
What part of the human body can expand 5 times


jillndave wrote:

and on human bits -
What part of the human body can expand 5 times due to a change of environment?

Would that be the skin? Mine did when I was pregnant! :)

The pupil of the eye?

jillndave wrote:

What part of the human body can expand 5 times due to a change of environment?

i think the pupil

Close enough, it's the iris. I will take 20 - 30 mins to fully expand when going from light to complete darkness but 3 - 4 seconds to react from dark to light.
Trivia note - If the car coming the other way has it's headlights on full, close one eye so that you do not loose 'night vision' of that eye and the other will 'catch up' quicker.

The puddy tat was meowing up the wrong part of the anatomy, I guess?

Nurses not to answer this one.

What is the easiest bone in the body to break.

Only proper names please.

Sorry, I could not stop myself.

I'm out of turn arn't I.


jillndave wrote:

What is the easiest bone in the body to break.

middle finger??


I have to hand it to you it's a good effort but - Nope, even though you mean phalanges of the hand. :lol:

Automation, not the spine either.

I broke mine and it wasn't easy. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Yep, I can laugh about it now.

Funny Bone

jillndave wrote:

I have to hand it to you it's a good effort but - Nope, even though you mean phalanges of the hand. :lol:


well, as i thought fingers were easy to break and the middle finger the easiest as being the tallest, gets hurt first. and also, wen shown to others, they target it ;)

Shahab, yep, it's the clavicle (collerbone)

Your turn.

How to completely understand a women?? ;)

shahab.ali wrote:

How to completely understand a women?? ;)

Being one :P

shahab.ali wrote:

How to completely understand a women?? ;)

Very difficult question, and its very difficult to understand completely, specially "In this world"

papajerimun wrote:
shahab.ali wrote:

How to completely understand a women?? ;)

Being one :P

ya u too agree women are.....phew!
well, what is the history behind Medain Saleh? (i wanted to know thats y asked here)

shahab.ali wrote:

How to completely understand a women?? ;)

Buy yourself a good pair of earplugs

I was told 'Once you understand a woman - leave her'

That means you are stuck forever....?

Nope, I will never ever profess to be able to understand a woman. Men and women are both right - but in different ways. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

nice and some experienced answers!!

jillndave wrote:

Nope, I will never ever profess to be able to understand a woman. Men and women are both right - but in different ways. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

But some are more right than others?

Next question. What 3 little words should the woman in your life hear at least once a day?

I'll have tea....

LOL. I love how this thread turned out, hahaha!

how about, "give me more"

"Here's some money"

(Now, where is that tongue-in-cheek smilie?)

musicman wrote:

how about, "give me more"

ha ha ha....

i think "On my way"

how about, "give me more"

"Here's some money"

[i](Now, where is that tongue-in-cheek smilie?
i think "On my way"

Nope, nope and nope.

All wrong so far

Keep going

There's the door....

(Ok, it was two words and a contraction, but get the point!)

Just so everyone knows, I am kidding...don't flame me too badly...

Wtengel - then she wouldn't be the woman in your life.

so, still wrong.

I'll confess that I say it virtually every day. sometimes twice.

'I am sorry' ???

the guys always have to compromise

Yep, Shahab, I guess you would have a lot to be sorry for, but

wrong again.

I'll put you out of your misery. Apparently saying 'You're right Dear' has more effect than 'I Love you'. :D:D:D:D

jillndave wrote:

Yep, Shahab, I guess you would have a lot to be sorry for

Poor shababy!  Even Davie picking on him now! :lol:

He asked for it - yet again. :lol::lol::lol::lol:


God help us, you're starting to sound like.. ... ME!