe.  We trade.
We belived before anybody else did.   ;)


I think the whole concept to be dumb...

John C.

HaileyinHongKong wrote:
John C. wrote:

We are expats, this forum is for us expats and I do not think we need to be presented with “business opportunities” by anyone, far less by engineers who claim to be independent business owners but in fact they are camouflaged charlatans.

2). Keep in mind that really good moneymaking opportunities never come to you, to this forum or to any other forum on the Internet.

That pretty much sums it up.


Hailey refers to my post #14 at … 54#1743153

Thank you Hailey!  :)

John C.

Bitcoin Exchange Prices Plummet as Investors Brace for Bankruptcy … d_yfinance

Investors are worried about getting their dollars out of the once much beloved Exchange.
They forgot that the Mighty Dollar never comes easily even to great men, far less to Tom, Dick and Harry.

Investors risk losing and winning equally.
Some win, some lose.
Nothing new under the Sun, same old story with new hopeful players.

John C.

Bitcoin's got the 'Winkdex,' but needs a lot more … 0%27Winkde

With their Index, billionaires twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss bring some novelty to the table reinvigorating the topic of digital crypto currencies.
This is something everybody in the industry could, should or would have done but nobody other than the twins was fast enough to do it.
Not even me! ...

Bitcoin news began pouring in every day these days. Finance Yahoo had 3 (three) headlines this morning alone (Feb. 21, 2014). Now, isn't it funny?
Bitcoins is on everybody's lips.
The sleepwalkers are waking up to different realities than those from the time they went to bed.
Mind you, they slept, had no dreams of any kind, got up and now they have nothing to remember to start the 'day' ...

John C.

Apologies for my grammar mistake above.  :(

John C.

Mt. Gox slammed! Why Bitcoin’s troubles aren’t over … 29892.html

Comments from readers at the bottom of the article are just amazing.
Many readers may actually be unemployeds scratching their heads what to make out of all these fantastic news.
Hey, it's free enterprise. Pure capitalism in full swing and the game is only for people with money.
People without money need not worry about games they cannot play other than the fact that whatever they will earn keeps losing value by the day with no upward adjustment applied to what they affectionately call 'their salary'.

If idiocy had hurt, more people would be smart, but then, the work of smart people taking money from the idiots would be even harder.

John C.

'Pony' botnet steals bitcoins, digital currencies - Trustwave … 30503.html

The war has begun.
Thieves attack Bitcoins. This is an important milestone since Bitcoins now became valuable.
People may be late in accepting the new cyber-coins, but not thieves.  Thieves would never steal something of no value.

Every bit of news, good or bad, helps the new crypto-currency gain audience. Diversity of opinion can only work in favor of Bitcoins.

Many people know heard about Bitcoins by now.
How to call the guy who still knows nothing about crypto-currencies?  :/


Bitcoin using fools are scammed again.

One of the biggest Bitcoin Exchanges, MtGox, has gone offline...
....Meanwhile, six other major Bitcoin exchanges issued a joint statement distancing themselves from MtGox.
...The move by MtGox to halt withdrawals had resulted in a sharp decline in the value of Bitcoin.

"This tragic violation of the trust of users of MtGox was the result of one company's actions and does not reflect the resilience or value of Bitcoin and the digital currency industry," the exchanges, including Coinbase and BTC China, said in a statement.


Once again we see bitcoin scams netting in a load of fools.
I'm amazed anyone even thinks about 'investing' these daft things.

Just in case anyone was wondering if the idiots who were parted with their money will get it back, take a look at the site.

Yep, empty as the investors' wallets.
They've taken down the site and sodded of with their mugs' money.

John C.

mas fred wrote:

Bitcoin using fools are scammed again.

One of the biggest Bitcoin Exchanges, MtGox, has gone offline...
....Meanwhile, six other major Bitcoin exchanges issued a joint statement distancing themselves from MtGox.
...The move by MtGox to halt withdrawals had resulted in a sharp decline in the value of Bitcoin.

"This tragic violation of the trust of users of MtGox was the result of one company's actions and does not reflect the resilience or value of Bitcoin and the digital currency industry," the exchanges, including Coinbase and BTC China, said in a statement.


Once again we see bitcoin scams netting in a load of fools.
I'm amazed anyone even thinks about 'investing' these daft things.

Just in case anyone was wondering if the idiots who were parted with their money will get it back, take a look at the site.

Yep, empty as the investors' wallets.
They've taken down the site and sodded of with their mugs' money.

Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox disappears in blow to virtual currency … 27859.html

Gee Fred, you are fast.  :D  Is it because you’re the King of the Jungle or just because you get the news in your time zone faster than me in my time zone? :/

I was about to post the “great” news of Mt. Gox disappearance but you took the lead.

I know that you as a Tiger watch your turf very intensely so here are a few corrections:

1). People who lost money are not fools simply because people who have money are not fools. They have more money left to play with elsewhere and they are called cyber-speculators.  Do not worry about them because they did not and do not worry about you at all.

And one more thing: if you, in aggressive Tiger fashion, call rich folks fools, how do you call those who are not rich?  :unsure

2). That people lost money because of their stupidity and lack of talent or because of the greed of others is no news (to me).
It’s a jungle out there and I hurry to add, only Tigers dominate it.  :top:

3). The vanishing act of Mt. Gox means no big tragedy to any of us, and absolutely no backlash on people who cannot afford to be in the game. Small and poor-minded as they are, they must be happy now that they did not trade Bitcoins with money they don’t have. They feel great … Ohhh, how smart they were ...  :o

4). Other exchanges exist and there are 80 other crypto-currencies from where to choose, not counting the normal evolution process where we shall see more Exchanges opening and more cyber-currencies coming into the scene.

