Do you use bitcoins?
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Is the Mt. Gox failure bullish for bitcoin? … 39508.html
The same day the Mt. Gox Exchange closed doors at least until things get sorted out, Bitcoin is up, strong and running.
This is what they call power, bullishness and opportunity, oh, yes, with it's ups and downs.
What other business offers this much?
This morning there were 8 headlines on Bitcoins on
The news which might help explain some issues is
Where Did the Bitcoins Go? The Mt. Gox Shutdown, Explained … gn_id=yhoo
The best news from the other Bitcoin news is
Singapore's first bitcoin ATM opens for business … %20bitcoin
HaileyinHongKong wrote:John C. wrote:Since you don't play, (or did not play) there is no need to post here.
What can you say other than repeat gibberish.
Financial markets are not for non-traders.
Then this topic should be closed. The site is for all expats, not just day traders and money whores. Any topic that doesn't welcome everyone shouldn't be here.
1). This topic welcomes everybody, young or old, expat or not, rich or poor, sexy or ugly, man or woman, tall or short individual, Christian or Shintoist ...
On the other hand, active cyber-trading welcomes only those who cared to save capital to invest and learnt to invest artfully so as to control their losses and profits equally.
2). Before advising moderators to close the topic, you could have done us a service by checking where exactly in HK the Asia's first Bitcoin ATM is and perhaps take a pic of yourself next to the ATM.
3). HK is the Far East's largest business portal for 300+ years and the Exchange in HK fulfills the most important role in the regions commerce, stability and progress.
No other institution is as vital as Exchanges, and HK is at the top of Asian Exchanges.
Those who shape the future of Far East are the investors who put their money where their mouth is, not the unemployeds, the mentally retarded, the cage-men, the temporary workers, the retirees or the tourists.
You would do yourself a favor to visit the Exchange before you leave the city, perhaps you will pick an idea or two for your next step.
I started this topic hoping to bring increased diversity of subjects to be discussed.
No expat is better served other than managing his investments by himself.
Or do expats want to give their savings to Bernard Madoff?
Sorry, not even that is now possible.
There are MANY expat private investors all over the world and some of them could be found here at
Just like me, they would not trouble anybody with job requests.
This thread followed along with news from the Bitcoin world as they came in so that everybody could judge for himself the novelty, the public reaction in the media and the many great comments over there, and for forummers here to say whatever they wish to say.
Investors (private and professional) should be paid attention to, not ignored.
Computer, Internet, opportunity, value.
Inside the Race to Build the Worlds Fastest Bitcoin Miner … ning-rigs/
Just look at the expression on the face of the guy in the picture. What do you think the message is?
In other news, the unemployeds are waiting in long lines for something only they know to happen but nobody else cares to find out ...
They got used to looking for jobs so much that they somehow forgot about actually finding one ...
Now, aren't diversity and opposites great?
Singapore experts unsubscribing from this thread (see post #81) 2 (two) days before Singapore opened its own first Bitcoin ATM (see post #85).
This reminds me of Californias gold diggers who, by a twist of bad luck, stopped digging a few meters away from where gold was.
It also reminds me of Levi Strauss who chose not to dig for gold so he could provide diggers with strong corduroy trousers instead. A brilliant Jew.
Now everybody had or has Levi's blue jeans while everybody's gold remains as elusive today as the yellow metal was during the Gold Rush ...
John C. wrote:mas fred wrote:PS - Lions are the kings of the jungle, not tigers.
I'd get a refund on your school fees.
Hi Fred,
3). I never paid a dime on 12-year school and college (from 1959 - 1975).
In communist Romania, school was free.
I see you got value for money there.
mas fred wrote:John C. wrote:mas fred wrote:PS - Lions are the kings of the jungle, not tigers.
I'd get a refund on your school fees.
Hi Fred,
3). I never paid a dime on 12-year school and college (from 1959 - 1975).
In communist Romania, school was free.
I see you got value for money there.
mas fred wrote:PS - Lions are the kings of the jungle, not tigers.
Hi Fred again,
You can be the first to introduce Bitcoin ATMs in Indonesia.
You, in true tiger fashion, will make a killing with it.
