
How many expats have had to pay bribes to police?

Last activity 01 April 2014 by Wild_1

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I do believe

I have been stopped by the police maybe 10 times over the last few years for driving in the wrong lane, driving the wrong way on a one way street and speeding. Most of the time I get stopped for not being in that narrow right hand lane for motorbikes, it doesn't matter the bulk of the street is amost empty, it doesn't matter there are no signs indicating where you should be. Each time they examine my documents and then insist they will have to confiscate my driver's licence; whereupon I ask them how much. They usually ask me for five hundred to a thousand but I bargain to two or three hundred thousand.  There is a video that shows four police taking bribes from motorists and they have all been suspended. I just laughed at that because I would guess 100% of the police are taking bribes. Their pay is extremely low, so they augment their income. The municipality was/is going to pass a law allowing police to collect traffic fines on the spot and many people were upset this would cause misuse of funds, what a joke. The system they have now works fine and tampering with it is just going to cause more misery amongst the population as most stops by the police are unwarranted anyway. There was an article in a local paper that talked about the unfairness of police not fining expats as it was too much trouble to do the paperwork. I thought - they must be talking about another country.


I was " ticketed" for sitting to closes to the street at a mom & pop seafood shop, they setup the chairs and i sat down. The Officer ased me for passport and hotel information, my friend explained to them I lived in HCM , it cost me $10usd to get my passport back.


Bribing a Vietnamese government official is a punishable offense under law.
It's an illegal act.

jimbream wrote:

Bribing a Vietnamese government official is a punishable offense under law.
It's an illegal act.

Have you alerted the media!? Seems like nobody else in this country has been made aware of this.

Delusions aside, I usually pay VND 200,000. I do know that the Vietnamese pay half of that, but there's no point in getting upset over the foreigner tax.


I've never been caught myself, but my driver has.

If he doesn't think he is in the wrong - usually its a 10 minute argument and then we go off without paying. If he is in the wrong, usually its 200 to 400k and off we go.

I guess the moral is you can argue your way out...


One time I spent half an hour sitting at the Big C parking lot watching from a hilltop down at the intersection that has a permanent traffic police post. Every locals know they are there. Just amazes me how many people run red lights considering they have a countdown on the green light. I tried to see any unjustified reason for them pulling people over but couldn't see any.

Than during Tet leaving Saigon to Can Tho every single 4 wheel vehicle was pulled over on the on ramp. My driver jumped out the vehicle bribed and was quickly off.


CSGT stopped me for wrong turn 2 times but I skipped from that with a nice talk. When they asked license I just showed my Indian Driving License  big_smile.png


"oh crap, that is too much paperwork. off you go!"


Never been stopped, never bribed. If ever some "need" would occur, I would call my wife.

Richard Loo

I  as an expat do not have a local licence. But I have been driving around town . Wonder what is the penalty if I get caught one day? I actually do not drive bike nor have a bike licence back home,  just a car licence.Anyone knows if expat can learn and get a bike licence? How much does it cost?


I'm in the Mil VND club, 1 fine, 1 bribe, the fine was for being 3 - 4 days late renewing my Visa, the other Mil was so I could stay at my then Fiancée 's house, ( 4 yrs ago ), I've been threatened with no more Visa renewals, if I kept towing my bike trailer, and made to put my dog in a cage on the back of my bike. ( They know I can't speak Viet, so they don't try to pull me up, or maybe they are just scared of my dog? ).


Just change your car Licence to a VN licence, then you only have to sit the practical bike test.
Buying one could get very expensive, as most things in VN, you can never do everything in just one office.


I don't pay bribes, however, I do pay speed up money (jump to front of the line), look the other way money etc. which is for my benefit.  Because I have given food to poor families, the police and local gov't officials like me.  If I or any member of my family has a problem, I ring a Police friend through my Wife.  I always do favours (when in HCMC) I will pick up items (food etc that they pay for) and bring back for Police friends.
I call it Networking.

