Is this MH370?
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Prior to the release of the report to the public, Mr Prime Minister you set a guiding principle, that the rule that as long as the release of a particular piece of information does not hamper the investigation or the search operation, in the interests of openness and transparency, the information should be made public.
Another Malaysian Airways flight has been tragically lost with all on board, this time over Ukraine, most probably shot down by a missile.
I hope this incident will be cleared up quicker than MH370.
There is a war, by anything other than name, going on in that area.
Sad, sad loss of more innocent lives!
Indeed! It seems incredibly that airlines still fly over a war zone where it is known that military airplanes have been shot down recently. Or at least up to today. Swiss announced after this incidence that in future they will fly around Ukraine.
El_Jost wrote:Another Malaysian Airways flight has been tragically lost with all on board, this time over Ukraine, most probably shot down by a missile.
I hope this incident will be cleared up quicker than MH370.
I've just read this.
Both sides are claiming a "Manuel" (I know nothing), but there's a fair chance one side or the other did it.
A couple of Ukrainian military aircraft were brought down in the region, now this MAS flight.
There are going to be two theories:
Ukrainian government forces did it in order to garner support and make the rebels look bad.
The rebels did it and are bad.
Take your pick.
beppi wrote:Third theory, which you forgot: The Russians did it to stir up further mayhem.
"Rebels" was intended to include the Russians - sorry if I was less than clear.
Dis-information is going to be the big problem here because too many people have a dog in the race; all the dogs being called, "cash".
Already, pro Ukraine sites are producing pictures of rebel SA11 systems, whilst independent news outlets are showing Ukrainian government troops with these things in the rebel areas.
The pro Ukrainian sites have published the 'evidence' after the crash reports, but the independent reports are all from a few days ago, all with clearer pictures, and all verifiable.
One has to ask, if the rebels have no aircraft, why do Ukrainian forces need a high powered SAM system?
The separatists have in the last days boasted that some crashed Ukrainian military jets were shot down by them, yet when it came to this passenger plane, they suddenly claimed they have no kit able to do that.
Nobody in this game is at all believable!
beppi wrote:The separatists have in the last days boasted that some crashed Ukrainian military jets were shot down by them, yet when it came to this passenger plane, they suddenly claimed they have no kit able to do that.
Nobody in this game is at all believable!
There is a very big difference in the equipment needed to shoot down high-flying planes (ca. 10,000 m) compared to medium to low flying planes. Low flying planes and helicopters can be taken out with shoulder held missile launchers. Planes at high altitudes require advanced systems which are not generally found in the hands of terrorists/freedom fighters. That said, the Ukrainian separatists may well have had access to such equipment.
The forth theory that is being bandied around is that this incident was an attempt to shoot down Putin's plane that was flying in at about the same time.
Do not also forget Washington's goons who may have been at the back of such a move in an attempt to stir up further mayhem. Remember it was them who incited the violence that led to the elected regime in Ukraine being overthrown shortly before the country was due to hold elections with the chance to pick a new government democratically.
My main point was not a technical argument about availability of missiles and equipment, but that in this issue no information from any involved party is credible.
Although this time the plane is found, I expect the story to remain similarly mysterious.
Poor Malaysia - they do not deserve it!
Don't know if others agree, but it's beginning to look like the Malaysian passenger jet was blown out of the sky by Ukrainian government jet fighters (of the puppet regime in Kiev). There are witness reports of that including one video report by the BBC which they took down shortly after when they realised the political implications. Luckily someone recorded it and it is now on YouTube (with subtitles in English)
The Video Report Deleted by the BBC - ENG
The evidence points to a missile strike on MH17. The question now is who fired the missile. Mr Putin is saying it was shot down by a Ukrainian jet in concert with USA. Others are alleging the rocket was fired from Russia. Another theory is the missile was fired from within rebel held territory by inept rebel operatives.
The blame game continues and the losers are those relatives whose loved one's bodies are still lying in the crash site.
Ukraine does NOT have a puppet regime, but a democratically elected government.
The rebel "republics" could be called puppets of Russia, though.
beppi wrote:Ukraine does NOT have a puppet regime, but a democratically elected government.
The rebel "republics" could be called puppets of Russia, though.
My apologies! In future I will refer to them as the 'democratically elected government in Kiev'.
El_Jost wrote:beppi wrote:Ukraine does NOT have a puppet regime, but a democratically elected government.
The rebel "republics" could be called puppets of Russia, though.
My apologies! In future I will refer to them as the 'democratically elected government in Kiev'.
Just say "government".
"Puppet" implies it is controlled by others (like the rebel "republics" presumably are by Russia).
Ukraine's current government is leaning towards, but not controlled by the EU.
Russia's is neither controlled nor democratic, but also not a puppet.
A pity, when the mods see your comment Fred they will close the thread.
Hi all,
This thread is slipping off topic, please can we get back to the initial topic. Thank you!
The fate of MH370 has definitely taken second place to MH17.
stumpy wrote:The fate of MH370 has definitely taken second place to MH17.
Is MH370 still missing? I haven't heard anything about it lately.
HaileyinHongKong wrote:stumpy wrote:The fate of MH370 has definitely taken second place to MH17.
Is MH370 still missing? I haven't heard anything about it lately.
No, it's sitting in my backyard. Streuth!
Was MH17 brought down by machine gun fire?
