
Is this MH370?

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Farhaz wrote:
MiaCulpa wrote:

According to Iranian Press TV it is in a hangar in Tel Aviv.

This news channel is one of the worst I have come across. Half-truth at best and complete lies at worst. The manner in which they covered some stories i am very closely following has made me come to this conclusion.

I believe almost all the news channel are running to make out stories where there is no story................. :D


Farhaz wrote:
MiaCulpa wrote:

According to Iranian Press TV it is in a hangar in Tel Aviv.

This news channel is one of the worst I have come across. Half-truth at best and complete lies at worst. The manner in which they covered some stories i am very closely following has made me come to this conclusion.

State media is never objective.


mas fred wrote:

I learn more about "Muslamic ray guns" every day.


MiaCulpa wrote:
mas fred wrote:

I learn more about "Muslamic ray guns" every day.

Like in this one?  :D

Muslamic ray guns


El_Jost wrote:
MiaCulpa wrote:
mas fred wrote:

I learn more about "Muslamic ray guns" every day.

Like in this one?  :D

Muslamic ray guns

The nature of the politics they think they have are unimportant; their stupidity is always good for a laugh.
However, this twit is pretty common among the EDL's stormtroopers (read - Football hooligans out for a fight).
Extremists are always fun to listen to, especially when someone asks them to rationalize their argument - they never manage.

Gordon Barlow

mas fred wrote:

Press TV is pretty much a propaganda tool, much like CNN or Fox, but they aren't even close to as good at broadcasting lies as news stories. However, my favorite clip of all time...

Nah, below is a better example of mindless reporting. I saw this live on TV. The woman would have said anything they told her to say!


Gordon Barlow wrote:

Nah, below is a better example of mindless reporting. I saw this live on TV. The woman would have said anything they told her to say!

I remember this one. :)
Apparently some intern had pulled it off.


Farhaz wrote:
Gordon Barlow wrote:

Nah, below is a better example of mindless reporting. I saw this live on TV. The woman would have said anything they told her to say!

I remember this one. :)
Apparently some intern had pulled it off.

I understand that was the case but, talk about throwing your brain out of the window before you speak.
What were the newsreaders thinking?


Hey guys i think we are going out of topic...........if we come back to the topic will be appreciated..............


Gordon Barlow

mas fred wrote:

I understand that was the case but, talk about throwing your brain out of the window before you speak. What were the newsreaders thinking?

They weren't thinking at all, Fred. They are trained not to think. Being something of a conspiracy theorist, I am always ready to find a sinister angle to reports like this, and have developed a total mistrust of the MSM. I wrote one of my 600-word blogs about this at the time. (Link below for anybody interested.) … media.html


Governments have lied so much in the past, I find it hard to take much they say at face value.
The airliner is one more example.
The total lack of tracking of a rogue aircraft is hard to believe.
At least three countries, maybe four, spotted it but no one bothered to investigate.
That's either astounding stupidity or deliberate.


mas fred wrote:

Governments have lied so much in the past, I find it hard to take much they say at face value.
The airliner is one more example.
The total lack of tracking of a rogue aircraft is hard to believe.
At least three countries, maybe four, spotted it but no one bothered to investigate.
That's either astounding stupidity or deliberate.

Regarding intercepting the plane. I think you are expecting too much from such countries.
As (an embarrassing) example only this year the Swiss were not able to scramble when a hijacked plane landed in Geneva.
It was also said (in conspiracy circles) that during 911 the US Air force did not intercept the attacking planes or they were grounded. (Correct me if that is false).


El_Jost wrote:
MiaCulpa wrote:
mas fred wrote:

I learn more about "Muslamic ray guns" every day.

Like in this one?  :D

Muslamic ray guns

Auto-tune is an abomination.  But that was brilliant.


Gordon Barlow wrote:

Nah, below is a better example of mindless reporting. I saw this live on TV. The woman would have said anything they told her to say!

When Chinese becomes the world's dominant language such a thing will no longer be possible.