Most Police will let you go with minor traffic violations (it's good for tourism), I got let off for speeding last week as I departed HCMC).  If you get pinched around Tet holiday period, it is known that Police will stop anyone who looks rich (mainly people driving cars) because their is no holiday Leave Loading or bonus pay, you will notice many shops shut during Tet.  It is common practice to give relatives small amounts of money.  And prices go up as well, approx. one month out from Tet. The money needs to come from somewhere.

I did get fined at the airport for DVDs but after a very happy Customs Officer placed the 500,000 VND I gave in his folder (he was the only one scanning checked in luggage) he allowed me to keep the DVDs.

I always carry money in two wallets, just in case of Bribe and I plan to play dumb if pulled over for traffic offensives - Police are more likely to let you go if you take too much time and or ring a friend or Wife.


Questions to all Native English Speakers?

Did you try speaking another language than English ( I assume you speak more than 1 language )

Luckily not being stopped yet I'm totally sure I get away with speaking German, Spanish and Chinese

Just wondering whether you tried to pretend not to speak Vietnamese nor English

missmae wrote:

Questions to all Native English Speakers?

Did you try speaking another language than English ( I assume you speak more than 1 language )

Luckily not being stopped yet I'm totally sure I get away with speaking German, Spanish and Chinese

Just wondering whether you tried to pretend not to speak Vietnamese nor English

Why do you ' assume ' ALL native English speakers would speak another language? ( or even need/want to ).

bluenz wrote:

Why do you ' assume ' ALL native English speakers would speak another language? ( or even need/want to ).

Ah typically attitude. We don't need another language because everybody speaks English, right dude?

Kinda sad fact that you only know ONE language when you could have learned 5 or 6 and having no problems traveling around:)


I can actually speak French, ( wasn't my choice, another useless language ), unfortunately, many of us were not born with a silver spoon, and have had to do actual physical work to meek out our existence.  Perhaps you should spend more time getting one language right, then boasting about the other languages you say you can speak,  that you must find ever so useful in VN.  ( I assume you can speak them, because you said you can ).
More assumptions, you assume everyone wants to travel around as well? ( I'm only living here because Immigration rules changed in Aus ).
   P.S , while I was busy not learning 5 -6 languages, I was getting a Degree in Engineering, as well as being able to physically fabricate practically anything from metal, ( any type ), at the time I assumed this would be much more useful for me in the future.

bluenz wrote:

I can actually speak French, ( wasn't my choice, another useless language ), unfortunately, many of us were not born with a silver spoon, and have had to do actual physical work to meek out our existence.  Perhaps you should spend more time getting one language right, then boasting about the other languages you say you can speak,  that you must find ever so useful in VN.  ( I assume you can speak them, because you said you can ).
More assumptions, you assume everyone wants to travel around as well? ( I'm only living here because Immigration rules changed in Aus ).
   P.S , while I was busy not learning 5 -6 languages, I was getting a Degree in Engineering, as well as being able to physically fabricate practically anything from metal, ( any type ), at the time I assumed this would be much more useful for me in the future.

Here Here!
Blue is spot on.
Speaking other languages is something that is an ongoing learning skill.
Speaking Italian well in Thailand won't do you much good.
Bragging about how many languages you speak on an English speaking Expatriate forum won't do you much good either.
I like the common Vietnamese' outlook on speaking different languages.
Ask them if they speak English.If they do they will mostly say quite modestly-"I speak a little but not well".
Even though you can understand and communicate with them well enough,they don't brag about their abilities.
Both my grandparents spoke at least three languages well and they put those languages to use,they didn't simply say-" Oh,I can speak three languages";



I do speak fluent Spanish. I've been married to a Latino for 27yrs, lived in California, travelled to Spanish speaking countries, and I live in Miami, Fl., so I think I have established my credentials.  lol.png  But yeah, I get it that some people speak a little but claim a lot.  Back on topic, I had to bribe the luggage guy at the airport to send my goodies on the plane. I was severely over my weight limit per suitcase.