"A monitor for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) investigative team at the MH17 crash site observed clear signs of machine gun fire on the fuselage of MH17. He revealed this in a CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) interview on July 29" … ze9BNGDyk4
It is possible... That is the same exact location that I thought the plane would rest. Kinda shocked with the allegation saying it crashed in the Indian Ocean.
Someone or certain organizations out there know exactly where the plane is. It will remain a mystery to all for a very long time. All we need right is a closure...
Re. MH370:
Several recent sources have stated that new evidence shows cockpit systems of the plane had been tampered with.
Re. MH17:
The Ukraine government in Kiev has still not offered an explanation why the plane was diverted to the area where it was lost or released the Air Traffic Control protocols.
After weeks investigating the black boxes Britain has not been able to report anything at all??????
What a coincidence! both planes are Malaysian and it would apear accounts of both their losses are being covered up.
An investigation by Global Research.
Now a Malaysian New Straits Times article more or less directly accuses the Ukrainian Kiew government as being the responsible party for bringing down their passenger airplane MH17 and thereby murdering nearly 300 innocent people.
Nice to see one incident more or less cleared up, not that Kiev or those responsible will admit it, or that the world's media or Washington will ever apologize to the Separatists or Russia for all their unfounded accusations [polite way of saying lies].
MH17: Pockmarks look like from very, very heavy machine gun fire, says first OSCE monitor on-scene
Expect the Western media to hush this up!
El_Jost wrote:Expect the Western media to hush this up!
Well, naturally, El. The Western MSM organs are simply agents of propaganda for the war-makers. You know, I wonder if the man and woman in the street are so gullible that they believe all the hype about Russia's imminent invasion of Ukraine, and the baseless b-s about the Malaysian planes. Surely most people shrink from hysterical warnings about the West's bogey-men. God knows, the alternative media punctures every trial-balloon that's sent up. Sigh.
Never believe a politically charged (read - lots of cash involved) newspaper story without a good check into all the available facts.
There are false stories around and loads of misinformation touted as fact.
The Russians were claimed have reported Ukrainian military aircraft in the area, but these reports suggested it was a type that couldn't have touched a high flying commercial airliner, it just couldn't reach the target.
Either the Russian news agency were stupid, or the reports were faked.
As for the surface to air missiles, the Ukrainians were photographed with them in the area, but no one has managed to come up with any rebels in control of them - just long distance photos and reports from un-named witnesses.
Sanctions are in place, but with no evidence published.
That alone is enough to ring alarm bells.
Were the people still on board?
(If so that would be the first manned expedition to the moon.)
El_Jost wrote:Were the people still on board?
(If so that would be the first manned expedition to the moon.)
Other than the first six.
I really think that MH370 has landed on the airstrip of Diego Garcia- an island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. My theory is that 2 or more military stealth aircraft flew just below the airplane, thus absorbing radar signals which in turn leads to it being lost on the radar. Probably a large formation of small aircraft led it just above the sea level which the radar signal might not have been scanning, especially when no passenger airlines should reach a level that low except ditching due to critical situation or landing at an airport which is built below sea level. But it has been a long time, enough to clear any evidence if my words are true. That also gives us a hint that it might be redesigned as a bomb of conspiracy.
- It couldn't be 'blown apart' for metal debris scattered could be detected more easily.
- It is lost at an altitude not at the maximum radar detection so it doesn't seem quite sensible since not just a single radar has it detected.
I do not know much but this is how I think it happened. It might also be the current 'MH17' which was shot down by a Ukrainian SU-25 using 30mm autocannon and missile to blame Russia. It will never be sensible that a Buk shot it down because of the trail which nobody saw, and a rocket would have destroyed it mercilessly leaving nothing much evidence behind while a missile pierces and detonates in a way that the aircraft would lose control instead of exploding mid-air.
1-MH370 could be used as an excuse when someone drives it into a building once again.
2-MH370 could be the MH17 that was shot down. That way would mean the failure of the investigation on MH370 instantly.
Heard that before.
Pity the SU 25 doesn't have the ability to reach the cruising height of the 777-200, even when you consider the extra range of the canon rounds.
The chances of a shoot down by an SU25 are virtually zero.
That doesn't mean I don't exclude it being a set up; gas politics (Fat bags of cash) will easily allow someone to shoot down a civilian flight.
I'm still going with the SAM theory, but I have seen no proof the rebel forces had any, but I know the Ukraine puppet government had them.
Possibly wreckage of MH370 has been recovered on the Island of Reunion. … -live.html … ion-island
PS Two news sites availably depending on ones political orientation.
El_Jost wrote:Possibly wreckage of MH370 has been recovered on the Island of Reunion. … -live.html … ion-island
PS Two news sites availably depending on ones political orientation.
Both MSM tools, though...
Gordon Barlow wrote:El_Jost wrote:Possibly wreckage of MH370 has been recovered on the Island of Reunion. … -live.html … ion-island
PS Two news sites availably depending on ones political orientation.
Both MSM tools, though...
Yup! If I see an alternative news contribution of value on the subject I will bring it.
An old one but one which many would like to see resolved is the MH-17 case of the Malaysian jet shot down over Ukraine.
Here some recent information from an alternative media site.
More Game-Playing on MH-17?
I always wonder about politicians.
They're supposed to be there to serve the people, but they usually serve their wallets.
One question remains unanswered.
It's claimed the rebels shot down what they thought was a Ukrainian government transport aircraft, but what would such an aircraft be doing heading towards Russian airspace?
I'm not taking sides, but that question could really use answering by someone.
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