
about Yogyakarta


Does anyone have information about Yogyakarta and the Indians over is life when compared to Jakarta.

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tyo indoguide

My high school in Jogja. Jogja is a kingdom which is headed by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono 10. Jogja is the Javanese culture. people are very warm-hearted, courtesy unbelievably upheld in Jogja. to live in jogja you simply meet and greet with the community and try to smile because jogja it be comfortable as her motto. the area is quite beautiful peaceful and prosperous peace. many expat Prawirotaman gathered in the area, there are many cafe bars and many other galleries. many people who worship at Hindu temple Prambanan. maybe it was that I could tell.

tyo indoguide

(Moderated: Please post in the section tourist guide job offers in Indonesia)


thank you so much tyo indoguide.. I am just worried about the volacanic eruptions and earthquake, as yogyarkarta has an active volacano and Is frequently prone to earthquake..
any views on that...


How comfortable are expat at yogyarkarta?? due to the cosmic presence there??? I am bit worried...


Thats the risk you take but I am pretty certain some idiot driving a car or bus etc will get you before a volcano will.


thank you so much lukereg for your input...
sorry to bother..I would also like to get an idea about Yogyakarta international school...your views are appreciated


how is the school standard and size..and where is it located..and would like to know about that area if possible?
Thanks in advance


I have no idea as I live in Jakarta


Ok..No problem..Thanks again.

tyo indoguide

Indonesia is often due to geological Indonesian earthquake in almost by by three major plates, namely Eurasia, the Pacific, and Australia. Just think of the quake like you're on the dance floor. volcano eruption in Jogja is dangerous but many experts are already able to handle it so do not worry too much because you will be informed and evacuated when Merapi erupted. that they are always great in Jogja different mutual cooperation with citizens in Jakarta. for primary protection is still praying to god. heheheheeee


About the Mount Merapi, we don't know when it will erupt again, but don't worry about that, as long as you live more than radius 10 km is safe. You just have to prepare mask to protect from ash.
well I don't know about JIS, cuz I've never taught there, but I think it's good International school,they use international curriculum.


varahi wrote:

how is the school standard and size..and where is it located..and would like to know about that area if possible?
Thanks in advance

Hi Varahi

There are many Indian families living in Yogyakarta. Mainly they are associated with garment manufacturing Industry.One of my friend from Yogyakarta confirmed me there is no good International school . If you want more specific details please  let me know ... I will check with friends there and share with you. Thanks.


I have a clients from Chennai-India, we do a furniture business and they always come and back again to  yogyakarta. they always miss with the "atmosfer". our hospitality etc. so don't be afraid to come to yogya..just enjoy


I have a clients from Chennai-India, we do a furniture business and they always come and back again to  yogyakarta. they always miss with the "atmosfer". our hospitality etc. so don't be afraid to come to yogya..just enjoy
for international school try this one


Sorry for late reply. Thank you so much Nagina for your help. It would be really helpful if I could get some information about Yogyakarta international school.
Thanks in advance.


thank you adji_suryanto,
Great to know that Chennai people visit Yogyakarta often. Can you give me little bit more information on lifestyle especially public transport facility over there when compared to Jakarta. Heard a lot about Jakarta but have very little information on Yogyakarta. can we mange without any own transportation??


yes i have 3 client from Chennai, if you ever heard Sparsa resort in kanyakumari, i had supply a furniture and home accessories for them. yogyakarta is an international places, you could find people from many countries..some of them doing  business especially in furniture and craft,many Indian doing textile business and others studied because we have a many college/university so young people's from all over Indonesia even other countries came to yogyakarta for study. if you interested with art and culture yogyakarta is a right place. off course like other place there is a crime but yogyakarta is  more more save than jakarta. don't to worry about...most of yogyakarta people are kind, very simple and welcome with foreigner. we have a public transport (trans jogja) but I prefer take a taxi.. and my client sad the traffic isn't crowded like in chennai. so do you plan for a long stay and what will you do in yogyakarta?


Thanks for the info adji_suryanto
i am looking for some teaching opportunity in jogja and would like to have some info on Yogyakarta international school


I don;t know about you could try contact to YIS
Website and emails


thanks for the info