bluenz wrote:

I can actually speak French, ( wasn't my choice, another useless language ), unfortunately, many of us were not born with a silver spoon, and have had to do actual physical work to meek out our existence.  Perhaps you should spend more time getting one language right, then boasting about the other languages you say you can speak,  that you must find ever so useful in VN.  ( I assume you can speak them, because you said you can ).
More assumptions, you assume everyone wants to travel around as well? ( I'm only living here because Immigration rules changed in Aus ).
   P.S , while I was busy not learning 5 -6 languages, I was getting a Degree in Engineering, as well as being able to physically fabricate practically anything from metal, ( any type ), at the time I assumed this would be much more useful for me in the future.


MIA2013 wrote:
bluenz wrote:

I can actually speak French, ( wasn't my choice, another useless language ), unfortunately, many of us were not born with a silver spoon, and have had to do actual physical work to meek out our existence.  Perhaps you should spend more time getting one language right, then boasting about the other languages you say you can speak,  that you must find ever so useful in VN.  ( I assume you can speak them, because you said you can ).
More assumptions, you assume everyone wants to travel around as well? ( I'm only living here because Immigration rules changed in Aus ).
   P.S , while I was busy not learning 5 -6 languages, I was getting a Degree in Engineering, as well as being able to physically fabricate practically anything from metal, ( any type ), at the time I assumed this would be much more useful for me in the future.


Hello little Lady.How's life?
What gives you such mirth? lol.png


Two cups of strong coffee usually gets me going. By the way, hot bike.....hotter guy...... lol.png


On a bike I usually pay 200,000d, don't even try to argue with them, just be nice and slip the note under my expired license and off I go! For car it's a bit more expensive because to them if you can afford a car then you can afford to pay the fine! I've paid 500,000-1mil for car offense.


Today I was transporting my dog in an animal carry cage on the back of the Honda whilst my GF drove to the University Vet. She entered the University from the wrong direction and the Police stopped us. I didn't hang around to watch the drama unfold as I was holding a 12KG caged dog which was having a panic attack. GF finally came into the Vet, I asked her what the damage was.. 2 options, 300,000 VND or a confiscated Honda and License for 1 month. Easy choice. Interestingly enough, the Vet bill to desex a female dog was only 270,000 VND. Cheaper than the Police bribe  yikes.png

bluenz wrote:

I can actually speak French, ( wasn't my choice, another useless language ), unfortunately, many of us were not born with a silver spoon, and have had to do actual physical work to meek out our existence.  Perhaps you should spend more time getting one language right, then boasting about the other languages you say you can speak,  that you must find ever so useful in VN.  ( I assume you can speak them, because you said you can ).
More assumptions, you assume everyone wants to travel around as well? ( I'm only living here because Immigration rules changed in Aus ).
   P.S , while I was busy not learning 5 -6 languages, I was getting a Degree in Engineering, as well as being able to physically fabricate practically anything from metal, ( any type ), at the time I assumed this would be much more useful for me in the future.

What has this got to do with Police bribes? MissMae asked what I thought was a good question. I've had European friends pretend they do not speak English when the Police have stopped them. The Police usually give up and tell them to move along.

I do believe

I have tried the - I can speak Vietnamese and the I can't speak Vietnamese - with no positive results. I know it's difficult but we musn't think all police are stupid and unsophisticated.

The Long Man

I've been stopped a couple of times for speeding in the car on our way up country. A few hundred thousand in the car log book usually gets you back on your way pretty quick. Personally I love an officer who can be bribed, it saves an awful lot of hassle trying to get your licence back.


Paying a bribe just to get back on the road when you have done nothing wrong, just keeps the cops wanting more. When I get pulled over for doing nothing wrong, I take out my phone and look at the guys id number and say it in Vietnamese and pretend to put it in my phone, this usally gets me on my way without paying one cent.If I break the law, I will pay without question.

