Turning Japanese, Learning Japanese!

Hello. I am very interested in learning Japanese and wonder if there is anyone living in Malta who can teach me (slowly!) I've spent some time teaching myself the kana, starting with Hiragana, but would really like to have the guidance of someone who speaks the language. I've tried online - the best I've found is Living Japanese - but of course it is best to have someone teach if possible.
Thank you,

There are around 100 Japanese living in Malta, plus Maltese is becoming a big market for Japanese learning English - maybe ask at the language schools, plus there is a Maltese Japanese friendship society

Thanks Georgeingozo. That's amazing! 100 working here? I'd no idea. I thought there were a few JPN expats but not that many. I've looked up the Maltese Japanese Friendship Society, and have a lot of clients in the language schools. Will post results here as there may be others who also wish to learn too.