MiaCulpa wrote:
Gordon Barlow wrote:

Nah, below is a better example of mindless reporting. I saw this live on TV. The woman would have said anything they told her to say!

When Chinese becomes the world's dominant language such a thing will no longer be possible.

Mandarin is an interesting language, the learning of it gained me two things I really enjoy; women in my sack and cash in my pockets.
However, normal use as a world language is unlikely in the near future as China doesn't have a colonial mentality and its trade mentality requires its people to learn English.
A nice way of gaining world influence - no one gets killed but a lot of people get rich.

Gordon Barlow

mas fred wrote:

... normal use as a world language is unlikely in the near future as China doesn't have a colonial mentality and its trade mentality requires its people to learn English.

Varieties of pidgin have always been useful in world trade. In some localised settings, they always will be. I have encountered several types of pidgin in my long life; some of them have even morphed into national languages. English (whether pure or pidgin) crops up in the most unexpected of places, throughout the world. I touched on this theme briefly in a blog-post of mine last August, in a piece called "Unexpected Places". Here's an extract, for those interested.

Trade is the most powerful of forces. The word pidgin is reckoned to be the closest the Chinese merchants of Canton could come to the English word 'business'. (Its plausible.) Pidgin is called 'creole' in most languages other than English. In Haiti everybody speaks a French-based creole except the brown-skinned social elite. In Curacao, Papiamento is Portuguese-based. The best-known Dutch-based pidgin is Afrikaans  influenced by so many other tongues as to be almost a separate language today.

[And I went on to tell what happened when a South African friend of mine spoke Afrikaans in Belgium]


mas fred wrote:

Mandarin is an interesting language, the learning of it gained me two things I really enjoy; women in my sack and cash in my pockets.
However, normal use as a world language is unlikely in the near future as China doesn't have a colonial mentality and its trade mentality requires its people to learn English.
A nice way of gaining world influence - no one gets killed but a lot of people get rich.

That always used to be true but Chinese executives are already expecting people to speak their language.  When China is the top economy they will no longer do whatever it takes to get ahead.  They will want others to adjust to them.


Gordon Barlow wrote:

The best-known Dutch-based pidgin is Afrikaans  influenced by so many other tongues as to be almost a separate language today.

Afrikaans is very much a language.


And the CIA has the plane.  Apparently. … e-minister


MiaCulpa wrote:

And the CIA has the plane.  Apparently. … e-minister

Of course the CIA have the plane who would think otherwise..... :lol:


The CIA, the Israelis, a bunch of terrorists and Elvis all have it.
You'd think they'd just buy a new one each, instead of sharing just the one.


Buying a plane does little to light the imaginations of the paranoids.


MiaCulpa wrote:

Buying a plane does little to light the imaginations of the paranoids.

It isn't paranoid when they really are all out to get you.


El_Jost wrote:

Slightly off topic but on the subject of Diego Garcia.

I found a YouTube about Diego Garcia with some background information about the island.
Diego Garcia is really one island of shame and disgrace for America and Britain.  :nothappy:
The island has the unbelievable history of having its previous population that lived there uprooted and forcefully evicted so that the US could build a top-secret military base. The UK and US have tried to keep the story secret since this evil deed.

Watch this short account of the full story in this YouTube video...
Diego Garcia
Youtube text:
"Producer Andrew Tkach and correspondent Christian Amanpour report on the hushed up eviction of the indigenous people of Diego Garcia to make way for one of America's most strategic air and navy bases. The full story aired on CBS News 60 Minutes."
Published on Oct 28, 2013

I had no idea about this island's history - thanks for the post!


wjwoodward wrote:

While I've really not been following the news reports about the Malaysia Airlines B777 that went missing, what I can't seem to understand is this:

If the aircraft was on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, how in the world did they end up searching in the Indian Ocean off of coast of Australia? This is in completely the opposite direction of the flight plan. Wouldn't it make much more sense that the aircraft went down in the South China Sea somewhere?