Fred, show us what Tigers can do, and in the process you provide a useful service (NOW SPREADING) to the public while you will be biting a few profits here and there so that you do not stay hungry.
I have no doubt in my mind that you will succeed. Tigers have a high success attack rate.
Bitcoin needs to grow up if it wants to survive Mt. Gox collapse … 46312.html
If Bitcoin needs to grow up if it wants to survive Mt. Gox collapse so should the baby people if they are to stop breastfeeding on employers and become stand-up men.
If growth is frowned upon, then the baby person loses the right to ask other people about jobs.
Denise in Denver wrote:Crashed and burned.. bankruptcy.
Hello Denise,
Only the Mt. Gox is in deep trouble.
Elsewhere on other Exchanges business is as usual.
Do you think Bitcoins will gain momentum more than they already did?
My worry is that speculators are falsely creating a market acceptability and a false value,, and the largest country does not permit its use(China), European Banking Authority is warning against its vulnerability, which we saw with Mt. Gox. I trade in Forex for fun and profit.. but bitcoins? I didn't see them on Forex yet don't think it will make it. I could be wrong,, but I do have my doubts.
Denise in Denver wrote:My worry is that speculators are falsely creating a market acceptability and a false value,, and the largest country does not permit its use(China), European Banking Authority is warning against its vulnerability, which we saw with Mt. Gox. I trade in Forex for fun and profit.. but bitcoins? I didn't see them on Forex yet don't think it will make it. I could be wrong,, but I do have my doubts.
Hello Denise,
The world is not ready for wide usage of Bitcoins, just like it was not ready for electricity, telephone, cars, what else?
If you trade Forex well, you should be able to trade everything else, don't you?.
Denise in Denver wrote:My worry is that speculators are falsely creating a market acceptability and a false value .....................
May I suggest something? Never worry about speculators as much as to cloud your judgment.
All you have to worry is for your losses not to be too big and often, and for your profits not to be too small and rare.
I realize that if you, just like me, have fun trading, you must be doing something good.
You don't trade for a long time, do you?
I trade every evening. I do my analysis and watch and then when the markets open,, I am working for the opening number and the return,, if you trade, you know what I am watching for. I count my pennies on the return bounce.
It was options first, but the Forex is better for my personality.
Denise in Denver wrote:My worry is that speculators are falsely creating a market acceptability and a false value,, .
Of course they are.
A currency with absolutely no actual value, that rises at such a sharp rate is being manipulated by someone.
I'll bet, if you check transactions at the time of the massive gain in apparent value, you'd find a group of con artists swapping the things between each other.
They up the price every time, hoping to drag as many suckers in as possible. When they've fleeced the idiots, they ditch.
Denise in Denver wrote:I trade every evening. I do my analysis and watch and then when the markets open,, I am working for the opening number and the return,, if you trade, you know what I am watching for. I count my pennies on the return bounce.
It was options first, but the Forex is better for my personality.
Hi Denise,
1). You seem to trade the opening range breakout. That's Toby Crabel's staple strategy.
John Clayburg too has a very nice system with his 1st trading hour breakouts (referring to stocks).
2). I am glad you left the speculation in options. Options are great for hedging, not just for chasing wild geese. Forex is great for going long and short equally, flexible leverage and several great hours a day to trade everyday ...
3). I wonder how many private traders/investors switched to (or added) Bitcoins to their portfolio.
4). Your presence here is a breeze for me.
Thank you for posting when you could have chosen not to.
There are a few news of another business shut down and more theft this morning. They do not matter since they tell nothing new that has not been said before.
Here is the news that matters:
Japan to regulate and tax Bitcoin trades: Nikkei … 35343.html
This is the first time the crypto-currency gets recognition: the Japanese government wants a slice of Bitcoin business.
If until now absolute freedom ruled the game, from now on the game becomes serious.
This is a sad day for USA: they said everything starts in the blessed land of USA and then it spreads abroad.
Not anymore.
Something changed. Oh my, what could that be?
beppi wrote:
World population +7,000,000,000
Bitcoin casualty (1)
TOTAL +6,999,999,999
beppi wrote:
One goes away, another one comes in: Bitcoin inventor search continues despite a case of mis-identity.
