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Habibi Masry - PLEASE take me off of your contact list.  I have NO idea who you are.  Participate in the forum so we get a chance to know you before you even THINK about adding anyone, especially me, to your contact list. 

Julian - Please address this issue.  This bothers the heck out of me.  :mad:

See also

Living in Riyadh: the expat guideLooking for a Compound in Riyadh for ExpatsFake hit and run caseI want to resign in my probation but I've given transfer to employer.Marathi in Riyadh , Saudi Arabia

This is getting on my nerves too -> I banned this guy

please report me any other annoying member and I'll intervene


I've also deleted all his "contacts"


CAF, I'd addressed this issue with him earlier, via private message, and trust me when I say it got ugly.

Thanks for the ban, Julien.


please report me these guys until I reprogram this feature. Thanks

(and sorry about the inconvenience)


Again, thanks Julian.  We REALLY do appreciate your effort and the time it takes to reprogram  the system. 

Alliecat - so sorry you had to endure that business with this guy.  So glad he's gone!!!


so sorry you had to endure that business with this guy

Nah, it's okay!  He didn't know he was messing with a gal from New Joisey! lol  Been a while since I traded serious insults with somebody and I've missed it :lol::lol::lol:



he he he...his interests are women! and u r his only friend!!!


and u r his only friend



Allie - :lol::lol::lol::lol:  But I'd be :mad: too!  Being his ONLY friend, I hope you have educated him a bit!:dumbom:

Shahab - Nice Pic!


Shahab - Nice Pic!

thanks CAF


Egyduck - Please take me off of your contact list!

Mondesco - I am not interested in private messages! 

However, feel free to participate in the forum, unless you are just looking for female friends (as noted in your contact list!).  If this is the case go to another forum, you are not welcome here!

Julian - please ensure I am taken off their contact list.  Thanks!


Julien is not here at present but I'll attract his attention to your requests and I'm sure he'll help you with this problem.
BTW if any others have same problem with this Mondesco guy, please PM me (I myself am in the case)


There is another new poster who has inserted his 1st post in the Girl Party thread and all it contains is his phone number.

To me that doesn't seem appropriate either.


Thanks FeeAcer!  These guys are a pain in the butt!


Alethe wrote:

There is another new poster who has inserted his 1st post in the Girl Party thread and all it contains is his phone number.

To me that doesn't seem appropriate either.

Alethe, I took care of it!


Thank you Ma'am!

Fidgety Soul

I have started ignoring them,if it makes them a "happy men"...fine go for if I really cares....adding me in their friend's contact ,don't make me their friend :lol:

Fidgety Soul

Alliecat wrote:

and u r his only friend


Hilarious :lol::lol::lol:

This is not fair,he should have added me as well :mad:

Fidgety Soul

Caf,i just noticed u mentioned

Habibi Masry

...its not fair to del your habibi from your contact list :lol::lol::lol:


Yeah... notice by his screenname he forced us to call him 'habibi'?  Verrrrry clever.


don't  you get a request like accept or reject when some tries to add you?

this is an easy solution to just reject the people you don't know or don't wanna Add.


nauman...NO MAN, u r wrong...or maybe u arent added in anyones friend list...u have 121 posts under ur belt and still u didnt explore this website?? well well, not ur mistake...maybe u r in KSA from a long time.


LoLs :D:lol::D

As you see i m just a contributor.

and i don't have this strange hobbit of just adding every one i see .

i do seldom send a ping to see response - but never tried to add any one yet

and i really am long in saudia - you are spot on this


In the "inbox", trying to delete a contact just adds them to your list.

I had to go and delete them from my contact list.

For some reason, gay Indian men seem to be fascinated with me. 

Could be they are fascinated with all the guys here, I don't know.

I do wish they would stop trying to "date" me, though.


Stretch, you should be flattered! They are obviously warming to your honesty! ;)


I dont Have any contact in my INBOX :)

so your contacts must be in some special love with you. :P

Salman Omrani

Strech, maybe its becuase of your Buttocks avatar.. :lol:

too bad us men arn't harrased by girls. girls are soo lucky... *roll on floor Laughing MAO* lol.


Fidgety Soul

yeah right


u may not add us in contact but pl dont forget about your unwanted mail plz....Still in my inbox :mad:


dont forget about your unwanted mail plz....Still in my inbox

Wow!!  BUSTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol


Holy crap (quaint American expression lol)!!!

Check out Egyduck!!  He's been very busy... now has about 100female 'contacts' !!!

I'm trying to understand the point of this (since, at least, he hasn't written to me privately).


Hi Ladies,
I understand your point! Checked his profile and saw them contacts. However I can't remove his contacts personally as Julien does. So wrote him a PM and asked him to do so!
He replied saying he will and apologizes.

Keep an eye on him and if he doesn't plse send me a PM back and I for sure will take other steps!

Have a nice day further!


Alliecat wrote:

Holy crap (quaint American expression lol)!!!

Check out Egyduck!!  He's been very busy... now has about 100female 'contacts' !!!

I'm trying to understand the point of this (since, at least, he hasn't written to me privately).

one lucky guy ;)


shahab.ali wrote:

one lucky guy

One guy that seems to be cruisin' for a bruisin', IMO. :sosad:


Oh sorry I will delet it


I allready deleted all the contact


Thats why my name is perfect, I mean who is going to harass an 'uglybetty'?!!!


Julian - Please delete me from Man_4ever's contact list.  thanks!  He would be another guy searching for (female) friends.....   :mad:



I'll see what I can do about it (send him a PM to ask him to remove).


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