To me it looks like nobody know what the Hell they're doing over there. They've already wasted so much time searching for a needle in a haystack and it appears that they're not even looking in the right bleeding haystack. Obviously now even the "pingers" that are supposed to indicate the location of the CVR and FDR (black boxes) will probably no longer be functioning either.

To my way of thinking there are only two chances that this aircraft will ever be found.... 1) SLIM, and 2) NONE.

Funny how mankind has the advanced satellite technology that they could track down and even watch the movements of Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden, yet they couldn't keep better watch on the movements of this commercial airline flight and can't even find it now. A group of teenagers playing around with Flightsimulator X would look more professional than these buffoons.

William James Woodward, EB Experts Team

Your points are sad, but quite true!


HarryGatley wrote:

Well airplanes don't have license plates so how could they find it?



wjwoodward wrote:

I'm amazed that they haven't called in a MEDIUM to try and contact the lost souls on board the aircraft!!! It would probably be as effective and make about as much sense as what they're doing right now, which is wasting time and money.

I think the Malaysian gov't already tried that: … -1.1720770


mas fred wrote:
Farhaz wrote:
MiaCulpa wrote:

According to Iranian Press TV it is in a hangar in Tel Aviv.

This news channel is one of the worst I have come across. Half-truth at best and complete lies at worst. The manner in which they covered some stories i am very closely following has made me come to this conclusion.

Press TV is pretty much a propaganda tool, much like CNN or Fox, but they aren't even close to as good at broadcasting lies as news stories.
However, my favorite clip of all time is from that generally useless excuse for a news station.



El_Jost wrote:
MiaCulpa wrote:
mas fred wrote:

I learn more about "Muslamic ray guns" every day.

Like in this one?  :D

Muslamic ray guns

OMG this is hilarious!


Yesterday we got an message that the wreckage has been found near Indian ocean
Till now they are not coming up with an clear statement


mas fred wrote:
MiaCulpa wrote:

Buying a plane does little to light the imaginations of the paranoids.

It isn't paranoid when they really are all out to get you.

From a Woody Allen movie:
Dan Aykroyd: You know, theres a word for people who think everyone is conspiring against them.
Woody Allen: I know.  Perceptive.


I think this thread is about MH370..........but so many off topic postings............


aryavrat wrote:

I think this thread is about MH370..........but so many off topic postings............ … ane-16205/

And, Elvis was NOT on the aircraft.


Want some cash?

Gordon Barlow

mas fred wrote:

Want some cash?

Fred, I've seen it written somewhere, that whoever did actually blow the whistle on MH370 would be found dead of suicide long before he got to clear the cheque.


Right on Gordon!

There are some things we will never know - like exactly who was behind 911.
Most prob, MH370 is like that.
Personally, I reckon by now the fuselage has been sent through metal shredders and is ready for disposal. Will they do that at sea or send it to China like the steel frames of the NY Twin Towers? Not sure about the engines. They could be dismantled and used as spares or disposed of somehow as well?
All speculation of course !!

What I do know is that it was 35.5°C in Basel yesterday and that was an all time record.

Gordon Barlow

El_Jost wrote:

Personally, I reckon by now the fuselage has been sent through metal shredders and is ready for disposal. Will they do that at sea or send it to China like the steel frames of the NY Twin Towers?
What I do know is that it was 35.5°C in Basel yesterday and that was an all time record.

Good thinking, El, about the disposal of the Twin Towers' steel frames. If those were actually sent to China, I wonder if the Chinese might have saved some of them, just in case...

Yes, the weather's ridiculous all over. There's ice on the Great Lakes (USA) today still, and it's 28 degrees in Oslo as I write.


Unusual weather is clearly the result of Elvis taking this poor plane.  Will his fury know no end?


MiaCulpa wrote:

Unusual weather is clearly the result of Elvis taking this poor plane.  Will his fury know no end?

Perhaps it was carrying a cargo of his favorite peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and now he is a little more than upset it has gone missing  :o


Really? It's conspiracy lots

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