Car chases, bankruptcy, hackers: What's next for bitcoin? … 45980.html
The public comments at the bottom of the article are just incredible ...
Bitcoins keep making inroads in spite of all negativity associated with novelties.
Day by day businessmen work on bringing the concept to the public. Not for free though ...
Bitcoins ATMs are on the rise … rise-video
Here are the views from someone who cant trade for a living
The real reason Bitcoin is doomed … 37704.html
Here are the views from someone who actually trades for a living
Mt. Gox Issue From Exchange, Not Bitcoin: Deshpande … n-despande
The battle among regulators, investors and consumers continues and for the first time it seems to come closer to fair resolution to all concerned.
FINRA: Stay Away From Bitcoin … 58860.html
Singapore to Regulate Bitcoin Operators for Laundering Risk … 00385.html
This now leaves USA behind which is sad
Regulators dont want to regulate bitcoin, says BitPays Gallippi … 53454.html
In the end consumers and cyber-investors will decide the fate of Bitcoins (and all the other 80 crypto-currencies), not the regulators who seem unable to grasp what's going on ... Their belly is full from steady salaries and cannot think well while they are having digestion.
Good, creative thinking starts when the belly is empty aching with hunger ...
The article below explains how Bitcoin are found in cyber-space.
I wonder why it took so long for this information to be made public. The public cannot mine Bitcoins from an ordinary PC which most people have.
Interactive Demonstration: This Is How You Mine Some Bitcoin … ne-bitcoin
Now, who would have thought the world of Bitcoins could be funny?
I am very glad that humour did not disappear completely ...
Mt. Gox found 200,000 Bitcoin ($116 million) in an old wallet, should check its pockets … lp00000589
Do you respect the founder of Netscape Navigator, the once big challenger to Microsoft's Internet Explorer and who is the proven pioneer in start-ups, serious investments and wealthy individual?
Do you respect someone who invested tens of millions of dollars in crypto-currencies?
If yes, here is a brief article for you.
If not, then I am sorry, the article won't help you.
Why Marc Andreessen is betting big on bitcoin … 13056.html
Finally, the great news is here: Bitcoin is given the nod of approval.
IRS says bitcoin will be taxed like property … 15331.html
Here is a longer article with details for persons (expats or not) who follow Bitcoin news.
I.R.S. says bitcoin should be considered property, not currency … 47019.html
The comments from Tom, Dick and Henry at the bottom of the article are just great.
Let's wait and see what the public backlash to IRS's decisions will be.
John C. wrote:Let's wait and see what the public backlash to IRS's decisions will be.
None but bitcoins will be monitored and tracked by the IRS, with companies forced to declare transactions.
That'll take bitcoins out of the drugs trade and stop a lot of the dodgy dealings; most of the reasons to use this rubbish.
Rare Stradivarius Violin Purchased With Bitcoin (video clip) … 4773A8059D
Words are useless now.
This could be the end of the Bitcoin era … 46326.html
The article has just one big shortcoming: it refers to people who live in USA.
We expats know that there are 200+ other countries available
Xapo CEO: A Bitcoin Could Be Worth $1M in 10 Years … 01799.html
According to today value, $438 (as seen at must rise 22,821% / year to become $1M.
The rise, if any, will come by leaps and bounds influenced by events.
By now you realize that only the most risk-loving investors trade Bitcoins, don't you?
(Moderated: Off topic)
shazia786 wrote:(Moderated: Off topic)
Shazia posted a nice message:
shazia786 replied to the topic "Do you use bitcoins?" to which you subscribed, on the Expat Cafe - open discussions forum.
The message reads as follows:
realy i like u
She seems to be very shy and we should encourage new forummers to express their feelings, not to suppress them.
It's nice when, in the middle of hot debate, such a nice compliment comes out of the blue ...
See if you understand something about Bitcoin language.
DISCLAIMER: I receive no compensation if you click on the link, nor any other remuneration if anybody opens a trading account over there.
I do not advise anybody to get involved with speculation in the financial markets without proper education.
Talk to private traders in your town.
Sign up for news at your nearest Stock Exchange.
Search for cyber-trading tutors on the Net.
As a newbie, never play with money you cannot afford to lose.
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