Let’s shift focus on them.  :cool:


I see it this way, money makes you neither happy nor successful but, if you toss it in the dustbin on stupid ideas such as bitcoints, you're definitely an idiot.
What is blindingly obvious here is, bitcoin mugs are ripe for the ripping off - as we've just seen.

I wonder how many of these mugs can afford to lose their investment and how many are ready for taking a long walk off a short pier upon hearing this news.

I didn't call rich people fools, only the people who lost money on this obvious scam.
I see them as no less daft than those who send bank details to Nigerian scam merchants who have just inherited a fortune from an old, newly dead corrupt government official.
Another Canadian lottery job - as these idiots have found out to their cost.
No matter how much you wrap it up with smoke and mirrors, the fact remains, a load of silly sods have been ripped off because their greed and stupidity blinded them to the ruddy obvious.
Bitcoins, invented by a man who refuses to identify himself, were a fools' investment from the start and have proven to be no better with time.
Yes, more cyber-currencies are coming along, exactly as there are more African prince's fortunes ready to collect, as long as you send your bank details and a direct debit.

One thing does amuse me rather - how do you know the contents of my bank account?
You assume I'm to be buried in a pauper's grave but, unless you're well connected at the N.S.A., it's unlikely you have any clue at all.

PS - Lions are the kings of the jungle, not tigers.
I'd get a refund on your school fees.


This link explains it rather well.
Basically, what isn't a direct scam is so easily open to scam merchants, the whole idea is daft.

The whole thing is just a ponzi job; pays off to the first lot but the rest get hammered.


If it isn't a scam, perhaps someone could post Satoshi Nakomoto's address.
You'll be lucky.

I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of, sod all.
John Kendrick would be pissing himself laughing at those who lost out on this scam.
When he signed a note, it was actually worth something.

John C.

mas fred wrote:

I see it this way, money makes you neither happy nor successful but, if you toss it in the dustbin on stupid ideas such as bitcoints, you're definitely an idiot.
What is blindingly obvious here is, bitcoin mugs are ripe for the ripping off - as we've just seen.

I wonder how many of these mugs can afford to lose their investment and how many are ready for taking a long walk off a short pier upon hearing this news.

I didn't call rich people fools, only the people who lost money on this obvious scam.
I see them as no less daft than those who send bank details to Nigerian scam merchants who have just inherited a fortune from an old, newly dead corrupt government official.
Another Canadian lottery job - as these idiots have found out to their cost.
No matter how much you wrap it up with smoke and mirrors, the fact remains, a load of silly sods have been ripped off because their greed and stupidity blinded them to the ruddy obvious.
Bitcoins, invented by a man who refuses to identify himself, were a fools' investment from the start and have proven to be no better with time.
Yes, more cyber-currencies are coming along, exactly as there are more African prince's fortunes ready to collect, as long as you send your bank details and a direct debit.

One thing does amuse me rather - how do you know the contents of my bank account?
You assume I'm to be buried in a pauper's grave but, unless you're well connected at the N.S.A., it's unlikely you have any clue at all.

PS - Lions are the kings of the jungle, not tigers.
I'd get a refund on your school fees.

Hi Fred, :)

1). Bitcoins are not done yet.  Strong opinions can and do fail to influence the future.
Time will tell.

2). When I say 'Tigers', I in fact refer to lions, jaguars, pumas, leopards, lynxes: the big cats.
The big picture.
If you are to succeed above the rest, you must generalize and be flexible.

3). I never paid a dime on 12-year school and college (from 1959 - 1975).
In communist Romania, school was free.
This makes it affordable for your holed, empty pockets to refund the 0 fees.  ;)

4). I always appreciate aggressiveness when it comes from Kings of the Jungle, and I take their insults on me as proof that I have their focused attention.  I'm on cloud nine ...  :top:

John C.

mas fred wrote:

This link explains it rather well.
Basically, what isn't a direct scam is so easily open to scam merchants, the whole idea is daft.

The whole thing is just a ponzi job; pays off to the first lot but the rest get hammered.


Time will tell, Mr. Tiger.  :cool:

John C.

mas fred wrote:

If it isn't a scam, perhaps someone could post Satoshi Nakomoto's address.
You'll be lucky.

I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of, sod all.
John Kendrick would be pissing himself laughing at those who lost out on this scam.
When he signed a note, it was actually worth something.

Thank you for all your comments Fred.  I hoped for a larger discussion here, but I only got mostly a dialogue.  :par:
That's good enough too, and better than nothing.  :)

Let's see what tomorrow brings.  :cheers:


Nakomoto's address??????????????


This thread is descending into unintelligible gibberish.
I will unsubscribe.


beppi wrote:

This thread is descending into unintelligible gibberish.
I will unsubscribe.

Sounds fair. I think I'll do the same.

John C.

beppi wrote:

This thread is descending into unintelligible gibberish.
I will unsubscribe.

Since you don't play, (or did not play) there is no need to post here.
What can you say other than repeat gibberish.
Financial markets are not for non-traders.

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