Work visa/job

Hi , Are you moving on Student visa ?

Hi hiren. Not sure if I can help I'm not there in Fiji at the moment.


Wishing you a good day !

I had reviewed your comments about How to get jobs in Fiji , Can you please help me out to find out job over there.

Myself  , Indian having 5.5 yrs of experience in Logistics Export/Import Documentation majorly on European countries & US Countries and its regulations and having valid paasport too.

Thanks in advance for your reply.


Anyone seeking work in Fiji needs to go online and find relevant companies and then contact them about a job.

Hi I am planning to move to fiji on my own without troubling my parents for money. Currently working in amazon india . Can anybody tell me if there are jobs available?

lots jobs available,.fiji dont have enough jobs for their citizen,what about for overseas,job seeker,coomon,.maybe bangladesh,nepal,sri lanka,maldives,

Hi, no Amazon cloud jobs in Fiji, try for some developed countries.

I want a job in Fiji. I have 15 years of experience in various industry, currently I am in hospitality. I would fit well in any job.


I am really interested work in Fiji. I would fit myself in any kind of job

are you shure you will feet in any industry,.? what about become a soccer/fotball coach?

Hello bro shaak

I'm coming to Fiji on tourism purpose
Can I stay and do job please inform me my watsup number is ***

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As far as I know you cannot enter Fiji on a tourist visa to look for work. You need to be outside the country when your employer applies for a visa.

I am a civil engineer with 12 years experience  and got a enquiry for a job offer in Fiji. Could you let me know the average salary as per the present scenario?
Also the cost of living ? And how is it working there and expenses?

What's your current status ?? Have you moved to to Fuji? Or applied for a job?

Rosh2706 wrote:

I am a civil engineer with 12 years experience  and got a enquiry for a job offer in Fiji. Could you let me know the average salary as per the present scenario?
Also the cost of living ? And how is it working there and expenses?

All this information can be found online with a Google search.

For living costs try

can you  tell me how to get the work permit and residen?



can you  tell me how to get the work permit and residen?

You would need to find a job first by going online and searching. Your employer will organize visas, permits for you.

You will need formal qualifications and work experience that can be checked and verified.

Sir I m doing a job here in india as assistant manager in Management information system in government school haryana and I have 5 years plus experience so will I get information about these type jobs from your side ?
Sandeep kumar

somabathula wrote:

i am manoj kumar working in it industry trying to come to fiji to work there can any one suggest me how to complete the formalities how to get work permit ?
how to get a visa

Read all the posts here for information. You must find a job first, then your employer will organize permits, visas.
Go online and search for work.

can possible I am coming there to tourist visa and after cheng my stetus like a work permit/ investment visa and can possible so can you give me any contact for the good agent in fiji for doing this.

Do you have Bsc computer science jobs


can possible I am coming there to tourist visa and after cheng my stetus like a work permit/ investment visa and can possible so can you give me any contact for the good agent in fiji for doing this.

You have to be outside the country to get a work permit / visa. Cannot change forum Tourist to work visa whilst in the country.

sahara.crick wrote:

Do you have Bsc computer science jobs

Welcome to the forum.

Please read through the many posts her about work in Fiji. You will have to go online and search for work.

Please tell me how you can help me get the visa.

monga.r wrote:

Please tell me how you can help me get the visa.

Find out by reading the other posts here on this thread.

To get a visa you first have to find a job and your employer will organize the visa.

JDCNA wrote:

If you are highly educated or have relevant international experience that a Fiji-based company cannot find locally, you will find a job. Unemployment is high here, so the job market is very competitive, and salaries lower than Aus or NZ. However cost of living is lower too.

PM me your profession and I will suggest which companies you might start to search with.

If employment in the Pacific is what you are after no matter what, there is high demand, and high salaries on offer in PNG, but also a lot of violence. Fiji is a friendly and peaceful country and your wife/kids will be safe here.

can I have your email
Advance Thanks

Hello i am indian and i want to go in fiji for work and  can anyone help me

work-what you want to work in fiji,.fijian runing away from fiji,no work there,.?

Hi brother. I would like to know more.

pls drop me an email to get in touch.

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Good to hear

Dear AllEell wishets..

Plrase suggest me with the details in how to find my best employers in Fiji who can take me as a staff...

Hi , I'm in media and events kind a professional in India , want a change in Life so wanted to explore Fiji for sometime , can you please share whats are possibilities for my kind a person.

Hi bro,

I am an Indian looking for opportunities to get to Fiji.

I have total 4 years of experience into IT recruitment, Business intelligence, Human resources and a lot of things.

Being a musician, I can earn part time living too.

Is there anyway you can help or suggest me the best possible way to get in?

Please help. Will be forever indebted.

Arpan Emmanuel

How do you get job there from india, can you guide me which chennel to get job in Fiji from india

Anyone seeking work in Fiji should go online and search for jobs.

Hi , i am based in India and looking for a cook level job in Fiji. I have an expertise in indian food. Please advise. Appreciate your suggestion in advance.

Hello, I'm from India and how do I start looking for a job in Fiji, where do I apply for jobs, is there specific site or anything as such? Could you please help me in this matter ?