New Friends

Hi I'm living in the Stuttgart area I come from Cork Ireland I would like to make some new friends. I am learning Deutsche I am a native English speaker. Anyone interested in meeting for a pint in an Irish Pub in Stuttgart give me a shout!! I look forward to hearing from you



Hi Brian,

For better visibility and interaction, your post was moved on the Stuttgart forum.

Since when are you in Stuttgart? Is life different from Cork Ireland?

Have a nice day,

Hasnaa Team


I am in Stuttgart, but not much into Irish (or any other) pubs.
I heard there's a good one in Vaihingen - might be British, though.


The pub in vaihingen is deffinately Irish. There is a lot going on there. Let me know if you want to hang out sometime.

Hello, everyone!
I moved to Germany recently, have been living in Berlin for a couple of months now. My German is a disaster  :D , so I need some English speaking friends. Married, 7 month old baby, not a lot of free time, but I still need to improve my social life here because it is currently non-existent.  :(

German = Deutsch
Disaster = Katastrophe
"Mein Deutsch ist eine Katastrophe!"

(And this is a thread about finding friends in Stuttgart.)

Thanx, thatŽs a start.  :)
Well, IŽm new here too, on Expat.  :)

Hi! where are you in Berlin? I have a 7 month old baby boy too, and dont have a lot of friends also. language problem :)
just thought it would be nice to have someone to  talk to.. with the same situation like mine..

hope to hear from you.

Ruby, IŽm so glad you wrote!
IŽm in Zehlendorf, near Grunewald.
LetŽs have coffee sometimes, if you have the time...we can take our babies for a walk too... :)

Hello Mina,That sounds very nice! we live in schöneberg, very close to Nollendorfplatz and we were taking our dog in Grünewald for a walk on weekends. Are you familiar with the places here already? If you like we can meet close to your place and walk in the wald or here in my place, there's a big nice park like a 5 minutes walk from our place, its kind of nice,full of kids and playground.. you decide when and open.  :)

Morgen Leute!!

IŽm new here (5 minutes old) and also in Stuttgart (i came 6 months ago). I am learning this difficult language which is German, but i speak a good English (i hope  :D ) and of course Italian.

It would be nice also for me to meet friends and maybe also practice some German!!


I think there is scope for an Expat-Blog meeting in Stuttgart - just no-one yet to organise it. How about you?
With the summer months coming, it could be good to have a BBQ somewhere (e.g. Schlossgarten) or similar!

BBQ sounds good.... I am new here on this blog, but I will have a deep look.... so nobody organized before a meeting like this on this website... letŽs do it :D

There were a couple of meetings in Stuttgart, about two years ago.
But the main organiser left and nobody took over.
Other places are more active and have meetings every month or so.

LetŽs try! I like to organize stuff!! I did it all the time in US and Italy  :cool:

It might still be a bit early for outdoor activities (so you may arrange an initial meeting at a pub, cafe or similar), but here is a public BBQ place at Schlossgarten (near U-Bahn Metzstr.). Somebody just need to organise everything, post it on the forum and arrange some food and drinks.

Well, last weekend was so warm!! Anyway, yeah, we can just organize to go to some pubs or café.. But i donŽt know many places here..

I remember i was in an Irish Pub close to city center.. in a "small" street.. it was downstairs. They also organize games (in eglish!) once a week (or a month?)..

I will try to remember the name

Here's a new attempt to arrange an EB meeting in Stuttgart - it's been a while since the previous ones stopped: … 62#1892590