The Long Man

But I was speeding be it only marginally over the limit. He was right and had video evidence so I was bang to rights. If I'd contested or not offered a bribe, my licence would have been confiscated and I would have had to retrieve it from the local police station. how much do you think that would have cost me? A lot more than the few notes I slipped into his pocket I'm sure

I do believe
The Long Man wrote:

But I was speeding be it only marginally over the limit. He was right and had video evidence so I was bang to rights. If I'd contested or not offered a bribe, my licence would have been confiscated and I would have had to retrieve it from the local police station. how much do you think that would have cost me? A lot more than the few notes I slipped into his pocket I'm sure

When in Vietnam, do as the Vietnamese do; pay.


Well if thats the case, dont ever complain about corruption.

missmae wrote:
bluenz wrote:

Why do you ' assume ' ALL native English speakers would speak another language? ( or even need/want to ).

Ah typically attitude. We don't need another language because everybody speaks English, right dude?

Kinda sad fact that you only know ONE language when you could have learned 5 or 6 and having no problems traveling around:)

In US only 2-3 years is required for foreign language and most people live nowhere near a border. So, I can't blame many for not speaking another language. "No child left behind" and all that crap doesn't have the funding to focus on foreign languages when plenty lower class people can hardly read their own language.

I do believe
colinoscapee wrote:

Well if thats the case, dont ever complain about corruption.

Complaining about corruption? In my country they set up speed traps at the bottom of hills or in places where the speed limit is ridiculously low and get their 300 bucks. I don't care about the fine but it really pisses me off that they get to be sanctimonious about it as well. At least in Vietnam, it's a cash thing and there isn't all the other rigmarole. In other words there is good corruption and bad corruption. In Canada it stinks, here we get to hold our nose.

I do believe
milkybunnyHCM wrote:
missmae wrote:
bluenz wrote:

Why do you ' assume ' ALL native English speakers would speak another language? ( or even need/want to ).

Ah typically attitude. We don't need another language because everybody speaks English, right dude?

Kinda sad fact that you only know ONE language when you could have learned 5 or 6 and having no problems traveling around:)

In US only 2-3 years is required for foreign language and most people live nowhere near a border. So, I can't blame many for not speaking another language. "No child left behind" and all that crap doesn't have the funding to focus on foreign languages when plenty lower class people can hardly read their own language.

I agree, the functional illiteracy rate in the US amongst US born citizens is truly astounding. The ignorance is simply stunning!


I get your point and agree, the problem here is that officials are taking money and a hell of a lot of it, money that should be used in infastructure. As Uncle Ho said" he wanted all the citizens to share in the growth of Viet Nam", that surely is not the case when you see police owning BMWs on a meager wage of 400 usd a month.

I do believe
colinoscapee wrote:

I get your point and agree, the problem here is that officials are taking money and a hell of a lot of it, money that should be used in infastructure. As Uncle Ho said" he wanted all the citizens to share in the growth of Viet Nam", that surely is not the case when you see police owning BMWs on a meager wage of 400 usd a month.

You should see some of their houses! Unfortunately for Vietnam the graft is well and truly entrenched right to the very top. e.g. who owns the McDonalds franchise in Vietnam? Who was a major player in the Shipyard meltdown? Talk is cheap by the highest player in the land. Until they get the payoffs to a dull roar the country will never get first world status.


Guys, isn't that turning into politics, which are quite "touchy" on a public forum ?


I break the law, I get caught, I pay a fine. I actually prefer paying the officer without the paperwork hassel. The most I have paid was 200,000.


FYI, I never carry my documents, only copies.

I do believe
Julien wrote:

Guys, isn't that turning into politics, which are quite "touchy" on a public forum ?

You are right Julien, sometimes we need to be reminded where we are. This is not Toronto with an efficient mayor.

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